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My Thoughts On Atlas


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You know, people always said Limbo was useless. He's not useless. Just a bit complicated for some people to work with, but he can be really helpful. Atlas honestly isn't catching my eye much at all. If his moves are not going to be changed or buffed even further, then he should be the first Warframe to have more than 150 base health with 450 base armor. But if DE is willing to make more changes to his moves, I have some suggestions.

Now, DE, you have to realize that people think this frame sucks, which he does. You gotta take away the little negative things holding him back to at least to make him less useless. For example.


I like how melee mods effect it now. This move is actually pretty good now for a 1 move. So I nothing on that.


Let's be real... This skill needs a real spice up. You know what I say? This skill needs to be changed, but not ENTIRELY. The wall part is the part that is honestly kind of useless. You put it up and can't shoot through it. Enemies can just walk around pretty easy since its small. What's so hard about finding cover? Basically this wall is no different from ordinary cover. Get rid of the wall part of it. Instead make this skill wrap Atlas in a ball of rocks in which he can roll anywhere, with a max travel distance affected by power range mods. When the max distance is traveled or the skill is deactivated, THEN still apply the explosion. And GUESS WHAT?? You can still apply the health of Tectonics. Atlas takes no damage in Tectonics, unless the health is diminished, then it would break off of Atlas. Hmmm??? Come on, let's spice him up. Really, I know you meant for this frame to be awesome.


I don't even know. I feel like enemies being farther away should be affected almost just as fast as the enemies close. Because the drain on this move along with how useful it is, is insane. Because to even make it useful, you need Blind Rage, but then the drain is just insane. Perhaps maybe this move should block projectiles. Make sense with the whole pertrify deal.


For an ultimate, this kind of skill wth just 2 minions to me just doesn't live up to being an ultimate. Atlas is the brawler right? How about naming his last move "RUMBLER", no "s", and make him go into a melee mode where he gets rocks on his arm making his arms look huge. Perhaps make his attacks slow like hammers, but hit really hard and every last hit on his combo, pounds the ground for radial damage.

COME ON DE!! I'm telling you, this is Atlas! He needs to be mighty, and strong. How can the brawler not have a melee mode? I understand that Valkyr and Excal have one, but this is Atlas the brawler, he is most deserving of a melee mode. Come back and make this frame shake the community!

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Well idk about your loadout but my Petrify freezes everything in 1 second and it costs literally 1.3 energy a second and it has decent range to boot!

Tectonics is fine i just wish range made it wider instead of just making it "bigger".

Rumblers, eh, I agree with you on making him go into a melee rock fist mode, but as of right now, I like having my enemies focus on 2 extra targets instead of me.

Overall, I like your idea, but try testing out different builds, i like having high duration, without using NM, he's pretty well balanced as of right now.

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IMO, what would make Rumblers perfect for me is if they die (either being killed or frolicking into a Nullifier bubble...) they can reanimate next to Atlas for the remaining ability duration. I don't like my rockbros acting like lemmings bolting straight for the shiny dome any chance they get.

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You do realise that DE didn't make his last move a melee/linked ability because there are already two of them already... That's what people could call.. Lack of originality :L

Yeah I mentioned that, but I mean what's one more with a different style and the effects I listed with the combo? Ground smash every last hit? That would be awesome. I know there are 2 frames with Melee modes but dude, this is the brawler frame. He is close combat. To me he is more deserving than Excalibur to have a melee mode just because of how he is the brawler and is close combat
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Atlas seems fairly good to me, using him effectively seems to escape most (maybe how they modded him or how they use him) but he seems extremely effective when you you use him to his strengths. Rumblers seem to be more of a decoy power than a dps skill very effective at taking the heat off of you so you can bash faces with landslide, a properly modded melee coupled with landslide will deal way more damage. Tumblers for distraction, tectonics for that oh crap moment, landslide for damage. Petrify is to much like spectral scream for me but can be etremely effective if you know when to use it.

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