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If We Remove The Warframes What Will We Find Inside?


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Why would they be unlikely? These pictures certainly aren't canon, they are fan art. These are one of my lease favorite of all the Tenno depictions. These don't have much originality when compared to the suits + they favor the Tenno per Warframe angle, which is not canon based on what we know.


To be clear, I don't think those images are canon. But they do illustrate the idea that the Tenno are less human and more humanoid.


These are beings that were "twisted by the void" as children. Spent their lives training for combat and honing incredibly lethal powers. Were subjected to genetic (and likely cybernetic) modifications. Then infected with Technocyte so that they can "bond" with suits of techno-organic armor. Does any of that sound like it involves lipstick and a manicure? Tenno were created by a military that was desperate to turn the tide of a war. That kind of situation doesn't usually involve making people look like supermodels.

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To be clear, I don't think those images are canon. But they do illustrate the idea that the Tenno are less human and more humanoid.


These are beings that were "twisted by the void" as children. Spent their lives training for combat and honing incredibly lethal powers. Were subjected to genetic (and likely cybernetic) modifications. Then infected with Technocyte so that they can "bond" with suits of techno-organic armor. Does any of that sound like it involves lipstick and a manicure? Tenno were created by a military that was desperate to turn the tide of a war. That kind of situation doesn't usually involve making people look like supermodels.


The Tenno can be "twisted" without looking like Infested creatures. There is nothing that states they were subjected to genetic modifications, cybernetic modifications, and infected with Technocyte. It sounds like someone trying too hard to make something sound as unique as possible by adding a bunch of superfluous nonsense to the character. Your speculation is not fact. We know 2 things that are fact:


1. They have the Void's energy within them.

2. Their Warframes use that energy to do incredible feats.


Save your childish "lipstick manicure" and "supermodel" BS, no need to be triggered because the idea of looking human upsets you that much. You know full and well that they can look like normal people after augmentation. 

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My head canon is children

The Tenno can be "twisted" without looking like Infested creatures. There is nothing that states they were subjected to genetic modifications, cybernetic modifications, and infected with Technocyte. It sounds like someone trying too hard to make something sound as unique as possible by adding a bunch of superfluous nonsense to the character. Your speculation is not fact. We know 2 things that are fact:

1. They have the Void's energy within them.

2. Their Warframes use that energy to do incredible feats.

Save your childish "lipstick manicure" and "supermodel" BS, no need to be triggered because the idea of looking human upsets you that much. You know full and well that they can look like normal people after augmentation.

Preach it


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The Tenno can be "twisted" without looking like Infested creatures. There is nothing that states they were subjected to genetic modifications, cybernetic modifications, and infected with Technocyte. It sounds like someone trying too hard to make something sound as unique as possible by adding a bunch of superfluous nonsense to the character. Your speculation is not fact. We know 2 things that are fact:


1. They have the Void's energy within them.

2. Their Warframes use that energy to do incredible feats.


Save your childish "lipstick manicure" and "supermodel" BS, no need to be triggered because the idea of looking human upsets you that much. You know full and well that they can look like normal people after augmentation. 


Triggered? Really? Ugh.


Look, I'm not trying to be some angsty egdelord here. I just think it would be a massive waste of potential to go the flawless beauty route. DE can do something really unique with the Tenno, and making them plain and pretty is just so... boring. There are plenty of animes and the like that do that already. I'd much rather they go with something more brutal and more realistic. Not only would it keep with the way things currently are in the Origin system, but it has way better storyline potential.


That said, I think you and I should just agree to disagree. You want normal humans, I don't. No need to get all fiesty and flamey.

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Uh no, Excal codex said that they built the Warframes around those twisted by the void, to be a conduit of their affliction, gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became their saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking their enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Remember?


And warframes being ground up children is pretty unlikely considering that we still create warframes and the primes don't use many materials different than the ones we currently use to build regular warframes, among other things. It would be presentation suicide to turn us into accomplises of consistent child killing, and utterly macabre to imply that we wear baby flesh. Its just not happening.

I'll play devil's advocate and say "Twisted" could be in a more philosophical way rather than literal.

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Triggered? Really? Ugh.


Look, I'm not trying to be some angsty egdelord here. I just think it would be a massive waste of potential to go the flawless beauty route. DE can do something really unique with the Tenno, and making them plain and pretty is just so... boring. There are plenty of animes and the like that do that already. I'd much rather they go with something more brutal and more realistic. Not only would it keep with the way things currently are in the Origin system, but it has way better storyline potential.


That said, I think you and I should just agree to disagree. You want normal humans, I don't. No need to get all fiesty and flamey.


Monster Tenno would be far from what is in the Origin system, outside of the Infested of course. Human with very slight alterations because of the Void is more fitting. Ideally, it would be much better to have a human-enough player because we, as humans, can relate to humans more easily.


You keep saying things like "pretty" or "anime" which happens to be the things that triggered anti-human-tenno people love to say. In what way, does existing as a human make you "pretty" or "anime" by default?


I want them to look like everyday humans with markings and effects like these:




Anyway, we can agree to disagree.

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I prefer the monstrous Tenno/energy being theory because it adds a beautiful theme of dehumanization to the Tenno. It takes these power warrior-gods that we are, something that could very well be disconnected and separate from us in every way, and makes them vulnerable in a very specific and horrendous way - human minds that may no longer be fully attached to "human" bodies. It creates a creatures that is both awe-inspiring and pitiable at the same time, and that fascinates me.


The idea of power coming at a psychical cost is one I really like; that specialness often means you lose other parts of yourself.


To me, THAT makes the Tenno more human. It makes them vulnerable, open, you can see their strength but you also know that there are points of them that are weak. And I'll admit I might have a bit of bias, I've never had any problem with playing as characters of different races or genders in video games, but I know that for a lot of people here that seems to strike a cord. It's understandable, if to me a touch ridiculous, and I can see why; it's honestly a sort of uncomfortable thought for some to try to put themselves in the shoes of another, especially when that other isn't human.


Twisted could indeed have nothing to do with the physical nature, but the way the Orokin looked at the monstrous things (they themselves had made) of the Lorists I'm kinda pushed back towards it did indeed have some sort of phsyical malady. It could be a number of things, though, from slight energy cracks, to full-on shattered bodies.


And as I've said before I think Vor is a representation of what the Tenno themselves are ; altered by the Void (in Vor's case: the Void energy from the Janus Key), in some ways the same, in many other ways different. But the exact nature of his current condition - the energy orb but his old body... that can dissipate into energy? - are still something of a mystery that will take time to solve.

Edited by Morec0
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Ooooooooh, opinions. Can I share mine?


Perfect. I think I had pretty good post stuffed somewhere so I'll let it speak for myself:


I would actually prefer doods in suits over anything crippled beyond repair and alien. If we really are something not human anymore, it resolves all mystery about us. Why we follow Lotus? Why are we so devoted to this barely tangible concept of balance? Why we war over dark sectors when we are supposedly united? Why we accept Teshin's bizarre philosophy of self confrontation? Why there is no indulging or even hint of desiring simple civilian life with love, family and friends? All of it can be explained with our inhuman physique and/or psychology preventing us. We are mangled mutants or volatile nuclear reactors or something of the sort - we clearly are not humans and thus no one expects us to act human.


On the other hand, if Tenno are still reasonably human, none of those questions has satisfying answer. They can defy Lotus at moments notice, but keep following her. No one in player base has figured out what exactly this Tenno balance entails, but Tenno themselves know and they uphold it. Dark sector wars make us scratch our heads, but Tenno understand and proceed. They don't have to do any if it, but they do. This is what I like: when Tenno are alien to us not in form, but in mind. They may be human in their biology, but they could be bizarre, unrelatable or outright eldritch abomination in what actually matters: their thoughts, actions and culture. Perfect uncanny valley.


Of course I enjoy this trope, so only fair to say I'm biased.


As you may guess, I don't want to Tenno to be relatable. Relatable is boring. Making all characters relatable often misses opportunities for truly complex, thought provoking and sometimes even awe inspiring characterizations and settings they are enclosed in.

Edited by Prany
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My theory is that we are void beings but we may be also partially technocyte. After we were thrown into the void we were twisted but powerful. Being twisted kinda hurts from what I've experienced, maybe the void gave us powers but a couple ya know.... life threatening side affects. This is were the Margulis implantation comes in. What if the Orokin surgically implanted the Margulis implantation into Tenno then exposed them to the infested/technocyte. Margulis had something to do with evolution through symbioses. I think the Margulis implantation let the Tenno and the infestation in their body feed off of each other, keeping them both live. This would not only get rid of their side effects from the void but give them the strength and durability to operate warframes.

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If you open Stalker's head, You'll find a Scrublord/Edgelord Excalibur, and if you open it again, You'll find Stalker.

Stalker surely have infinite amount of helmets.


Mind blown.

Edited by (XB1)MK Ultra K11
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Well we know Tenno bleed, and need air so it's a physical body inside the suit, and probably basicly.humanoid in shape. Beyond that it's hard to tell. I'd personally prefer it if each tenno was an individual and I had a team of tenno I assign to different missions. Gifted but mutated individuals who like the original Haden Tenno were exposed to the virus recieved their powers, and had a suit built to enhance them.To me each has it's own personality given by it's abilities, strengths, and weakness'.


However to me it's evident we jump into the tenno like suits... "that warframe suites you". Whether the tenno in the suit is a mindless clone we jump into like in 'Avatar" or we are some form of energy or spirit that possess them I don't know but I'm fairly sure I won't like the official explanation. To me possessing a body and keeping a bunch in the freezer to jump into and ride as I need them is kinda gross.

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That is an interesting analogy between Tenno and Samurai cultures.

The first Rhino is described in the Rhino Prime codex entry. When they were testing him in a laboratory (possibly Corpus) he used his powers to release himself and then killed most of the personel, he even ate the remains of some of them. That was when the survivors realized they could turn them into war machines if they prevented thme from going insane.

Well when I first saw the game I was like "Ooo nice space samurai." 


Warframes has a mouth? Well if he didnt have the armored head that would explain that like the corpus found an unarmored tenno.

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You keep saying things like "pretty" or "anime" which happens to be the things that triggered anti-human-tenno people love to say. In what way, does existing as a human make you "pretty" or "anime" by default?



That's because I was still using the OPs picture as a frame of reference. Now that I've seen what you're actually talking about I'll stop mentioning "pretty".

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Lots and lots of sexy butts?


DE did an event when they introduced Alad V. It came complete with a trailer showing the dissection of a warframe... Spoiler: We're all flesh inside, but I wouldn't call it human flesh.

Well, there's definately flesh in there, hard to say what it is though, could be humanish, but with how much searing there was from the lasers I can't be sure to what degree.

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Well we know Tenno bleed, and need air so it's a physical body inside the suit, and probably basicly.humanoid in shape. Beyond that it's hard to tell. I'd personally prefer it if each tenno was an individual and I had a team of tenno I assign to different missions. Gifted but mutated individuals who like the original Haden Tenno were exposed to the virus recieved their powers, and had a suit built to enhance them.To me each has it's own personality given by it's abilities, strengths, and weakness'.


However to me it's evident we jump into the tenno like suits... "that warframe suites you". Whether the tenno in the suit is a mindless clone we jump into like in 'Avatar" or we are some form of energy or spirit that possess them I don't know but I'm fairly sure I won't like the official explanation. To me possessing a body and keeping a bunch in the freezer to jump into and ride as I need them is kinda gross.

Yeah its just nasty.... eewwww.....
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Well we know Tenno bleed, and need air so it's a physical body inside the suit, and probably basicly.humanoid in shape. Beyond that it's hard to tell. I'd personally prefer it if each tenno was an individual and I had a team of tenno I assign to different missions. Gifted but mutated individuals who like the original Haden Tenno were exposed to the virus recieved their powers, and had a suit built to enhance them.To me each has it's own personality given by it's abilities, strengths, and weakness'.


However to me it's evident we jump into the tenno like suits... "that warframe suites you". Whether the tenno in the suit is a mindless clone we jump into like in 'Avatar" or we are some form of energy or spirit that possess them I don't know but I'm fairly sure I won't like the official explanation. To me possessing a body and keeping a bunch in the freezer to jump into and ride as I need them is kinda gross.


Why so resistant to a single physical Tenno that is adjusted to fit each different techno-organic-living Warframe? Machines with a tangible link to the Void-tainted Tenno that carry with them a shape and fragments of a personality.


Fits everything we know:

Flesh and blood Tenno: check

Single Tenno per player-account with many Warframes: Check

Warframes have a distinct personality: Check

Tenno are Void-tainted and nothing more: Check

Warframes are made from Techno-organic material: Check.

Players get to define the look and persona of their single Tenno while varying their behaviour Warframe if they want to: Check

Single Story progression track per player: Check

Intro requires in-situ Tenno in a Warframe in Cryo for the dramatic tension to work: Check

No never-mentioned-in-any-lore-ever extra clones per Warframe needed: Check

Warframes are still "Exo Armour" and "Hollow" without a Tenno: Check

Edited by SilentMobius
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