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Australian Themed Warframe.


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So after many heartfelt, gay moments of recollection, I finally did something useful with my time and thought of a new warframe concept, I call him: Tone Aboot, images below.

As you can see from the immaculate depiction of Tonnie About, we can clearly depict this warframe's gender as: yes.
Town Abottle's powers all truly reflect his personality, desires and abuse of power, making her an offensive support Frame.
Power One: Misogynistic Bellow.  
Titty Abstain will make bigoted, misguided and incredibly offensive remarks to any Grineer or Corpus female units in a 20m radius, gaining +10% weapon damage additive for every woman offended, and a +1% weapon damage for any teammate caught in the bellow.
A suggested augment could increase its effectiveness by particularly using 'housewives' as a constant remark due to lack of creativity, which in turn would proc fire on any female unit.
Power Two: Closed Demographic.
Tim Tam Agriculture will prevent any LGBT+ Grineer or Corpus units from marriage, this doesn't benefit him, it just proves she's a massive $&*^.
Power Three: Unconditional Narcissism.
Toxic Albatross strokes their bad hair cut, whilst chanting nonsensical pish posh about how amazing his hair feels. Proving that even the most misguided of souls can have a God complex, this gesture increases weapon holster rate by 50% but on the flipside, lowers its accuracy because they're too busy touching his hair, however, any enemies caught within a 15m cast radius spout perfectly rational and offensive slurs towards Tumble Abridged, inflicting a bleed proc on the enemies and increasing Tablet Ankyros' firerate by 20%
Power Four: Political Obsolescence.
Trisha Alabama gets kicked out of the parliament and is no longer prime minister, this is my favourite ability because it just kills Tennis Amalgamation, wasting one of your precious revives, proving that if the idiots of Australia (myself included) vote for this train wreck of a human bei- *cough* Warframe. Again, we are only signing the death warrent of our own brain cells.
Suggested prime variant could be Malcolm Prime, image below.
Feedback is much appreciated. 
Edited by Glitch_Kitten
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