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Does Anyone Else Seem To Create A Personality For Each Of Their Warframes?


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After playing Warframe for quite some time now I've noticed more and more that I've grown more attached to my  Warframes and even though they technically they have no personallity,  I've given them one of their own. How I'd think they would act and react and the like. I even differentiated the Primes from the non-primes. Anyone else do this or do you just play the game? By the way my 3 favorites are Excalibur, Nyx, and Loki. (Also DE should add a NPC Tenno)

Edited by (PS4)Fac3kick3r_lolz
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Yes, I also find the fact you can apply idle animations to different frames a great way to express yourself. The immersion of Warframe is quite astounding and it's hard for me to not project a personality on to my frames.


Of course, this poses an issue; I immerse myself to the point it is hard for me to play fem frames. 

Edited by LazerSkink
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I can't see Mag as anything other then a power obssess crazy person who likes her enemies laying on the ground all the time.  Every time I use Pull I imagine she's saying kneel lately.  From some form of supportish frame to a damage/CC frame.  She changed from closed beta.  She has "Changed."


~Slowly turns head and looks at the frame.~

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Oh i sure do.

My favorite one is Rhino with Thrak helmet and Hydroid noble stance. He's also in Steel Meridian.

I like to believe that he's just very chill and quiet guy who secretly wants to destroy everything but too lazy to do that and face consequences, so he just hangs around Steel Meridian and Lotus so his maniacal desires were faced towards those who deserves it.

Basically he's a Jason Voorhees who decided to fight for the good cause for a change.

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For me they each seem to have a distinct personality due to their appearance, strengths, weakness' and abilities. I Also hate the "warframes are interchangeable suits of armor" idea. I think of them more of a team and I as the leader send out the team member I feel best suited to a particular mission. From what I have read and heard that is probably not going to be the case, but I still don't like the idea of the frames being interchangeable suits.

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