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[WC] Ushtar: The Marine Tactician | 6/14/2017 - Added fulcrvm's last sketch


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This warframe puts Loki to shame. Love it!


Thanks. I'm not sure you noticed my suggested update to Ushtar's stealth ability (it's now a simple passive cloak). 


The past 3 warframe idea have bin very good.


Thanks. I only have 2 warframe concepts posted to this forum, though. Did you mean the ones released in-game? Wukong, Ivara, Nezha?


To those still subbed to this thread, I would appreciate some feedback on the suggested updates below:



Ushtar Update Notes: (I have a host of ideas written down, and am going through the process of whittling it down to the best ideas. This is an overview.)
Yes. I'm still working on the karambit blade direction issue when I have time, and I plan to address Ushtar's numbers as well (like the OP armor).
-Passives: (You guys are free to convince me not to drop any of these)
-Night Vision will be removed
-Frogman might be removed
-Rifleman remains the same/will not be removed
-Active Camo--New passive: When not seen/enemies are unalerted, Ushtar's armor will blend in on any tileset, rendering him invisible. Requires 8-15 (?) seconds to completely cloak. Ushtar will unsheath his Fidelis when fully cloaked, any enemy that passes by may be killed from stealth, but Active Camo is reset and Ushtar is visible.
-Silent Blade will be removed, and the first ability will become Takedown. Takedown will remain generally the same, but it could also be changed significantly. 
-Tourniquet will become Ushtar's second ability. Will remain the same, or see buffs.
-IED will be removed. 
-Zeal will become Ushtar's 3rd ability. A new threat priority increase (on Ushtar) ability where he will let out a battle cry (think male sounding Warcry). For all intents and purposes, it will behave like Blade and Gun used to, but grant a first kill buff to Ushtar and his team (if he kills the first enemy on the tile), draw aggro to Ushtar. Ushtar will also gain the ability to select allies (with an X armor rating/the tanky frames) and split aggro evenly between himself and those allies during Zeal.
-Command will become Ushtar's new fourth, and it's another experimental idea I want to play with. It will open up the more tactical side of this marine concept I've neglected. What I have in mind is a trade off system... Ushtar is immobile/less mobile and more vulnerable, but he can buff the team, direct and streamline attacks, via his energy strands:
-Ushtar will grant buffs based on ally power classification (created by DE when the modular Corpus were born):
---perception powers
---buff/debuff powers
---damage powers
---mobility powers
He can only grant one buff per cast of the ability, for the duration of the ability, not all buffs at all times to all power classes. (He'll be able to cycle and choose one.)
This is where my mind's been with the rework, without getting into too much detail.
I'd appreciate thoughts on this. Ushtar isn't perfect, no concept is, and I do want to make him better. But how attached are you guys to his current kit? (This rework tries to preserve most of it.) I can justify my reasoning for changes if you don't agree or want to know why I did change something.


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Ushtar Update Notes: (I have a host of ideas written down, and am going through the process of whittling it down to the best ideas. This is an overview.)
Yes. I'm still working on the karambit blade direction issue when I have time, and I plan to address Ushtar's numbers as well (like the OP armor).
-Passives: (You guys are free to convince me not to drop any of these)
-Night Vision will be removed
-Frogman might be removed
-Rifleman remains the same/will not be removed
-Active Camo--New passive: When not seen/enemies are unalerted, Ushtar's armor will blend in on any tileset, rendering him invisible. Requires 8-15 (?) seconds to completely cloak. Ushtar will unsheath his Fidelis when fully cloaked, any enemy that passes by may be killed from stealth, but Active Camo is reset and Ushtar is visible.
-Silent Blade will be removed, and the first ability will become Takedown. Takedown will remain generally the same, but it could also be changed significantly. 
-Tourniquet will become Ushtar's second ability. Will remain the same, or see buffs.
-IED will be removed. 
-Zeal will become Ushtar's 3rd ability. A new threat priority increase (on Ushtar) ability where he will let out a battle cry (think male sounding Warcry). For all intents and purposes, it will behave like Blade and Gun used to, but grant a first kill buff to Ushtar and his team (if he kills the first enemy on the tile), draw aggro to Ushtar. Ushtar will also gain the ability to select allies (with an X armor rating/the tanky frames) and split aggro evenly between himself and those allies during Zeal.
-Command will become Ushtar's new fourth, and it's another experimental idea I want to play with. It will open up the more tactical side of this marine concept I've neglected. What I have in mind is a trade off system... Ushtar is immobile/less mobile and more vulnerable, but he can buff the team, direct and streamline attacks, via his energy strands:
-Ushtar will grant buffs based on ally power classification (created by DE when the modular Corpus were born):
---perception powers
---buff/debuff powers
---damage powers
---mobility powers
He can only grant one buff per cast of the ability, for the duration of the ability, not all buffs at all times to all power classes. (He'll be able to cycle and choose one.)
This is where my mind's been with the rework, without getting into too much detail.
I'd appreciate thoughts on this. Ushtar isn't perfect, no concept is, and I do want to make him better. But how attached are you guys to his current kit? (This rework tries to preserve most of it.) I can justify my reasoning for changes if you don't agree or want to know why I did change something.


Honestly I'm not a fan of this. I like Silent Blade as is, because you can continually kill enemies stealthily. The new passive would mean that you have to wait quite a long time between kills. I am all for the slow stealth, in that you must creep around slowly, but having to wait that long between kills is pretty nuts.


Additionally, keep Night Vision, imo.

Edited by Akiryx
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Thank you for your honesty.


The change was a move to address some concerns on Reddit that he had too many bells and whistles, and his role of an Offensive (Marine) Tactician (with tankiness) was getting lost.


I know for certain I want to move away from IEDs and different ballistic type powers, mainly because they're less unique, and what everyone thinks of when they think 'soldier'. Yes, I could make IEDs and ballistics unique for Ushtar, but I'd rather sacrifice the expected to drill down on something more unique.


Night Vision, thematically, is good. But it's in-game purpose isn't very helpful. How long do we spend in complete darkness? Not long. If I can think of a way to make it Warframe Night Vision (and not just standard soldier night vision), then it can justifiably occupy a passive slot.


Part of my problem is having too many good ideas for the scope of one concept--to the point that the core role of the concept gets a little lost. I'm still trying to drill down on what Ushtar's core roles should be, basically.


I can either make the active camo passive better, or make Silent Blade more suited to his Offensive Tactician role.


By the way, what are your thoughts on Blade and Gun repurposed as Zeal (with new skills mixed in), and Command as a truer tactical ultimate?

Edited by Rhekemi
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I would personally keep blade and gun as the ultimate. And i'm not entirely sure bringing aggro manipulation into it is gonna work out all that well, since our aggro mechanics are... let's just say nifty at best.


Command could be a third skill potentially. It all depends on the numbers to be honest. It would make sense to have a team buff skill, but blade and gun is, imho, more interesting for a ultimate.


Frogman imho should stay. It's a really cool passive that works only on one planet, but gives a lot of character to the concept.


On topic of night vision, i'd say that it's dirty useful imho. It's true that we do not spend that much time in total darkness, but for me when that happens it's generally extremely painful. Although you could make it x-ray instead of night vision. Similar to how the Codex Scanner can see enemies through walls for example.



The new passive is imho pretty weird, would better fit a skill than a passive. Your best bet would be to combine takedown and silent blade into a single cycle ability with Quiver's mechanic tbh. Thus keeping both the tactical offensive and the stealth aspects rolled up in one skill.

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Okay, so everyone hates the new passive. I think I can repurpose it for a new 'frame I'm working on. It will be my version of a darkness/shadow 'frame. It'll be a tracker (though the use for that is a bit limited). Will employ stealth, diversions, but have some different influences and uses.


Aggro does work, or there are examples of it (pherliac pods work on infested, aggro should work, basically the same as that). Command is experimental, so I do want to see if I can use it here or in another concept. 


I was hoping Zeal would gain support, but it seems like it isn't.


I'll think about the passives again. 


I could give him a tactical offense/stealth kit swap in a Takedown/Silent Blade combo. Before Ivara launched, and before it became acceptable to give concepts multi-faceted abilities, Ushtar did have that old IED/Takedown toggle. Might be worth dusting it off.


Thanks for the feedback, and let me know what you think of Zeal.

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So heres my thought I actually liked his old ult a bit better, though I can see why you changed it.


I personally like the passive, my only thought on it would be lower the stealth time to like 4 seconds of not being seen and allowing one free stealth kill. after the free kill if you use it again the stealth is broken. Well thats my thoughts on the update.

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A skill that commanded Aggro would DEFINITELY be useful. Like if he could toss something out and have it forcibly attract enemies that are aggro'd already to that location, or emit some signal that drew them to him, that would be insanely helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

fulcrvm's created some new art (karambit direction fixed as well):



Before finalizing anything, we could use your feedback on the above and more in this thread:


PLEASE FOR THE LUV OF GOD DEVS GIVE ME THIZ!!!!no disrespect I just hate to see good concept get wasted/ignored/back burner I wonder really why DEVS don't put any fan made warframes ingame!so many concepts all though I heard legal reasons and jealousy may happen this concept is amazing can someone name a warframe that a player has created that made it in game would be helpful. I'm bumping this thread and blowing it up lmao Edited by (PS4)BIGHEBREW
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That day hasn't come, seeing as Ushtar is not a Navy Seal Warframe. I'd know, seeing as I made him.

Ushtar is inspired by marine soldiers, yes. But in no way does that make him a NS 'frame. I don't think I have to explain why, but can if you need clarification.

If it was just a joke, then, oh. Okay.

To those who like the new look: yeah, I'm happy with it, too. Glad you guys like it. We are trying to wait it out for more overall feedback before finalizing or tweaking more.

Edited by Rhekemi
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I guess it's because I've been playing too many other Third Person Shooters with heavy weapons but I feel like Ushtar could have a grenade launcher for an ultimate. Kinda weird, yes, but I was thinking about it being a selectable ult., kinda like Ivara's arrows. Maybe the first rank could have him use some form of Tenno SAW, the second, a kind of Tenno grenade launcher and the maxed out rank could have him use a Tenno rocket launcher. The holy trinity of heavy weapons :P.

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PLEASE FOR THE LUV OF GOD DEVS GIVE ME THIZ!!!!no disrespect I just hate to see good concept get wasted/ignored/back burner I wonder really why DEVS don't put any fan made warframes ingame!so many concepts all though I heard legal reasons and jealousy may happen this concept is amazing can someone name a warframe that a player has created that made it in game would be helpful. I'm bumping this thread and blowing it up lmao

Zephyr, The Bursa from what i can think of

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Well, I never thought this day would come.

Someone's gone and made a Navy Seal warframe

Well, I never thought this day would come.

Someone's gone and made a Navy Seal warframe

Really! I don't see navy seal anywhere honestly I see Russian gorilla warfare



Edited by (PS4)BIGHEBREW
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I guess it's because I've been playing too many other Third Person Shooters with heavy weapons but I feel like Ushtar could have a grenade launcher for an ultimate. Kinda weird, yes, but I was thinking about it being a selectable ult., kinda like Ivara's arrows. Maybe the first rank could have him use some form of Tenno SAW, the second, a kind of Tenno grenade launcher and the maxed out rank could have him use a Tenno rocket launcher. The holy trinity of heavy weapons :P.


Yes, I can see the appeal for that kind of ability for a soldier themed 'frame.


I've stated in the past that I see Ushtar moving away from that to set himself apart, but if I think of a truly unique way to incorporate a heavy gunner / ordinance ability, I would see if folks liked it.


His oldest kit had things like the energy IEDs, rollers/latchers (that could work as stealth drones to mark targets as well as attachable bombs), and a void supressor for his equipped pistol. 


The feedback was that it was too traditional military sounding/feeling (to put it mildly), so I continued to tweak and try to set Ushtar apart from what was expected. 


Thanks for the interest!


Zephyr, The Bursa from what i can think of


DE Scott once said something like the last 10 'frames were inspired in part by fan concepts.


Chroma and Mesa for sure, as well as Equinox (the idea, via Design Council). 


Now this is tight, much more technocyte!


Thanks. Glad you like it.


But this obsoletes my Support Hydroid :(


You know what's funny? I didn't have Hydroid these past few months that I'd been working on Ushtar. (Ushtar's toxin proc clearing was most like the antitoxin mod at the time.) Since having finally gotten Hydroid's last part a few weeks ago, I run Tidal Impunity for the proc clear. I wish more people did, but it's usually Farmer Hydroid.


That said, Hydroid has a lot of unique flavor. He'll never be obsolete as the Pirate-tentacle-water mage.


Really! I don't see navy seal anywhere honestly I see Russian gorilla warfare




With the uniforms, yeah. He resembles that snappy uniform feel.


I think the Navy Seal comment might have to do with his kit, but I'd understand it more if it was about his older kit.


All good, though. 

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