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Duration And Toggle Abilities


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Its just me or the new change to duration affecting drain of toggle abilities is not working in a "linear" way?

I mean i feel some abilities draining much more than 25% even if i have 75% efficiency AND high duration.

And have the opposite feeling in some other abilities (like consuming less than supposed even if i dont have duration mods)

I know, until i put down numbers it is only a feeling, just want to know if im the only.

And before questions about, yes i understand how fleeting affects efficiency on drain abilities

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they basically just needed an excuse to nuke 4 to win builds that channel - namely: MESA, Nyx (kinda) Credit Chroma and the obvious exca and Valkyr, while their other abilities arguebly got some power back (if you went max negative duration) they nerfed ULT builds


(and destryoed mag along the way rip)

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+100% duration without efficiency halves the cost of channelled abilities.

+200% is 1/3 cost.

+300% is 1/4 cost, effectively hitting the cap.

While efficiency is linear, duration affects it exponentially.

Change could be also explained as

+100% duration = keeps the same draining efficiency but draining once each 2 seconds (doubling efficiency or halving energy cost)

+200% duration = keeps draining efficiency but drains once each 3 seconds (making energy drain 1/3 of normal drain)

+300% duration = keeps energy eff, but it gets drained only once each 4 seconds, what feels like your energy pool could last 4 times longer that ut would normally do with the same efficiency.

And this way it gets easier to understand how duration affects efficiency for channeling abilities (or maybe not. At least it was for me)

they basically just needed an excuse to nuke 4 to win builds that channel - namely: MESA, Nyx (kinda) Credit Chroma and the obvious exca and Valkyr, while their other abilities arguebly got some power back (if you went max negative duration) they nerfed ULT builds

(and destryoed mag along the way rip)

They needed a way to make duration skills compatible with toggled skills in the same build, what means Valkyrs not using only hysteria anymore with pity warcries lasting 4 seconds, makes nyx duration build viable (giving a use to chaos augment, and mind control). Same for radial blind, whoch nobody uses due to being the only skill needing duration, what made most of players sacrifice it in order to easily spam slash dash and radial javelin while staying on exalted blade during the whole mission.

And there may be some more skills turning "useless" and being sacrificed only for this reason

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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Change could be also explained as

+100% duration = keeps the same draining efficiency but draining once each 2 seconds (doubling efficiency or halving energy cost)

+200% duration = keeps draining efficiency but drains once each 3 seconds (making energy drain 1/3 of normal drain)

+300% duration = keeps energy eff, but it gets drained only once each 4 seconds, what feels like your energy pool could last 4 times longer that ut would normally do with the same efficiency.

And this way it gets easier to understand how duration affects efficiency for channeling abilities (or maybe not. At least it was for me)

They needed a way to make duration skills compatible with toggled skills in the same build, what means Valkyrs not using only hysteria anymore with pity warcries lasting 4 seconds, makes nyx duration build viable (giving a use to chaos augment, and mind control). Same for radial blind, whoch nobody uses due to being the only skill needing duration, what made most of players sacrifice it in order to easily spam slash dash and radial javelin while staying on exalted blade during the whole mission.

And there may be some more skills turning "useless" and being sacrificed only for this reason

it used to be a fair "drawback" to mod for 1-2 skills and not benefit from the other ones but boost your chosen ones up

"but muh build diversity111!!1!!" bullS#&$ theres still META builds, instead of straight efficiency you go duration now DAMN WHAT A GAME CHANGER GAIS - you could do that before you ult was just less powerful than before you just did not choose to cos YOU wanted to run whatever "most powerful" (not a fact an opinion) build


build diversity died when they forced you to have all abilities and now even more, you literally dont even have something like "theoretical diversity" now

Chroma, Mesa, Valkyr, Exca and Nyx run the exact same mods now


i liked the idea of choosing my skills and optimising for a playstyle but do you wanna know why everybody hates me for this opinion?


cos DE puts awfully imbalanced abilities into a frame, alot of them can be considered utter and worthless trash -  i dont want to have to wait 2 years until a newly released frame doesnt consist of worthless abilities

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+100% duration without efficiency halves the cost of channelled abilities.

+200% is 1/3 cost.

+300% is 1/4 cost, effectively hitting the cap.


While efficiency is linear, duration affects it exponentially.

Effeciency is linear in it's affect, and hits the cap faster. The problem is the duration is exponential in both ways.


Also it is physically impossible to hit the cap with only duration mods. With all duration boosters combined you can only achieve +182% duration.


That requires 2 10 rank mods, one primed the other rare, and constitution. for a 35% cost. while range is crippled to 34% due to the side effects of narrow minded.


Mixing Eff and duration mods together is FAR more effective.  It is very easy to surpass a pure duration build with a hybrid setup.


The equation is pretty simple (base)/duration *EFF

eff being what efficiency really means(175 being  .25, 45 being 1.55)

Edited by Deadoon
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