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[WC] Ushtar: The Marine Tactician | 6/14/2017 - Added fulcrvm's last sketch


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Above image by fulcrvm.

Collectively, All Past and Current Artwork by:





For all the artists' artwork (at their original size, and without my text) see the Artwork section near the bottom of this post [It's still under construction. Sorry!]. All three artists' artwork are non-competitive works in progress, and I am grateful to all of them for their help bringing Ushtar to life.

NEW! Longtime Ushtar collaborater fulcrvm's latest sketch:



Portrait of Ushtar's original Operator: 

Artist: evergreenmind

Title: Chess on the Zariman Ten Zero

Description: A match between Verrha Charland 15 (foreground), and Qunnar Jehtan, 18 (background) on the Zariman. Meeting on the Zariman for the first time, Verrha and Qunnar would grow to be close friends. 


All past and current Usthar artwork (full body):







Alternate and Innate Gear:



"Ranger" - Will try to come up with some mysterious word in another language that still means Ranger, or something similar. Or another word.


"Wounded" - We'll come up with a mysterious name for it in another language, but it will still mean wounded. Bullet holes visible, energy pouring out of the topmost bullet wound.


8/30/2016 - Ahiga (meaning "He Fights" in Navajo)

Gamer_Jay's newest alternate helmet. Design is all Gamer_Jay's idea, and I love it. It evokes the feeling of a mythical, male warrior from various cultures. It's regal, and it's badass. The hair in the back (on the side view) is a touch too long, but that is my only nitpick. Gamer_Jay notes that the Lotus symbol on the helmet's front changes to the player's current mastery rank.



Name: Ushtar

Name of Original Operator: Qunnar Jehtan. 

Gender: Male

Role: Offensive Tactician.

Concept and Theme: Marine. Versatility.



Military dress uniforms as a visual design as opposed to standard tactical gear seen in most games. Historical and current marines the world over as a fighting force, and the best representation of a capable solo warrior, or an effective member in a unit. Marines date back to the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s. The earliest organized naval combat being the Han dynasty (China/East) and the Greeks and Romans (West).

Codex Blurb:


The embodiment of a Tenno soldier, when not launching brutal frontal assaults, Ushtar infiltrates, binds up his allies' wounds, and tactically supports his team.

Lotus Blurb:


“This is Ushtar, versatile soldier, focused leader. Ushtar will be the first to engage, and leave no ally behind, Tenno."

Ballas Blurb - Prime Lore:



Long predicted, now realized.

Vanquishing this threat has justified the darkest of means.

Yet within darkness, we stoked a flame: vessels of sacred power.

Our soldiers lack fortitude: to face Tau’s demons, to follow ours into battle.

I will give them a leader in their image.

Bound by zeal, they will send this arriviste race a message: this system belongs to the empire.

When our forces march back across the Rail, they will chant, even as he haunts them: Ushtar.

Ushtar Stats:


Unranked (lvl. 0) Max         Rank (lvl 30)
HEALTH                     100    300
SHIELD                        75   225
ARMOR                      300   300
POWER                      100   150
SHIELD RECHARGE  18.75 26.25
SPRINT SPEED          1.0    1.0

Passive Ability: N/A [All three of his old passives have been removed for now. See the updates/change log at the bottom of the post.]

Fidelis (1st Ability)

This ability re-envisions Ushtar’s old “New Ability Toggle Screen” into the new post-Ivara tactical selection. Tap to swap between Silent Blade and Takedown. Hold to execute the selected ability.

Takedown (tap to toggle, hold to cast): 
Ushtar gains a speed boost, rushes a single target in his LOS (line of sight), and attacks with a swift melee combination ending in takedown on a single target. Guaranteed knockdown. Manual disarm chance. For each weapon disarmed, Ushtar acquires the weapon for the duration of its full clip. Can be recast at reduced cost and turned into a chain attack. Stopping to use any weapon acquired in the chain-combo breaks the chain.

Silent Blade (tap to toggle, hold to cast): (Unlocks at rank 3)
Ushtar’s active camouflage cloaks his form, pixelating his warframe to blend in with any environment. Still in active camo, Ushtar auto-equips Fidelis, his signature Karambit, allowing the player to actively pick off un-alerted hostiles.

Takedown Ability Notes:


• Disarm/weapon acquisition doesn’t work on bosses, MOAs, infested, sentients
• Energy Cost: 75
• Re-cast & Chain Energy Cost: 5
• Range: 8 meters (dash, can be chained)
• Max Enemy Chain Cap: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
• Duration: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds (resets duration upon each cast)
• Disarm Chance per target: (T# x %) T1 75% | T2 67.5% | T3 60% | T4 52.5% | T5 45% | T6 37.5% | T7 30% | T8 22.5% | T9 15% | T10 7.5%
• Disarm chance cannot be modded.
• Speed Boost: (can be affected by melee speed mods) 5% / 10% / 20% / 30%
• Takedown damage (can be affected by melee and warframemods): 150 / 225 / 275 / 350
• Ushtar can only acquire weapons the Tenno can craft and use in-game:
• He can use a Grineer Bombard’s Ogris, but not a Corrupted Bombard’s Ogris
• On enemies with weapons he cannot acquire, he disarms, takes down, and field-strips the weapon (dismantling it)
• Enemies who are not killed may reacquire weapons Ushtar stole
• Enemies who are not killed may not reacquire weapons Ushtar field-stripped, and receive melee weapons
• Melee enemies cannot be disarmed
• When facing enemies where disarmament, weapon acquisition or field-stripping is impossible (MOAs, infested units, bosses, sentients), Ushtar will perform only Takedown with the damage part of the ability.

Silent Blade Ability Notes:


• Does not work on bosses
• Energy Cost: 25
• Active Camo Energy Drain: 1 per second but can be toggled off.
• All targets take 250 / 500 / 1000 / 1500 finisher damage so long as they remain un-alerted
• Pressing #1 will not do the work for you. Players must work to maintain active camo, so Loki does not lose any stealth edge to Uhstar
• When taking out targets, Ushtar’s active camo can be broken by sprinting or parkour
• Camo can be regained by slowing, or standing still when not in the midst of enemies
• Alerting enemies will deactivate Ushtar’s camo and Fidelis



Tourniquet (2nd ability)
This also re-envisions Ushtar’s old “New Ability Toggle Screen” into the new post-Ivara tactical selection. Tap to swap between Fortify and Transfuse. Hold to execute the selected ability.

Fortify (tap to toggle, hold to cast):
Ushtar sends out strands of his energy adding a maximum of 15% alloy armor to all unit members (allies and companions), and a maximum 50% toxin proc resistance. The armor will use a not so new, new mechanic: yellow armor “overshields” over the normal red health bars. 

Transfuse: (tap to toggle, hold to cast):
Ushtar grasps a single target with energy strands, wrapping them tight enough to drain their lifeblood and dismember their bodies. Slash damage. If no injured allies are nearby, the enemy leaves behind health and energy orbs upon death. If an injured ally is within range, the other end of the energy strand attaches to the ally and transfuses 20% of the the enemy’s health into the ally.

Fortify Ability Notes:


On squad’s armor:
• This is not a heal
• Ability works on Ushtar as well
• Energy Cost: 50
• Not re-castable
• Alloy Armor added: 2% / 5% / 10% / 15%
• Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
• Range: 20 meters
On toxin damage:
• This is not a heal
• Ability works on Ushtar as well
• Reflects treatment of soldiers to survive biological/toxin/chemical weapons
• Reflects the Antitoxin mod (and is only stronger than the mod by 5%)
• Energy Cost: 50
• Not re-castable
• Strength (% Toxin countered): 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
• Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
• Range: 20 meters

Transfuse Ability Notes:


• This is a fractional heal
• Ability works on Ushtar as well
• Energy Cost: 50
• Not re-castable
• Strength (damage to single target): 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250
• Strength (% of enemy health): 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%
• Duration: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
• Cast Range: 25 meters
• Ally Range: 25 meters



Zeal (3rd Ability)

Ushtar unsheathes his Fidelis, slams it in the ground, and tears a "line in the sand", echoing out to all enemies to cross his path. The line glows briefly before the light transfers to Ushtar as an Aggro Aura. AA grants a 25% armor buff (stacks with Fortify, 15% + 25% = 40%) and faster knockdown recovery. Recasting while the ability is active will drop an Aggro Aura pickup. When an ally interacts with this pickup (by clicking X on it), Ushtar and that ally will split the enemy aggro evenly. 

I don't actually know how easy this would be, but I believe this is entirely possible. Possibly by making the Aggro Aura behave like Ivara’s Noise Arrow in Interceptions, or like Pherliac Pods with infested enemies.

Zeal Ability Notes:


• Ability works on Ushtar as well
• Energy Cost: 75
• Re-castable (for an ally): 5 energy to recast as long as original duration has not expired
• Number Pick Ups: 1 / 2 / 3 
• Alloy Armor added: 2% / 5% / 7% / 10%
• Knockdown Recovery: 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
• Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
• Self and Ally Range: None. Physical object. Pickup to activate.
• Aggro Range: (Furthest enemy distance) 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 meters



Blade and Gun (4th Ability)

Ushtar sacrifices parkour 2.0, and charges head-first into battle. Ushtar gains additional armor, and grants team damage output boosts. He can use elements of his other powers while in Blade and Gun, and remains mobile.

Ushtar switches between primary and secondary at will, and when in melee range of an enemy, tapping #1 (Silent Blade) will wreak close quarters havoc with his Fidelis. Holstering any weapon will reload it slowly over time. Ushtar alternates his weapons while in Blade and Gun to maximize devastation.

The ultimate is designed to create room for mobility, synergy, and highly-active, smart, solo or team play.

Blade and Gun Ability Notes:


• Casting Energy Cost: 75
• Drains Energy: 2.5 per second, but can be toggled on/off
• Ushtar Armor Boost: 2% / 5% / 7% / 10% (stacks with other abilities if active for total 50%)
• Damage Boost: (to all allies) 5% / 15% / 25% / 35% 
• Ushtar cannot use parkour 2.0 movement system (can sprint, roll)
• Player remains in full control of Ushtar. No auto-aim/auto-targeting involved
• Ushtar Aggro Buff Range: Boosts Zeal’s 40 meter range to 50
• Ally Buffs Range: 30 meters

Casting Other Abilities During Blade and Gun:


• Silent Blade: (on allies) Casts SB's active camo on any ally whose health drops to 30% or below. They are cloaked until they move again. 5 second grace period for allies to stop moving and recover health while invisible.

• Takedown: (on allies) Grants 25% critical chance, 25% critical damage, and 25% status chance to all melee attacks. These chances cannot be modded.

• Casting Fortify (on allies): No change, but for downed, single allies in range (2 meters), Ushtar will automatically put the ally in Fireman’s Carry, and wield his secondary or melee to fend off mobs. During this, Ushtar can effectively pause the bleedout timer. If there are no enemies around, Fireman’s Carry and bleedout timer pause are not possible.

• Zeal: (on allies): No change yet.

• Silent Blade/Takedown: (on enemies) Simply performs melee attacks and/or melee kills with the Fidelis, with a 50% chance to strip 30% armor. (Pressing E during Blade and Gun does not grant the armor strip chance.) 

• Casting Transfuse (on enemies): No change yet.



Innate Gear:


Fidelis Karambit: Ushtar’s signature weapon. Not a dagger. Indonesian origin. A combat/tactical knife.

NEW: Read more about Fidelis here.

Fidelis stats (speed, damage, etc.) can be increased and improved with melee mods

Combo counter damage multiplier numbers apply to all Fidelis hits, combos, and kills

If you didn't click the link above, here's a breakdown:

Name Meaning: "Faithful" and Diminutive of "Semper Fidelis", "Always faithful" in Latin.

Category: Melee

Subcategory: Sparring 

Stance: Unique sparring stance that utilizes an edged weapon or combat knife. (Will name stance later.)

Faction: Tenno

Tenno CQC System and Weapon Bio: Shinzun Madurai.

This style utilizes Ushtar's signature weapon, the Fidelis, a Tenno karambit and the embodiment of sublime, brutal efficiency. The style focuses on the use of the Fidelis weapon weaved through devastating CQC combinations to disarm, dismember, disembowel, dismantle, and finish an enemy with brutal efficiency in the blink of an eye. Even without the Fidelis, this style can dislocate joints, shatter limbs and bones. 

Martial Arts Influences: CQC movement system strongly based on either Indonesian Silat with edged weapons, or Filipino Kali with edged weapons. **See Author Notes at the bottom. 

Weapon Influences: Weapon based on Indonesian karambit: the blade is world-renowned, is a farming tool (of various sizes), self defense weapon, and but a devastating combat and tactical knife resembling a Tiger claw or tooth. It operates as an extension of the body, and its innate and natural grip style (and the inability to easily disarm its user) are essential to the effectiveness of the weapon. This is not a dagger. It's a knife. It's shorter than all Warframe daggers, and naturally curved.

Weapon Stats: TBA

Unique Mechanic: Undetermined.

Known Users: Ushtar.

Ushtar's Ideal Play-Style (Old)


There was some confusion and resistance over game play mechanics when I posted this to reddit before. I've since clarified and focused the concept, but the core remains the same.

Ushtar (like the international marine soldiers around the globe he's inspired by) is capable alone, but is vital to his unit.

He can go into brutal all-out assaults, watch out for weaker or injured teammates, create offensive perimeters, and infiltrate stealthily. He is dangerous armed and unarmed--like any real marine or Tenno worth their salt.

Ushtar is a versatile, new alternative that supports all play styles, allowing players to chose how they want to fight, what kind of Tenno specialist Ushtar can be. Forward deployment to crush enemy lines fast and hard? Overall tactical team support? The choice is yours, Tenno.

Ushtar uses ability synergy over reliance on one ability or forcing players into one role.



Original Artwork Section [Under Construction. I still have all the originals, but need to rebuild this spoiler section.]


Reference Media:


Dress Uniforms (Not tactical gear. I mean the crisp, dress uniforms which are not meant for combat): 

Thailand (A little too decorative, though.)

Germany (The men marching.)

Nigeria (The men in hunter green on either side/)

China (All three.)

America (The man holding the gun)

Canada (The men lined up in the foreground, with the trousers.)

Britain (The four men in the foreground.)

Helmet Inspirations:

Danish Beret

1800s Tricorne (worn by aristocrats, common folk, and part of military/navy uniforms)

Roman Military Helmets:


Russian (Soviet Era?) Navy Pilotka:


Russian (Soviet Era?) Ushanka:

Karambits: World-renowned, South East-Asian blade. The blades on these first two images are closer to what Ushtar would wield: double edged, with a knuckle-point for impact. (Discussed in the first video by Mr. Marcaida):


This is another, but it folds and has a single edge. This is not what Ushtar would use, but I'll leave it here all the same since it looks great:

Fighting with a Karambit: (To give you an idea of how Ushtar would use it. He'd use the Indonesian and Filipino martial arts styles described in the first video by Mr. Marcaida.)



Fireman’s Carry: (Referenced in Blade and Gun when Ushtar activates Tourniquet on a downed ally)



Notes for Artists:



First of all, if you like Ushtar enough to contribute a sketch, thank you very much. My advice would be to capture military dress uniforms (referenced above in reference media) as a visual design as opposed to standard tactical gear seen in most games. Work against the common theme of tactical military gear for a space marine, and incorporate the crispness, and uniformity of military dress uniforms. The German, Chinese and American uniforms fit my idea best. They look great, but are not too frilly, their hats aren’t too elaborate, and they don’t have too much bling.

It can have some bling, but not much at all. I do not like the excessive awards and medals on some of the uniform examples above.

For helmets, I like the Tricorne, Beret, Roman helmet 1 and the Pilotka and Ushanka (in that order).

Or, you can get creative and do whatever the hell you want.

As for a pose, try and show off his karambit, void strands, and any other rifle or pistol (from within the game) that you want him to use. Or, do your own thing as regards a pose.


Special Thanks:


JackDrakke (Support, ideas)
Beldair (Ushtar name)
fulcrvm (Artwork)
Gamer_Jay (Artwork)
Andy1134 (Artwork)
Everyone who commented here or on reddit (Support, ideas, criticism, vehement "no"s to the initial concept).

Update Notes:


Change Log (as the name suggests, broadly documents Ushtar’s changes over time)

October 19, 2015 
•    Semper Fi, The Space Marine is born.

October 20-21, 2015 
Name changes considered:
•    Trooper 
•    Ushtar (Albanian for “Soldier”)
•    Victrix (Latin for “Victorious”. Rationale: it was a name of a ship in a Roman legion, which had some of the earliest marines). 
•    Marco Marine+Commando. Similar to the Indian Navy’s Marine Commando Forces aka MARCOS.)
•    Legionnaire 
•    Harpax (Latin. Name of a grappling hook weapon used in naval battles.)
•    Space Marine changed to Void Marine 

October 21, 2015 
•    Name changed to Ushtar (Albanian for "Soldier")

•    All references that made this seem like the "America" warframe, or a tribute to the USMC have been removed or changed

•    Updated visual references along with the ability name changes to make this into the universal, void marine/soldier I intended

•    Justification for changes: Consideration for others' viewpoints and the international WF community. Just as with the gender of a warframe, I could not care less about what a warframe's design and gameplay influences are (or what country/historical civilization). My problem was I assumed others would feel the same, as I did for gender. I was wrong. Some players can't play a 'frame that is male/female if it is opposite of their own gender identity, and that is okay. In a similar light, it seems distasteful to many that my concept had clear/strong influences from the USMC (which were deliberate, I admit). However, I did not intend to force an American-themed 'frame on an international community.

October 22, 2015
•    Ushtar's armor upgraded from 250 to 300
•    Assault's damage reflection has been removed
•    Rifelman (passive) accuracy and damage buffs reduced from 25% to 10%
•    Tourniquet buffed to reduce Impact damage on the team/Ushtar, and apply toxin resistance:
•    Tourniquet (3rd Ability) Ushtar pulls on strands of Void energy and binds up allies’ wounds, countering impact damage, slash damage, and adding resistance to toxin procs. This grants immunity to slash and impact damage if applied before hit with slash/bleed and impact/weakened damage types. Ushtar can also slow bleed timers of downed allies. 
•    Tourniquet on impact damage:
o    Ability works on Ushtar as well
o    Energy Cost: 50
o    Not re-castable
o    Strength (% Weakened/Impact countered): 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
o    Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
o    Range: Infinite
•    Tourniquet on toxin damage:
o    This is not a heal
o    Ability works on Ushtar as well
o    Reflects treatment of soldiers to survive biological/toxin/chemical weapons
o    Reflects the Antitoxin mod (and is only stronger than the mod by 5%)
o    Energy Cost: 50
o    Not re-castable
o    Strength (% Toxin countered): 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
o    Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
o    Range: Infinite

 October 27, 2015
•    First Ability renamed "Silent Blade"
•    Stealth rollers, tagging enemies removed from Silent Blade
•    Void suppressor/silencer removed
•    Active camo and Karambit kills remain the core of the ability
•    Void Karambit changed to a real one. This is Ushtar's signature melee weapon.
•    IED reworded to emphasize the explosives are made of Void energy, not external gear
•    Fourth Ability renamed to "Blade and Gun" (as in the Tenno; warriors of blade and gun)
•    Improved synergy of casting first three abilities while 4th is active
o    Unlike existing press 4 to win abilities, this creates room for mobility, synergy, and highly-active, smart, solo or team play.
o    Casting Silent Blade (on enemies): Ushtar performs melee kills (when in range) with his Karambit.
o    Casting Silent Blade (on allies): Casts Recon’s active camo on any ally whose health drops to 30% or below. They are cloaked until they move again.
o    Casting Takedown: Remains the same, but now Ushtar uses the Karambit in all chained combos. Weak/medium level enemies die, high levels take more damage than normal Takedown combo chains
o    Casting IED is not possible


November 1, 2015
•    Artwork: This is underway! After trying to contact various, really good community artists, two great artists worked out. Their work will be ready when it's ready, but I'm happy to have their help in bringing Ushtar to life. Unlike with my Neuron concept, I can't try my hand at this one.
•    Andy1134 contributes the first public image of Ushtar 


November 3, 2015
•    Andy1134's first WIP added to the first post
•    Added a section on how Ushtar would play ideally (under Play Styles)
•    Appreciation (under Special Thanks)
•    Artwork forthcoming from fulcrvm and Gamer_Jay


November 5, 2015
•    fulcrvm and Gamer_Jay's first WIPs added to the front page
•    All three artists' work showcased in two sections
•    Second artwork section moved up (above all the reference media and artist notes--should have done it earlier)

November 10, 2015
•    Small update a few days ago: Void Marine changed to Marine Tactician. All references to the Void removed. I liked the moniker of Void Marine (as a Tenno, Warframe version of a Space Marine), but it seemed to cause confusion (that Usthar used Void energy as Limbo does). Since his name already means “soldier” it seemed redundant to call him “Ushtar: The Soldier Warframe”, so I opted for Marine Tactician for now. Those two words best fit his role, theme, and concept.

November 30, 2015
•    Enemy Chain Cap of Takedown raised: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
•    Takedown speed and damage can be improved by melee mods
•    Ushtar's signature karambit has a name: Fidelis
•    Fidelis stats (speed, damage, etc.) can be increased and improved with melee mods
•    Combo counter damage multiplier numbers apply to all Fidelis hits, combos, and kills
•    Splash Pages created: (To be uploaded.)
o    Ushtar main page
o    Ushtar art progression pages (contains all versions)
o    Reference sheet/Alt helms/Equipment
o    Ushtar's helmets have names now
•    Planned Updates (To be created)
o    Ability Artwork
o    Ability Icons
o    Ushtar skins that look less deluxe and/or less human. (I have plenty of ideas on how to make him look more alien, just need time and an artist)
o    Splash pages to house all of the above, or updates of existing ones
•    Planned Offshoots: (To be created)
o    Weapon Concept: Karambits
o    Ushtar fan fiction


December 4 - 24, 2015
•    Autongnosis and Akiryx’s suggestions (among others) considered for future Ushtar updates

December 31, 2015
•    Overview of planned Ushtar updates: (I have a host of ideas written down, and am going through the process of whittling it down to the best ideas. This is an overview.) Yes. I'm still working on the karambit blade direction issue when I have time, and I plan to address Ushtar's numbers as well (like the OP armor).
•    Passives: (You guys are free to convince me not to drop any of these)
o    Night Vision will be removed
o    Frogman might be removed
o    Rifleman remains the same/will not be removed
•    Active Camo--New passive: When not seen/enemies are unalerted, Ushtar's armor will blend in on any tileset, rendering him invisible. Requires 8-15 (?) seconds to completely cloak. Ushtar will unsheath his Fidelis when fully cloaked, any enemy that passes by may be killed from stealth, but Active Camo is reset and Ushtar is visible.
•    Silent Blade will be removed, and the first ability will become Takedown. Takedown will remain generally the same, but it could also be changed significantly. 
•    Tourniquet will become Ushtar's second ability. Will remain the same, or see buffs.
•    IED will be removed. 
•    Zeal will become Ushtar's 3rd ability. A new threat priority increase (on Ushtar) ability where he will let out a battle cry (think male sounding Warcry). For all intents and purposes, it will behave like Blade and Gun used to, but grant a first kill buff to Ushtar and his team (if he kills the first enemy on the tile), draw aggro to Ushtar. Ushtar will also gain the ability to select allies (with an X armor rating/the tanky frames) and split aggro evenly between himself and those allies during Zeal.
•    Command will become Ushtar's new fourth, and it's another experimental idea I want to play with. It will open up the more tactical side of this marine concept I've neglected. What I have in mind is a trade off system... Ushtar is immobile/less mobile and more vulnerable, but he can buff the team, direct and streamline attacks, via his energy strands:
o    Ushtar will grant buffs based on ally power classification (created by DE when the modular Corpus were born):
o    perception powers
o    buff/debuff powers
o    damage powers
o    mobility powers
o    He can only grant one buff per cast of the ability, for the duration of the ability, not all buffs at all times to all power classes. (He'll be able to cycle and choose one.)

June 26, 2016
•    First major Ushtar kit rework goes live:
•    IED - second half of his old dual ability has been removed.
•    Engage - old dual ability name has been removed.
•    Fidelis: Ushtar's new first ability encompases Silent Blade and Takedown in an Ivara and Vauban tactical selection ability, but will have only two choices as per my old idea here:

and per this post in January:

•    Silent Blade remains unchanged
•    Takedown speed boost reduced from 40%/60%/80%/100% to 5%/10%/20%/30% (keep in mind, the entire ability's speed and power can be boosted by melee speed and damage mods, as well as warframe power mods)
•    Takedown's overshield has been removed
•    Takedown's 100% disarm chance (for weapons a Tenno can craft) has been capped at 75%. The chance will decrease by 7.5% for each new target if the attack is fully chained (T1 75% | T2 67.5% | T3 60% | T4 52.5% | T5 45% | T6 37.5% | T7 30% | T8 22.5% | T9 15% | T10 7.5%).
•    Tourniquet - was his old 3rd, and now is his revised 2nd using the Ivara and Vauban tactical selection ability. This was suggested by Autongnosis here last December

•    Grants Ushtar an Aggro Aura. Recasting drops pick ups for allies if they can handle the aggro. Splits evenly between up to three allies.
•    Blade and Gun - Largely the same ability, but with reductions since it was way OP. Slightly different synergies with his other abilities now. It allows him to use some of the proposed Command buff ideas I proposed last year as well, but I don’t feel I’ve gone far enough with it.
•    Fixed some typos (wrong ability names), and some numbers.
•    Fortify grants 15% armor, not 30%. Zeal grants 25%. For allies the total is the same, 40% while both are active.
•    For Ushtar, Blade and Gun grants an additional 10% bringing his total to 50%.

July 16, 2016
•    UPDATE: I've moved Takedown into the first slot in Fidelis (ability one). This way the cloaking skill of Silent Blade is unlocked later (at rank 3 or so) instead of right away.

August 1, 2016
•    Update Notes added to the front page

August 2, 2016



Edited by Rhekemi
Added operator portrait.
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A space marine in what many take as a space ninja game....so is this space deadliest warrior? XD. Like the concept though....especially the theme and abilities.

And i do prefer the name Teufel Hund too.

I do believe it is prounounced [Toe-fill Hoond] correct?

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I must say that the concept looks really really good and the mechanics really interesting and fitting with the theme.


I am afraid though that exactly because of the complex mechanics this involves this would be pretty difficult to implement.



That said, i would personally support it wholeheartedly, since i think this is one of the few frame concepts that i think is both really interesting, really well done, and really fitting of its theme, on top of being a really nice addition that covers a role not yet covered.

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I must say though that i'm not that much into the names you proposed.


I think there's potential to work with the word Eirhenjarl (the norse term for the dead warriors brought back to life to fight side by side with the Valyries - see the similarity with the Tenno awakening thanks to Lotus that inspired me). And being defined as "lone warriors" it could fit the theme of a Marine infiltrator as this one looks like.

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Hey, thank you all for the interest. Glad you guys like it so far. 


A space marine in what many take as a space ninja game....so is this space deadliest warrior? XD. Like the concept though....especially the theme and abilities.

And i do prefer the name Teufel Hund too.

I do believe it is prounounced [Toe-fill Hoond] correct?


Semper Fi is a space ninja, same as the other 'frames. But it's a loose term. Atlas (Earth bender/brawler), Chroma (dragon), Limbo (space-time bender/walker/manipulator), Mesa (gunslinger), Nekros (necromancer), Nova (antimatter), Volt (electricity mage), Frost (ice mage).


Neither of those Warframes are really ninja-like in theme or concept. So, like many other existing 'frames, he goes outside the bounds of space ninjas.


We have to assume that the Orokin (like DE) drew from several different historical civilizations' influences. Marines in present day have years of storied history, and the USMC dates back to the 1700s.


On the German name, I think you're close, but this is a closer take:




There's also corrected spelling in that link (the spelling I'm using apparently isn't), and analysis of the name as more myth than history. All the same, great name.


I must say that the concept looks really really good and the mechanics really interesting and fitting with the theme.


I am afraid though that exactly because of the complex mechanics this involves this would be pretty difficult to implement.


That said, i would personally support it wholeheartedly, since i think this is one of the few frame concepts that i think is both really interesting, really well done, and really fitting of its theme, on top of being a really nice addition that covers a role not yet covered.


Yes, Semper Fi's mechanics do use some new and non-existent tricks.


Already Exists in Warframe or Possible:
-Active camo on Semper Fi: Basically Shade's cloaking, complete with a start-stop feature
-Stealth roller: It's basically a latcher
-All innate weapons/gear: Night-vision's an easy add, I think. Void knife/silencer/suppressor, will work like Excalibur's blade
-Unique takedowns: We already have these with different weapon stances
-Manual disarm: Drahk Master can manually disarm individual Tenno. 
-Takedown chain-combos: Atlas can chain physical attacks for reduced cost
-IEDs: Mirage already uses this mechanic, though Semper Fi's visuals would be different.
-Allies casting abilities on IEDs: Don't see why it wouldn't be 
-Tourniquet: Same as above
Doesn't Exist, Likely Possible:
-Roller's POV: Due to the new Archer 'frame's ability to take control of projectiles and guide them to targets
-Tagging enemies: Could work like Codex Scanner
-Weapon acquisition: As long as the weapon is one that Tenno can craft and use.
-Field-stripping: All we'd need is a new animation to "dismantle" an enemy's weapon. I'd settle for simply shattering it/ripping it into pieces.
Not Currently Possible:
-New ability toggle screen: Nope. But solved by making Overcome an augment
-Fireman's Carry: Not even close to possible yet.


So is this gonna be a stand up fight, sir, or another bug hunt


That went over my head, sorry. If you will Semper Fi be a frontal assault-focused killing machine, that isn't really up to me, but DE and the players. It would depend on how they use him.


But as a concept, my intention is for him to be very much "Stand up and fight". Assault (#4) is all about wading into the thick of battle, as is Adapt/Overcome. Assault also supports casting his other abilities while Assault is active.


Concept looks awsome




I must say though that i'm not that much into the names you proposed.


I think there's potential to work with the word Eirhenjarl (the norse term for the dead warriors brought back to life to fight side by side with the Valyries - see the similarity with the Tenno awakening thanks to Lotus that inspired me). And being defined as "lone warriors" it could fit the theme of a Marine infiltrator as this one looks like.


This is interesting. I like the name you suggested, and the way it fits into Warframe is nice. But I think it might be better for another 'frame.


Could you elaborate on why you don't dig the names? Something specific?


I can elaborate on the names I've chosen. Marines as a nation's expeditionary fighting force, with several thematic and concept nods to the USMC. 


Semper Fi (of all the names) best embodies what they're about and ties into Tenno loyalty. The concept isn't actually a lone warrior. I'm not really into single-role 'frames. It can have an unintended shoehorn effect of meaning you can only play with that Warframe on one level, or for one game mode.


Instead, I designed Semper Fi to have several different utilities: he can be a one-man-army, support his team, and play as a stealth infiltration unit. 


Marines excel at their individual, tactical occupation/role, but are part of units where it is their job to support each other. That is Semper Fi at his core: capable on his own, but stronger in a team by tackling tasks he's best suited for.


We have a lot of Norse in the game already, so I do like that Semper Fi uses Latin and directly connects to more modern history. It also has come to be a motto for more than the military (and is older than the USMC, in fact) that represents family, loyalty, and community. 


Outside of the German one, Semper Fi still seems the strongest. But please elaborate on why you feel none of them work. 

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Thanks, derp215.


The reddit thread also has responders who would like another name.


I'm trying to find something that fits just as good, but eh...


India's Navy's Marine Commando Force is known as MARCOS, so that is one option:


Marco (for Marine commando)


Commando spelled in other languages is another option:





Another possible path to a name...

Since the early naval battles in the East (under the Han dynasty, China) and the West (under the Romans and Greeks) involved marines (whether or not they were organized corps at the time), I could borrow names from either of those period's naval records. A few that jumped out at me from the Roman era of early naval battles/marines are:
Victrix (Latin. Means "Victorious" and was the name of a ship in a Roman legion.)
Harpax (Latin. Name of a grappling hook weapon used in naval battles.)
I would like to look at 2-3 counterparts during the Han dynasty, but Victrix jumps at me right now.


Thoughts on alternate names are welcome.

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Interesting feedback from reddit. Eye opener.


I expected that there might be resistance to the theme of a 'space marine' since we are, very loosely, called space ninjas.


I did not expect resistance to the USMC (American) design and gameplay influences.


If others feel that this is the "America" frame, and that they find it distasteful because of that, please speak freely.


It isn't that I'm completely blind to how people might feel about the American military, it's that I did not anticipate or see it being an issue here.


It's that I thought this was a video game very much based on and around war, and great warriors from the world's history. Through that lens, it seemed fine to me. Much in the same way that we have real world influences for many existing warframes that ignore the ugly histories surrounding some of those influences and simply take what we need to make a cool concept.


It feels like a double-standard, but perhaps I'm too close to or fond of this concept to be objective. I am trying to be, though.


I do believe I can use this feedback to reshape the marine into a 'frame that is appealing, because this concept does fit a unique role in a way I've yet to see.


Reshaping it without the USMC Dress Blues as a design influence will be tough, though, because that uniform sets itself apart from the standard marine tactical uniform the world over, and fits into the ornate aesthetic of the Orokin.


I'll be hard pressed to let go of that uniform as a design influence.

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I always wanted to see a soldier-themed Frame. I tried one a long time ago, didn't post, that had det-cords and prox mines, etc. I like the idea from a gameplay perspective, but I also agree that it shoves the idea of the US into the player's face. This is an international game, after all. If it were modified to be just a general soldier, even one that was still mildly US themed (since, let's face it, dudes in US forest camo are probably the world standard for rank and file soldiers these days), and the names modified to not be Marine references, I would be behind this 100%.

To clarify, I'm from a Navy family. And I usually don't side with political correctness. But in this case, I must make an exception...

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I always wanted to see a soldier-themed Frame. I tried one a long time ago, didn't post, that had det-cords and prox mines, etc. I like the idea from a gameplay perspective, but I also agree that it shoves the idea of the US into the player's face. This is an international game, after all. If it were modified to be just a general soldier, even one that was still mildly US themed (since, let's face it, dudes in US forest camo are probably the world standard for rank and file soldiers these days), and the names modified to not be Marine references, I would be behind this 100%.

To clarify, I'm from a Navy family. And I usually don't side with political correctness. But in this case, I must make an exception...


Hi. Thanks for the support, and perspective.


In all honesty this came as a bit of a shock to me (in the same way that "I can't play as that gendered frame, because I am a man/woman" came as a shock to me).


Street Fighter as a franchise is one of those iconic franchises that shaped my gaming childhood and adulthood (small note, I am older than the entire SF franchise). When I play a game, the nationalities and genders of the characters don't make a damn's worth of difference to me--but that is just me. 


I can't imagine ever having said I can't play as one character or another in SF because I'm X gender or from X nation, you know?


So that's mainly my outlook. Warframe is kind of the space-opera version of Street Fighter: characters from every design background imaginable, and of every gender. Most space-opera games have one titular male space grunt hero and that's all she wrote. We all know this.


But yes, reddit reinforces what you've stated here, but they incorrectly assumed I was making a tribute to the US Military, or an America 'frame--I wasn't.


What I was guilty of was not looking at it from others' perspectives. 


I will be working on a revised marine/soldier 'frame that makes it more universal and more palatable to Warframe's international and multi-cultural player base.


Could try different languages for soldier and see if a name pops out for you.... It's what I've been doing for my frames :)


Good idea. 


Frost? Rhino? Volt? Excalibur? There's plenty of English names used. If I were to suggest names for a soldier frame... Hmm...

War, Trooper, Tac (Tactician), Cap (Captain), Law, Sap (Sapper), Lock, Shell, Barrel, Curve, etc, etc.


True, and good ideas.


Not giving up on this, it just hit me from left field. 

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Okay, of the above suggestions I like Max's Trooper and Beldair's Ushtar a lot.


That brings my current list to:



Ushtar (Albanian for "Soldier")

Victrix (Latin for “Victorious”. Rationale: it was a name of a ship in a Roman legion, which had some of the earliest marines). 

Marco (Marine+Commando. Similar to the Indian Navy’s Marine Commando Forces aka MARCOS.)



Revision on the main document is done, but I'm still looking for more ways to clarify that he truly is meant to be the space marine/soldier.


I'm also calling him a Void Marine -- since there are already several iconic space marines in gaming, and Grineer are space marines (both points raised on reddit), why not?

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-Name changed to Ushtar (Albanian for "Soldier")


-All references that made this seem like the "America" warframe, or a tribute to the USMC have been removed or changed


-Updated visual references along with the ability name changes to make this into the universal, void marine/soldier I intended 


Justification for changes: Consideration for others' viewpoints.


Just as with the gender of a warframe, I could not care less about what a warframe's design and gameplay influences are (or what country/historical civilization). My problem was I assumed others would feel the same, as I did for gender.


I was wrong.


Some players can't play a 'frame that is male/female if it is opposite of their own gender identity, and that is okay.


In a similar light, it seems distasteful to many that my concept had clear/strong influences from the USMC (which were deliberate, I admit). However, I did not intend to force an American-themed 'frame on an international community.


Therefore, these changes have been made to make the 'frame more universal, international, and approachable to players.

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Excellent changes. Good abilities too. You have my +1
Side note... How do you add spoilers? The forums have changed since I was here a year ago, and I'm remaking a fan concept of my own. Having those would help out a LOT with walls of text...

Ahh! You missed a "Semper" near the beginning!

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I look forward to your concept.




[ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] but without spaces. As far as I can tell, if there is any other kind of BB formatting on the same line as your spoilers, it will break the spoilers. So after using a word processors, probably dump the whole text into a plain notepad/txt document, then paste it into the forum window. You'll have to rebold if you had formatting in there already.

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Okay, after the last round of feedback from reddit, I'm considering toning down some buffs, giving Tourniquet more than just stopping slash damage/bleed DoT, and possibly turning the Void Karambit into a real one, while leaving the silence/suppressor as the innate void gear.


The Karambit would be his signature weapon. It could have been any combat/tactical knife (there were 10 to choose from from the special forces knives I was looking at), but the Karambit blade work video (linked in the original post) kind of sold me on it.



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UPDATES: The following updates have been made to the body of the first post to reduce the chance of Ushtar being OP, and buff Tourniquet, as per some comments on reddit.


-Ushtar's armor upgraded from 250 to 300


-Assault's damage reflection has been removed


-Rifelman (passive) accuracy and damage buffs reduced from 25% to 10%


-Tourniquet buffed to reduce Impact damage on the team/Ushtar, and apply toxin resistance:


Tourniquet (3rd Ability)

Ushtar pulls on strands of Void energy and binds up allies’ wounds, countering impact damage, slash damage, and adding resistance to toxin procs. This grants immunity to slash and impact damage if applied before hit with slash/bleed and impact/weakened damage types. Ushtar can also slow bleed timers of downed allies. 


Tourniquet on impact damage:

• This is not a heal

• Ability works on Ushtar as well

Energy Cost: 50

Not re-castable

Strength (% Weakened/Impact countered): 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%

Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8

Range: Infinite


Tourniquet on toxin damage:

• This is not a heal

• Ability works on Ushtar as well

• Reflects treatment of soldiers to survive biological/toxin/chemical weapons

• Reflects the Antitoxin mod (and is only stronger than the mod by 5%)

Energy Cost: 50

Not re-castable

Strength (% Toxin countered): 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%

Duration: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8

Range: Infinite


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