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Give Us The Option To Hide The Syandanas?


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Don't bother with them. Low demand on arcanes means lower prices. So better they remain clueless about it.


Even 20x Grace can produce potential 8% regen per sec for 6s, totalling up to 48% healed which is almost half of a Warframe's HP considering each only proc'd once and didn't refresh. Having Rage, P. Flow and Quick Thinking can potentially just recycle the HP and Energy back and forth if not taking extremely lethal damage which is really really good especially when solo-ing or aiming for long runs. This also produces infinite energy unless energy was burned for taking lethal damage.


There's a reason why the playerbase are always divided between scrubs and veterans.

Edited by LisRestall
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you just listed problems that are just yours and no one can help you in solve them.. Im asking a solution to a problem thats not just mine and that DE can solve it really quick, thats the difference


How is "I don't want to use arcanes because i don't waste money" a problem?  and i gave you a solution that you can do right now.

"Forced to use because of Arcanes". . . is this real life?

IKR they can just do without theres only a couple of em that are even remotely useful

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But it would be a bandaid fix. It would be better to have a real, long-term fix.

i agree it would be better, however the 2 arcane slots / frame and ability to freele move them doesn't seem like something DE wants to do. therefore we ask for this simple solution that would not alter the rules they want for arcanes and not hurt anyone

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i agree it would be better, however the 2 arcane slots / frame and ability to freele move them doesn't seem like something DE wants to do. therefore we ask for this simple solution that would not alter the rules they want for arcanes and not hurt anyone

I have a fan concept up that doesn't allow switching enhancements more freely than current system
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I have a fan concept up that doesn't allow switching enhancements more freely than current system

post a link please. does it also have the flexibility the current system has? because having them bound to the frame without being able to freely switch them around will increase the grind and make arcanes less desirable for a lot of players myself included.


the system we have now allows for a good compromise being able to switch 1 arcane freely between frames via syandana moving and keeping arcane helms bound to them. also doesn't require reworking old arcane helms (which is something i suspect DE has no intention of investing in). adding a visibility toggle to syandanas while being a bandaid and a bit nonsensical solves many of the issues i have with the current system while requiring what i imagine to be very little work from dev's part.

having said that i wish we just had 2 arcane slots/frame with no switching limitations as acquiring a full set of arcane enhancements is grindy enough as it is and what i consider to be a fair tradeoff in itself.

Edited by ..atom..
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post a link please. does it also have the flexibility the current system has? because having them bound to the frame without being able to freely switch them around will increase the grind and make arcanes less desirable for a lot of players myself included.


In the concept, enhancements are bound to a new equipment type which can be moved freely.

Edited by KinetosImpetus
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+1 to OP
I have this very problem myself, i have 7 maxed arcanes currently and sometimes i dont want  my butterfly like syandana ( with maxed guardian) to appear behind my chroma and frost

And to you guys who saying nope to this, you better come up with better idea how to fix this rather than saying "Op dont realize this" "You can just unequip it" 
You arent helping here with that

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post a link please. does it also have the flexibility the current system has? because having them bound to the frame without being able to freely switch them around will increase the grind and make arcanes less desirable for a lot of players myself included.


the system we have now allows for a good compromise being able to switch 1 arcane freely between frames via syandana moving and keeping arcane helms bound to them. also doesn't require reworking old arcane helms (which is something i suspect DE has no intention of investing in). adding a visibility toggle to syandanas while being a bandaid and a bit nonsensical solves many of the issues i have with the current system while requiring what i imagine to be very little work from dev's part.

having said that i wish we just had 2 arcane slots/frame with no switching limitations as acquiring a full set of arcane enhancements is grindy enough as it is and what i consider to be a fair tradeoff in itself.


can you imagine how many people will ask a compensation for all the syandanas they bought? im simply asking for a bandaid that hurt no one and cost nothing,, the two things cannot be compared, really

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You were forced to use one specific helmet in order to get the bonus. Now you can chose which items gives you a bonus.

So no, we are not back to the original arcane helmet problem.

And we all talked about this problem already. That's why we can now transfer arcane enhancements...

So if you have 4 different arcane you use but only like 1 syndana you have to have 4 copies of the same one? I love how an option to toggle something makes you so butt hurt since it wouldn't even affect you.
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I like how some players on this thread are labelling disagreements of the OP suggestion as elitist. There are no mention of ranks or anything when it comes Arcanes.

Bandaid fixes to problems like these are not going to solve it. It's like plugging up leaks with your bare hands, you plug up one leak, another one will be created and so on. It's much better to wait for DE to make a long term solution to problems rather than force them to run around applying short term "bandaids" to these problems. Sure we have to wait a little longer, but the wait will be worth it.

Changing aspects of a game takes time and isn't just a simple "copy and paste" matter as mentioned earlier. DE need to be careful not mess up the menus and annoy more of the fan base by not making Syandanas have their own customisation menu, which would then take more time to be released.

DE will create an unbiased solution to this, you just have to be patient.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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I like how some players on this thread are labelling disagreements of the OP suggestion as elitist. There are no mention of ranks or anything when it comes Arcanes.

Bandaid fixes to problems like these are not going to solve it. It's like plugging up leaks with your bare hands, you plug up one leak, another one will be created and so on. It's much better to wait for DE to make a long term solution to problems rather than force them to run around applying short term "bandaids" to these problems. Sure we have to wait a little longer, but the wait will be worth it.

Changing aspects of a game takes time and isn't just a simple "copy and paste" matter as mentioned earlier. DE need to be careful not mess up the menus and annoy more of the fan base by not making Syandanas have their own customisation menu, which would then take more time to be released.

DE will create an unbiased solution to this, you just have to be patient.

what are you basing your judgement on? to my knowledge DE made no statement of fixing or further improving the arcane enhancement system we have now.


also making each attachment have it's own customisation menu was also asked for by many players myself included so we can apply different settings to parts that don't match. this visibility toggle setting would go along very well with that change imo

Edited by ..atom..
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Weapons being hidden aside, many other games allow players to hide certain cosmetics while retaining the stats bonuses.  i.e. those fugly helms that WoW makes but lets you hide them.


I'm not a fan of this being implemented as a band-aide solution but, I don't have anything against the concept.  I'd rather DE spends the time fixing it instead of wasting time making placating gestures. 

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Melees are not essential to survive yet they have a feature where you can hide them. This can also be said to Primary if you bring a Secondary, or Secondary if you bring a Primary or even both if you still bring a melee. There's no excuse to apply the same for Arcane cosmetics especially as a band-aid for now until it's next rework.

Everyone can argue and go in circles but it's a fact that OP's suggestion would not hurt anyone.

I really hate this kind of elitism people are showing in this thread.

The point of the matter is that creating bandaids takes more time and then they have to work to undo those bandaids so do not clash with main solution. So it does hurt in many ways, it hurts DE's programmers as they have to code a temporary solution while working out how to get the main problem solved.

It hurts the fan base because bigger updates will take longer to come out.

I honestly have no idea where you are pulling your victim of elitism idea from, no one on here is claiming higher intelligence or rank than any other person.

Edit: Apart from you, as you insulted a player earlier by saying he was trying to look smart by disagreeing, subsequently putting him down while you were on top. So if anyone is being snooty on here, it is you.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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what are you basing your judgement on? to my knowledge DE made no statement of fixing or further improving the arcane enhancement system we have now

I am basing my judgement on DE's history of drastic changes and its relationship with the fanbase. There are many examples of how DE have changed certain aspects of the game because the player base were unhappy with it.

And how some bandaids turned out to make problems for DE in the long run.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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Syandanas are universal, Helms are 'frame specific.  This would severely limit OP's options. 


Yeah, well, that's as good as it's gonna get right now if you're not wanting to use a syandana.


I just see it as ridiculous to say that syandanas that you paid for are only there for arcane buffs you apply to them.

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Yeah, well, that's as good as it's gonna get right now if you're not wanting to use a syandana.


I just see it as ridiculous to say that syandanas that you paid for are only there for arcane buffs you apply to them.

Why, though?


I personally am not a fan of the Syanadanana's, something about them just doesn't fit most of my Warframes aesthetic (in my opinion.)


If I started picking up Arcane Enhancements, I would purchase a Syanadananana for the sole purpose of providing a bonus to my 'frame of choice. I wouldn't want to spend all that time and effort ranking up an Arcane that's on a helmet that I could only use for, say, Mag Prime.  I'd want more versatility for my efforts. 


Now, because I dislike most cosmetics on my favorite 'frames, I would like the ability to hide them and retain the buffs. 


Why is it ridiculous for me to do that?


[size=2]yes, I know I'm butchering Syandana.  No, I do not currently have an interest in Arcanes, Enhancements or helms.  This is purely hypothetical, no Grineer were harmed in the making of this post.[/size]

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Why, though?


I personally am not a fan of the Syanadanana's, something about them just doesn't fit most of my Warframes aesthetic (in my opinion.)


If I started picking up Arcane Enhancements, I would purchase a Syanadananana for the sole purpose of providing a bonus to my 'frame of choice. I wouldn't want to spend all that time and effort ranking up an Arcane that's on a helmet that I could only use for, say, Mag Prime.  I'd want more versatility for my efforts. 


Now, because I dislike most cosmetics on my favorite 'frames, I would like the ability to hide them and retain the buffs. 


Why is it ridiculous for me to do that?


yes, I know I'm butchering Syandana.  No, I do not currently have an interest in Arcanes, Enhancements or helms.  This is purely hypothetical, no Grineer were harmed in the making of this post.


I suppose, if you could bind arcane enhancements to your frame, that would make more sense.

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