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Carrier/carrier Prime


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I bring sentinels for utility purposes, not combat - most of the time I don't even have the attack precept installed. Unless I'm doing late-wave high-tier endless missions, attack sentinels are a killstealing nuisance whose interference is both unnecessary and unwelcome. So, sentinels with directly combat-focused precepts are undesirable to me, which leaves Shade, Helios, and Carrier. As a newbie I found Shade's cloak useful when I was playing solo and needed a breather in combat, but I no longer feel the need for this, and the cloak is too unreliable to be useful for stealth missions, so there's no point in using Shade anymore. Which leaves Helios and Carrier. I use Helios when a new enemy type is released, which saves me some frustration if the new enemies are small, fast, and/or erratically moving and thus hard to scan manually. But as soon as the codex entry is complete, I put away Helios and return to Carrier, whose utility precept is convenient in any mission.

Edited by AgentScarlet
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Say its useless again when a Boss drops its mods/loot from a unapproachable zone.


Carrier or Helios are my Go-To Companions for reasons already mentioned.


Picking up Loot scattered all over the map can be fine if you're solo. But when you're playing a Team Mission or where everybody is running directly towards the end you're gonna end up left behind by your team. Vacuum removes that problem and you can get to worry less about the more annoying aspects of the game.


Sweeper/Prime can proc status effects like crazy when properly modded and can also deal hefty amount of damage if enemies get too close.


Deconstructor most often deals crits and alot of damage as well and does it 3 times if the weapon isn't modded with Thrown Mods.

Edited by Atomic_Noodles
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Month old topic Necro? Eh, looks like the discussion point can still remain relevant.

Carrier, for me, is not about being lazy. Carrier is a huge utility when it comes to picking up ammo, energy, and Life Support, I can't find myself choosing another Sentinel tactically when Carrier gives me such a huge advantage.

This was one of the main complaint points on Archwing, that it was too difficult to reliably pick up drops while flying around and fighting, so they added a magnet effect.

This is my magnet effect for run and gun.

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it has short attack range witch means it actually attacks mobs that threaten me (ones i dont see behind my back) not some random mobs in other side of map. also i build sweeper for max blast chance not damage it keeps all mobs on the ground who dare to come close to me and it  also LOOTS for me :)

also prime version is tough as nails


best sentinel no question 

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it has short attack range witch means it actually attacks mobs that threaten me (ones i dont see behind my back) not some random mobs in other side of map.

FINALLY someone mentions one of the most powerful advantages of Carrier/P, the 10m range. I tried switching to Dirgia for a control Sentinel, but couldn't handle the massive range. Even if you couldn't use Vacuum, Carrier/P would still be the most powerful sentinel, creating a 10m radius around you which no enemies can enter without being CC'd, regardless of enemy level.

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i play this game to have fun. destroying enemies is fun for me. picking up stuff is not so much. enter carrier


calling me lazy because i don't enjoy running around picking up crap is just bollocks




i wish they would make vacuum percept available to all companions/frames and give carrier a new ability that has been suggested so many times. actually carrying stuff for you like extra ammo/energy/health (a buffer of sorts)

Edited by ..atom..
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Carrier isn't simply about loot, It saves you time. Just like Diablo and other farming games it always comes down to time. Besides random loot Carrier gets you energy which directly improves your own killing power.


Companion damage becomes completley worthless at a certain level so it comes down to their abilities. The best companion weapons at higher levels are the ones that can proc status effects often.


Shade is possibly the worst Sentinel next to Cube since they nerfed his cloak and Vukklok is a bad CC weapon because of it's fire rate, it will also never fires at the mob you need it to so it's not likley to save you from harm.


I purposly don't level my Carrier's Striker ability past rank 2-3 so it will always target mobs close that threaten me. I couldn't count how many times I've walked up to a door only to see a lvl 100+ Heavy Gunner when it opens up, I dodge, only to see my Carrier already took care of it dropping them to the ground instantly. Dogs lung at you? Sweeper. Infested creep up behind you? Sweeper. Moa about to stomp? Sweeper.

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