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[Poll] Which Warframe Needs A Rework The Most?


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Yeah thought as much for the top 5.

Limbo is just to specialised his 4th help as much as it disturbs (plus I didn't see him in game in months),


Volt its just about his 4th powers rest is good,


Oberon has no place you in game jack of all trades master of none,


Mag is just too much tweaked to fight one faction, and Hydroid is a good idea but bad execution plus his 4th till this day can be bugy placing tendrils in some very bad orientation and so on.

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Some questions to ask yourself:

-Which Warframe do I use the least?

-Which Warframe do I find overly-situational?

-Which Warframe is lacking compared to others?

-Which Warframe do I think needs a much-needed update?


Hmm.. the one I use least from the ones I own is zephyr.

Don't get me wrong she is pretty fun, if the stage is a open area.


She really is overly-situational and I personally find her quite lacking.

A lot of people here are saying limbo should get a rework.. but Honestly I've seen more limbos around than zephyrs.


Her 1st ability is really only great as travel ability and even so... I find it quite lackluster.

Her 2nd ability is fun but the damage is really weak.

Her 3th ability, is good but its really not that fun on her and her style, She's supposed to be a master of the wind and a semi flying type. I dont see how this fits at all.

her 4th ability is also fun, has great CC, but its awefully hard to kill the enemies while they are in the tornadoes. 


If i'd have the chance I'd almost completely rework her.

I feel she should be more about being in the air and blasting away enemies with wind attacks.


Her first ability will be reworked and used as her 4.


New 1st ability: Zephyr sends a bolt of wind flying (like embers fireball) when it hits an enemy it will deal push and knockdown enemies in the range of its AOE and places a wind-current on the place it hit. 


2nd ability: its great the way it works now, however I feel like it should deal more damage and would work great with her 4th.


New 3th ability: instead of how it works now I kind of want to combine her current 3th and 4th ability: Zephyr creates a single whrilwind one the place that has a wind-current (by using her 1st ability) that draws in enemies and any projectiles that come near it. These projectiles will hit enemies which are currently sucked in the whirlwind.


New 4th ability: Her current 1st ability right now makes her to be able to semi-fly. I would like for it to be a toggle and make her able to actually fly like you would be able with the archwing (just not the same speed), being able to stay still in the air or move as you want to, with normal walking speed. This would drain energy per second while active she will be able and would be able to use melee in a similar way as in archwing.


This would make her very fun to play for me.

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The problem with Limbo is that he has no ability that works by itself except Cataclysm, and Cataclysm is area denial for both teams. No other frame has this problem. But to make the best of Banish, you have to use Rift Walk. To make the best of Rift Walk, you have to use Banish. To even use Rift surge you need both Rift walk AND banish, and Cataclysm is just Rift Walk and banish put together in a shrinking circle on your entire team. It simply isn't enough, even with it's various uses.

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You still have yet to explain why in this situation Banish would be beneficial to Trinity.

The reason why everyone is poking numerous holes in your statements is because Limbo used incorrectly is highly disruptive at best and when used correctly provides negligible benefits while still inhibiting the team.

We want to see him reworked for his benefit, and you being a stubborn troll isn't helping. Go back to hiding under whatever dark bridge you sleep under at night where your dull and unconvincing logic only makes sense to you.



Well said....

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I use limbo as my main and i do believe he doesn't need a rework. He may need a few tweaks but not a complete rework. The warframe that needs a rework the most is Mag. She had 1 awesome ability that was nerfed harder than a kid playing with Nerf gun. Her 3 needs some changing or a rework. Her 2 is useful but falls out of playibility in higher level missions. Het 4 is really nice but these casting time.......... Oh god the casting time.

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Oberon Because, Do you even Paladin Bro? Also, Lackluster.

Limbo Because of how he was implemented.

Zephyr Because Abilities are Lackluster

Vauban Because Magnetic Damage. Bounce is useless due to Parkour 2.0, and has only a base damage of 175 when maxed.

Mag Because....eh, She's Pretty Balanced.

Rhino For Several reasons

Saryn Because Booty Not Dank Enough 420/69 -IGN

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Atlas needs a rework already and he literally just came out. Probably one of the most "If there was a way to pay to instantly level this frame to 30 I would so do it", it's this frame. His abilities scream "Don't play me, I'm that one frame that you expect to find in any online game and I'm totally useless" Sure, his 1 is.. interesting and his 3rd is kinda nice for cc, but in the time it takes to cc those 5 mobs in front of you, the other 40 have killed your 2nd, 4ths, and are about half a second away from killing you as well.. like DE please..


I agree with Mesa but Atlas?


Sure might not fit your style play, doesn't mean his kit is trash. :l


Add some strength/duration to his 2 & 4 and watch it survive up to vs lvl 60 enemies (unless is nullifies >-> grrr)


Aside from that he is one my fav frames play with, I see no need for rework. 



Vauban Because Magnetic Damage. Bounce is useless due to Parkour 2.0, and has only a base damage of 175 when maxed.


His kit all about CC and Support, magnetic/base damage is irrelevant since he isn't a damage frame.... Although I agree his bounce is meh with new parkour 2.0.  

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Some questions to ask yourself:

-Which Warframe do I use the least?

-Which Warframe do I find overly-situational?

-Which Warframe is lacking compared to others?

-Which Warframe do I think needs a much-needed update?

Hmm.. the one I use least from the ones I own is zephyr.

Don't get me wrong she is pretty fun, if the stage is a open area.

She really is overly-situational and I personally find her quite lacking.

A lot of people here are saying limbo should get a rework.. but Honestly I've seen more limbos around than zephyrs.

Her 1st ability is really only great as travel ability and even so... I find it quite lackluster.

Her 2nd ability is fun but the damage is really weak.

Her 3th ability, is good but its really not that fun on her and her style, She's supposed to be a master of the wind and a semi flying type. I dont see how this fits at all.

her 4th ability is also fun, has great CC, but its awefully hard to kill the enemies while they are in the tornadoes.

If i'd have the chance I'd almost completely rework her.

I feel she should be more about being in the air and blasting away enemies with wind attacks.

Her first ability will be reworked and used as her 4.

New 1st ability: Zephyr sends a bolt of wind flying (like embers fireball) when it hits an enemy it will deal push and knockdown enemies in the range of its AOE and places a wind-current on the place it hit.

2nd ability: its great the way it works now, however I feel like it should deal more damage and would work great with her 4th.

New 3th ability: instead of how it works now I kind of want to combine her current 3th and 4th ability: Zephyr creates a single whrilwind one the place that has a wind-current (by using her 1st ability) that draws in enemies and any projectiles that come near it. These projectiles will hit enemies which are currently sucked in the whirlwind.

New 4th ability: Her current 1st ability right now makes her to be able to semi-fly. I would like for it to be a toggle and make her able to actually fly like you would be able with the archwing (just not the same speed), being able to stay still in the air or move as you want to, with normal walking speed. This would drain energy per second while active she will be able and would be able to use melee in a similar way as in archwing.

This would make her very fun to play for me.

*Sigh* Yet another non experienced Zephyr player
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Limbo ?


Limbo who is master of the Spy, Sabotage and Capture missions ?


Limbo is a solo friendly Frame.


Mag needs help.


Is not so much he's bad to use in missions at all; if you know how use him more power to you ~ 


As previously mentioned seems be a) Doesn't synergies with teammates b) Either learning curve is too high for some or his kit needs some tweaks to minimize negative impact on others.


Honestly, feels almost entire kit (not counting 3) is more skill shots types: timing and placement needs be right or going gimp players altogether...

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Hydroid's number one is so bad at hitting anything, i wouldn't mind seeing it replaced honestly. Hydroid needs his number one replaced with a water bubble like move to capture and throw enemies in, or cause a burst like a water baloon with your weapon, that conjures focused and pressurized water like bullets to rain down or up from the ground, depending on bubble proximity. Element mods from your weapons could also have an effect on this sort of ability.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I do too, I also feel like people blame him for the person playing him and the team not helping him, it takes a special style of play to use him so I understand their limbo rework mindset(even though I don't support it)

What could DE rework on this frame anyway?!?

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I voted Oberon, because he's easily outclassed by Trinity and I feel bad :s


IMO Oberon needs rework the most, he seems nearly useless to me. And then goes Limbo.


Please, PLEASE! Leave Oberon alone! I enjoy facetanking lvl 40 nullifiers till they die and smacking anyone stupid enough to stand close. All the while regenerating health, knockiug people off their feet and starting a frenzied disco of blinded and confused enemy's!


All Oberon needs is a Prime with more health/armor and I'm done for endgame.


As for which frame needs a rework:

- Ember, more like a bug fix with fire proc and knockdown proc priority, and making the range of fire blast modable.

- Mag, cause all she's good for now is spamming 2 on corpus missions... again....

- Limbo, cause divide and conquer, perma invincibility and silly hats are only fun for the first hour.

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They want him to work better with other frames(I don't understand how he doesnt), give him an actual 3rd ability that's better, and items in rift at very least, I support a items in cataclysm can be picked up when your in there too change

Trying to keep it short, many feel his abilities are redundant among themselves, inferior to other frame abilities, and likely more often than not to not help teammates. My personal analysis goes like this:


Banish- "Very skill shotty". It requires precise aiming to utilize and only affects one target. 


Rift Walk- Has a semi-long casting time. That's really all I see wrong with this power. Personally I think it would be cool to roll Banish and Rift Walk into one ability, a short press on "1" while targeting an enemy/ally would put them in the Rift while holding down for a second "1" would put you into the Rift. This would free up his "2" for something else.


Rift Surge- An inferior iteration of Rhino's roar that will only affect the targets you Banish or those in Cataclysm. It is too situational. 


Cataclysm- Besides denying pickups from allies I find that all color is washed out by Cataclysm and it makes it harder to see enemies. You also can't shoot out of it, limiting your engagement range.


I don't hate Limbo, I just hate where he is right now, which is a place of intense criticism and unwieldiness that not even Equinox is stuck in.

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Trying to keep it short, many feel his abilities are redundant among themselves, inferior to other frame abilities, and likely more often than not to not help teammates. My personal analysis goes like this:

Banish- "Very skill shotty". It requires precise aiming to utilize and only affects one target.

Rift Walk- Has a semi-long casting time. That's really all I see wrong with this power. Personally I think it would be cool to roll Banish and Rift Walk into one ability, a short press on "1" while targeting an enemy/ally would put them in the Rift while holding down for a second "1" would put you into the Rift. This would free up his "2" for something else.

Rift Surge- An inferior iteration of Rhino's roar that will only affect the targets you Banish or those in Cataclysm. It is too situational.

Cataclysm- Besides denying pickups from allies I find that all color is washed out by Cataclysm and it makes it harder to see enemies. You also can't shoot out of it, limiting your engagement range.

I don't hate Limbo, I just hate where he is right now, which is a place of intense criticism and unwieldiness that not even Equinox is stuck in.

I love limbo and this is my rundown of him:

Banish-for press4towin noobs and heavy enemies, with augments heal a bit(I don't have aim problems, I don't use guns because I'm naturally good at it)

Rift walk- give myself energy, revive teammates, stealth, take down the hard targets by myself because weak teammates and the knockdown

Rift surge-decent added damage for when I need it

Cataclysm- massive aoe, or smaller immortal frost bubble, or even gun down a horde of enemies and prevent them from hitting teammates

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Please, PLEASE! Leave Oberon alone! I enjoy facetanking lvl 40 nullifiers till they die and smacking anyone stupid enough to stand close. All the while regenerating health, knockiug people off their feet and starting a frenzied disco of blinded and confused enemy's!


All Oberon needs is a Prime with more health/armor and I'm done for endgame.


As for which frame needs a rework:

- Ember, more like a bug fix with fire proc and knockdown proc priority, and making the range of fire blast modable.

- Mag, cause all she's good for now is spamming 2 on corpus missions... again....

- Limbo, cause divide and conquer, perma invincibility and silly hats are only fun for the first hour.

He doesn't need a full blown rework


But one skill does need redesigning and thats his 2 which is kinda useless to the point where its comical.



i vote Volt



Welp you are in luck. Last devstream they talked about how they wanted to rework volt's 4th ability to be a bit more impressive.

Edited by Makairi
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