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Ps4 Control Scheme Is Ruined


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can't bind secondary fire and melee channel on the same button if i have a melee equipped?? are you frickin serious???


and then comes the next problem which is i can't even bind secondary fire to ANY touch pad commands but why the hell not??


secura penta is majestic launcher but it is a goddamn bother if i can't even use it if i have a melee equipped


i want the old scheme back!

Edited by (PS4)SektorZR1
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can't bind secondary fire and melee channel on the same button if i have a melee equipped?? are you frickin serious???


and then comes the next problem which is i can't even bind secondary fire to ANY touch pad commands but why the hell not??


secura penta is majestic launcher but it is a goddamn bother if i can't even use it if i have a melee equipped


i want the old scheme back!

Easy there Tenno.  Lets see if I can help you out here,  what controller scheme are you currently using that is giving you trouble with key bindings? 

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i tried this scheme and it worked until i had to revive someone and i couldn't so this is a no-no



then i thought about moving it to L3 but then i realized i wouldn't be able to use cosumables on any of the touchpad commands again...




Edited by (PS4)SektorZR1
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I think I found your problem, OP. You appear to be using a console controller to play a shooter. Suggested fix: replace with mouse and keyboard.


On a serious note, the PS4 and Xbone both support mouse and keyboard. So did the PS3 and 360. Does DE allow console players to use M&K? I'm guessing not, since most players will be using controllers and it would probably be considered an unfair advantage.

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I think I found your problem, OP. You appear to be using a console controller to play a shooter. Suggested fix: replace with mouse and keyboard.


On a serious note, the PS4 and Xbone both support mouse and keyboard. So did the PS3 and 360. Does DE allow console players to use M&K? I'm guessing not, since most players will be using controllers and it would probably be considered an unfair advantage.

Yes they can, any game can and no one can say they can't. Unfair advantage or not. Also this is mostly a PvE game, so it wouldn't even matter.

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Yes they can, any game can and no one can say they can't. Unfair advantage or not. Also this is mostly a PvE game, so it wouldn't even matter.


No, you are wrong. You can't use a keyboard in ANY game on PS4/XBONE. In fact, very few games on PS4 and XBONE have support for mouse and keyboard. 


If keyboard and mouse was a thing on console for first person shooters, a lot of people would quit.

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can't bind secondary fire and melee channel on the same button if i have a melee equipped?? are you frickin serious???


and then comes the next problem which is i can't even bind secondary fire to ANY touch pad commands but why the hell not??


secura penta is majestic launcher but it is a goddamn bother if i can't even use it if i have a melee equipped


i want the old scheme back!

Yeah I had to reconfigure my controls when they added secondary fire. I use the d pad for powers, touch pad for waypoints and consumables, and the right click as secondary fire.

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No, you are wrong. You can't use a keyboard in ANY game on PS4/XBONE. In fact, very few games on PS4 and XBONE have support for mouse and keyboard. 


If keyboard and mouse was a thing on console for first person shooters, a lot of people would quit.

Go look up keymander

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I have been trying to deal with this same issue after Secondary Fire was added and unfortunately I've had to make the same choice as the guy who posted the screen.

We're basically out of buttons on the PS4 controller to adapt a a new function to it.

My suggestion to DE is that we get a simple toggle in the control options to have Aim/Secondary fire on the same button, as it used to be.

There's many weapons I don't need to aim and would prefer to just have the old way available. This also makes it easier to simply switch the toggle when you are going to use a weapon to don't want to aim but need the secondary fire, like the Quanta, VS re-binding every time.

"Old way" toggle I feel should happen at some point.

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