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P2W Aspects (Forma, Catalysts, Reactors)


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you oiviously dont have the slightest idea what p2w is...investigate the word then come back to whinne about it...as many have already said warframe at best its p2 get early and p2 look cool...thats all about it...warframe its one of the few games i have seen out there wich allows you to trade stuff for premium courency and use it

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Your brother should probably just learn to appreciate that a quality game like Warframe allows him to play it completely for free. All of the things you mentioned can be obtained completely for free, they just require patience and understanding (pertaining to when/where they are available). 


The only kinda underhanded mechanic that I'll admit is present in the game is the fact that you have to buy slots for weapons and frames. I suspect this was likely implemented as a cash grab in the early days of the game, but when there are SOOOOOOO many weapons and frames to obtain now it's pretty heavily disheartening to know that there is a set limit on how many you can keep without paying for more slots or earning weapons as event rewards/gifts. At the very least, slots are pretty cheap though.

Edited by (PS4)KestralSylver
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Okay mods you can go ahead and delete the thread.


I didn't know about the bi-weekly alert and I thanked those who pointed it out.  I can also see how it's not completely pay to win because there are other ways to get the items.  Thank you to the person who pointed that out as well.


For the life of me though...i don't understand why a difference of opinion has to always turn into insults on the internet.  I don't mind being corrected in a respectful way but the insults are pointless.  i started off by saying I would probably get some flack but I'm actually a little upset by the amount of people who jump to responses and insults without even reading the post.


Internet anonymity at it's best (worst).

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Okay mods you can go ahead and delete the thread.


I didn't know about the bi-weekly alert and I thanked those who pointed it out.  I can also see how it's not completely pay to win because there are other ways to get the items.  Thank you to the person who pointed that out as well.


For the life of me though...i don't understand why a difference of opinion has to always turn into insults on the internet.  I don't mind being corrected in a respectful way but the insults are pointless.  i started off by saying I would probably get some flack but I'm actually a little upset by the amount of people who jump to responses and insults without even reading the post.


Internet anonymity at it's best (worst).

Please just let it be known that Warframe never was, is, or will be p2w. Ever. I think I'm not the only one tired of seeing this topic like once a month when people just now hear about this game think this is p2w.

To be honest, I used to think it was p2w. Thank Luna that my friend slapped me in the face for saying such a bad word and disrespecting DE like that, and showed me the light c:

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For the life of me though...i don't understand why a difference of opinion has to always turn into insults on the internet.  I don't mind being corrected in a respectful way but the insults are pointless.  i started off by saying I would probably get some flack but I'm actually a little upset by the amount of people who jump to responses and insults without even reading the post.


Internet anonymity at it's best (worst).

Well, it's pretty clear you started out with good intentions. 


Just ignore the people who can't refrain from resorting to insults due to a difference in opinion. Around here, we tend to react very poorly to any accusations that the game is even remotely pay-to-win since the word is thrown around a lot and it never really has any validity.


I think we've also become a bit defensive of Warframe to the point that any even minor naysayers receive flames instead of flack, some of us anyway.

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I slightly feel that seeing how forma is available as a loot reward, as well as being in the market, why are the catalyst & reactors not available as a loot reward, aside from alerts & invasions? I'm more shocked that forma isn't just a market item and not a loot reward as you can use multiples on any frame/weapon. Yet once you catalyst or reactor your weapon/frame/sentinel you're done.Its like you need only 1 reactor/catalyst for double points on your weapon/frame/sentinel, but multiple forma to make anything decent-good. Makes no sense to me but hey @ 20p for forma or if you have the bp you can rush 2 of them for the cost of 1. 


The fact that you need forma for weapons, warframes AND resetting any gear to add a polarity slot is why they drop so frequently from the void. You only need potatoes once and only if you like the gear so they are rarer to find.


New players won't need either since their mods are going to be unranked and won't take up much space.

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