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Boar Prime


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And I am saying so what if Impact is the questionably the worst of the three damage types. You get more damage from elements. Every other shot gun focuses in Slash and Punture so what I am asking is WHY do you want the Boar Prime's few remaining unique feature changed? Khohm does slash and Drakoon does Slash. So why get rid of one of TWO impact shotguns? Because it's -25% to cloned flesh? Add fire! Add viral!


And man, the other guy wants 100 per shot on a weapon that has a fire rate of 4.6 rounds a second with a 30% status chance and he'd add 40% crit with a 3.0 multiplier. Like, wow.


EDIT: And apparently you want the Soma Prime of shot guns... Can't you just suggest a whole new weapon and let us who loved the Old Boar Prime have our rapid fire status shot gun?




Can't you just appriciate im taking time to actually do this? 


That I actually pasted that whole thing with my idea in this forrum?



btw soma prime has a 3 x multiplier this one has only 1.5 with my idea

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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Appreciate you taking time to suggest completely changing one of my favorite shotguns from a high ROF Impact based status beast it was BEFORE the nerf to a high ROF Slash based crit shot gun? No. Especially since you have yet to justify why you want it to be a high ROF slash based crit shot gun. Like many who used Boar Prime before the nerf, I was highly irritated when they took one of the top shotguns in the game and nerfed it's fire rate, reload speed, and status chance in exchange for slightly more damage.


So it boggles my mind why you are so adamantly advocating the drastic changes you are to a shotgun you didn't use until AFTER the nerf because no one would buy it.


So why not just suggest a new rapid fire crit based shot gun that is majority slash? Why change Boar Prime into a near completely different shotgun? Because right now you're trying to change the identity of one of my favorite guns.




I'm really am trying to be cool about this and I apologize if I am coming off very offensively. Just try to understand: before the update I only used two shot guns in T4 survival/Defense and Trails. Those shot guns where Boar Prime and Tigris. So what I am trying to figure out why you want to further nerf it's status chance. Why not just suggest a whole new gun?

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Appreciate you taking time to suggest completely changing one of my favorite shotguns from a high ROF Impact based status beast it was BEFORE the nerf to a high ROF Slash based crit shot gun? No. Especially since you have yet to justify why you want it to be a high ROF slash based crit shot gun. Like many who used Boar Prime before the nerf, I was highly irritated when they took one of the top shotguns in the game and nerfed it's fire rate, reload speed, and status chance in exchange for slightly more damage.

So it boggles my mind why you are so adamantly advocating the drastic changes you are to a shotgun you didn't use until AFTER the nerf because no one would buy it.

So why not just suggest a new rapid fire crit based shot gun that is majority slash? Why change Boar Prime into a near completely different shotgun? Because right now you're trying to change the identity of one of my favorite guns.


I'm really am trying to be cool about this and I apologize if I am coming off very offensively. Just try to understand: before the update I only used two shot guns in T4 survival/Defense and Trails. Those shot guns where Boar Prime and Tigris. So what I am trying to figure out why you want to further nerf it's status chance. Why not just suggest a whole new gun?

well for starters ty for trying to keep cool,



now to the boring part

1. you agreed it had a nerf rignt? So my plan was (like what they are going to do with the orgis) let's start from scratch and make it to something else.

and i saw the oppurtunity to make it in something it deserved to be , a most in slash dmg crit shotgun. and a majority of the people like crit based weapons

and i really think making this weapon a status weapon where in game the original boar and boar prime are almost the same?

is not worth it , and I really think you'll change your mind if this actually happens. It will still feel the same but you'll se a noticeble difference in dmg and everyone will see hey this is actually a fun weapon just as competetor against shotguns like the tigris and hek

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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Well, if that's the case I can now understand your reasoning. I don't agree with it, just because of the fondness I had for the gun, but I'm not going to go back and forth with you in this thread anymore.


At the very least I can respect wanting to buff Boar Prime after it's nerf. It's just on a personal level I rather it revert back to one of the top tier shot guns it used to be in it's original fashion.


With Soma, Soma P, Tonkor, Sybaris, Dual Ichor, Scindo, Dual Zoren, Skana Prime, AkSomati, Dual Raza, Atterax, Dread, Paris Prime, Latron Prime, Prisma Grakata, Vaykor Hek, AkMagnus, Marelok, Vaykor Marelok, Scindo Prime, Obex, Kogake, Lex Prime, AkLex, and many others...I think there is more than enough critical based weapons, too. We are definetly not hurting for Status guns any more than crit guns. If anything, we need more high base damage guns. Only ones I can immediately think of is Opticor and Boltor Prime.


But yeah, I'd wish you good luck...but....yeah....

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The spread is insane... are you crazy? equip vicious spread and the bullets can miss a target directly in front of you where your reticule is

I treat it like an AA-12 for all intents and purposes. The spread pairs well with punch through up close. At range, yes, it sucks, but I don't think every shotgun should be a sniper rifle with 10+ projectiles. It needs its keystone stats back to do what it was made to do. Vomit out procs, and dump magazines into crowds.

Also, it doesn't have room for vicious spread anyway. Staple damage mods, seeking fury, and ammo mutation leave you with 3 slots open to interpretation as is. I'd rather have a 90% or a dual stat.

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Well, if that's the case I can now understand your reasoning. I don't agree with it, just because of the fondness I had for the gun, but I'm not going to go back and forth with you in this thread anymore.


At the very least I can respect wanting to buff Boar Prime after it's nerf. It's just on a personal level I rather it revert back to one of the top tier shot guns it used to be in it's original fashion.


With Soma, Soma P, Tonkor, Sybaris, Dual Ichor, Scindo, Dual Zoren, Skana Prime, AkSomati, Dual Raza, Atterax, Dread, Paris Prime, Latron Prime, Prisma Grakata, Vaykor Hek, AkMagnus, Marelok, Vaykor Marelok, Scindo Prime, Obex, Kogake, Lex Prime, AkLex, and many others...I think there is more than enough critical based weapons, too. We are definetly not hurting for Status guns any more than crit guns. If anything, we need more high base damage guns. Only ones I can immediately think of is Opticor and Boltor Prime.


But yeah, I'd wish you good luck...but....yeah....

ty and im giving my idea and vission on this weapon , its just how I feel and think this weapon should be, im taking everything in consideration but im sticking with this idea

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MR19 herem=, Boar Prime is my most used primary at 21% used. I have used at least 1% of almost every other primary in the game. Before the buff* (nerf) Boar Prime was a HRoF status monster. To the people who cry "we have enough status weapons", we don't have a dedicated status shotgun (not anymore) Status shotguns have a wonky work effect. Status % is based on % chance of the **shot** itself applying status over all pellets, while critical chance is a % chance of the **bullet** to crit. So in reality 40% status devided by 8 was the bullets actual status chance. So in relaity Boar Prime had 5% status chance per pellet at base stats.

At 3 status mods with multshot, with 40% status was enough to reach 100%. But in reality it was 108%, however the UI doesn't show past 100% status. With the nerf to 30% status, now we need all 4 dual mods for 100% status, this limits build diversity in terms of what possible elements you can run. This also needs an extra mod slot, then if you also want to return BP's fire rate back to what it used to be you need another mod for fire rate. The gun doesn't fire as it used too, it doesn't perform the same function as it used too, it doesn't feel like the same gun now. The old boar prime is dead, DE killed it.

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The old boar prime was a lot better balanced vs other weapons not only in it's own class but also compared to other weapon classes. Weapons like soma\boltor prime or stuff like the Tonkor see so much use because they are the highest damage weapons in her class and make many older weapons obsoleet. The old boar prime, quite similar to the braton prime, did avoid this while both are incredible strong weapons under the right conditions.


People would only use a crit boar prime if it outdoes the other top tier shotguns by a sizeable margine, because of the bad ammo economy and the spread, while the top tier shotguns allready do far to much damage then they should at range and agruable even at close range. It would just be one more overpowered thing in the game, while adding nothing, since we allready have a fairly sizeable amount of OP weapons in this class already.


It is also not true that we have to much status weapons that are good vs armor by corrosive proc stacking. The number is actually very low if you look at ones that do reasonable well at L100+ for solo with braton prime and prisma grakata. While we have 1 event shotgun, one prime that can only be optained from trade chat and one prime hand cannon that makes you want to kill yourself after useing them 10 minutes non stop with the 0.5s fire and 2.3s reload at high levels(what also includes blast, just to make it even more painful for the user).

Edited by Djego27
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By making there be no status shotguns that aren't event weapons?

I will call the Strun Wraith a weapon again when it has a tolerable reload time.

The Boar Prime really does need its status and RoF to retain its identity though. We already have one shot cannons all over the place. I want my status AA-12 back.

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By making there be no status shotguns that aren't event weapons?




who doesnt like to see yellow numbers?


and I'm giving ideas and I personally think its a great idea...



(i wont be responding for the wekend so please keep the conversation going and this on the top of the weapons page)

I will call the Strun Wraith a weapon again when it has a tolerable reload time.

The Boar Prime really does need its status and RoF to retain its identity though. We already have one shot cannons all over the place. I want my status AA-12 back.



I rather have the devs and some people running test runs with my idea about crit based  and the ideas of you guys about status.



This is a way to find what the people like and what the devs preffer to do with the weapon...

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well last respond till im going for the weekend

I need the devs to reply and confirm if they are going to do anything with this forrum post

it would be great if they were to test my idea and post what they think it should be or anything like that.

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So I worked it out and here it is


Total dmg : 75 per shot

11 pellets

1 pellet ~ 6.8 dmg per pellet


Slash 50

Impact 10

Puncture 10


Crit chance 40 %

Crit multiplier 1.5 or 2 (depends on the devs )


Status : 15%


Max ammo :500

Mag size : 20


Reload : 2.8 sec









This is how it will look like

Mastery Level


Weapon Slot



Weapon Type


Trigger Type



Flight Speed


Noise Level



Fire Rate

4.67 rounds/sec

Pellet Count

11 pellets/round




Magazine Size

20.0 rounds/mag


Max Ammo

500.0 rounds

Reload Time


Normal Attacks

Physical Damage










Crit Chance


Crit Multiplier

2.0x (or 1.5)


Status Chance






1x V


I Didnt even take the spread and the dmg fall off on range in account

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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since U17 i didn't take my BoarP for a ride.

it felt different and weaker.

it didnt have as much status procs, lower firerate, but it's damage was a little higher.

i don't think its the same gun. it's like playing with the non prime version of it.


to me, there are two choices:

1º - Buff status to 45% and base damage by 20%

2º - Buff status back to 40%, fire rate to 6.0/6.5 and ammo to 240.


The first would have a higher status chance and a damage boost to made up for the fire rate nerf.

The second, would have the old status chance with a little buff in fire rate and ammo.


I like the second option the most, but it's just my opinion.

thing is, it must have a high status chance. that was its biggest characteristic and it must come back.

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since U17 i didn't take my BoarP for a ride.

it felt different and weaker.

it didnt have as much status procs, lower firerate, but it's damage was a little higher.

i don't think its the same gun. it's like playing with the non prime version of it.


to me, there are two choices:

1º - Buff status to 45% and base damage by 20%

2º - Buff status back to 40%, fire rate to 6.0/6.5 and ammo to 240.


The first would have a higher status chance and a damage boost to made up for the fire rate nerf.

The second, would have the old status chance with a little buff in fire rate and ammo.


I like the second option the most, but it's just my opinion.

thing is, it must have a high status chance. that was its biggest characteristic and it must come back.


the fire rate is fine imo the thing is its dmg fall off is huge the status is (kinda) crap , its spread is out of the world ( really ) and most dmg is in impact making the boar prime not a direct upgrade from the original boar. So i thought you know what they recently changed the ignis.. so why not change this weapon?

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since U17 i didn't take my BoarP for a ride.

it felt different and weaker.

it didnt have as much status procs, lower firerate, but it's damage was a little higher.

i don't think its the same gun. it's like playing with the non prime version of it.


to me, there are two choices:

1º - Buff status to 45% and base damage by 20%

2º - Buff status back to 40%, fire rate to 6.0/6.5 and ammo to 240.


The first would have a higher status chance and a damage boost to made up for the fire rate nerf.

The second, would have the old status chance with a little buff in fire rate and ammo.


I like the second option the most, but it's just my opinion.

thing is, it must have a high status chance. that was its biggest characteristic and it must come back.

You need all 4 dual stats for the 100% status chance post patch, and it still does significant damage.

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You need all 4 dual stats for the 100% status chance post patch, and it still does significant damage.


hahahah No, Significant damage would be weapons like the dread, lex prime, vaykor marelok or the sancti tigris. Boar Prime is only good for the fodder in missions and after 5 minutes your out of ammo using your secondary or your melee to kill things

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