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If You Could Could Make A Warframe, What Would You Call It, And What Would Be It's Powers?


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Name: unknown


Warframe: Summoner


First ability: Imp) summon 1-3 imps depending on level. Imps randomly target enemies and fling fire.


Second ability: Gluttony) summon a lesser demon to follow the warframe. Gluttony aborbs a precentage of damage taken depending on level. when gluttony takes a set amount of damage he explodes doing AOE damage.


Third ability: Seduction) Ensnares the enemy in an illusion of there own making. while under the effect the enemy is unable to do anything.  This ability is stationary, aoe size is depending on level.


Fourth ability: It came from the void) The warframe summon a massive creature from the void that goes on a rampage. Damage increases depending on level.



all abilities drain engery as long as they are in effect. This warframe acts indepenent of her abilies and doesnt need to maintain them, the summoned enties will follow.


Passive: Do to her long exposure to the void [warframe] is able to get more engery out of any source by 10%.

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Myconoid themed frame

1 - aoe debuff, stacking slow and increased status chance

2 - minions that do additional damage to mobs affected by debuff

3 - consume minion to heal, grow in size and increase damage

4 - release consumed minions who spread debuff and have increased attack speed

Gameplay; Make enemies weaker and cc them, send minions to attack them, buff yourself over time, release minions in tight spots to clear the area

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Its easy. It would have the base stats of excal with reworked abilities.


1. Would be movement related. Maybe a 10m teleport. Just slightly faster than bullet jumping

2. Would be control related/utility such as blind/knockdown/restore shields or something 

3. Would be defense related. I'll just copy paste frost globe here

4. Would be an AoE offensive like avalanche

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The artillery:


1: Warframe goes in a lockdown mode, greatly reducing movement speed but boosting damage and shield amount.

2: Scan. This ability shows all nearby enemies in a radius of X for a limited time, increasing damage done on all marked enemies

3: Missile Barrage. Warframe sends homing missiles to all nearby enemies, dealing damage and knockback.

4: Blast. Fires a giant sustainable beam that pierces through all enemies. Slowly follows the direction of your targeting reticule. Apart from targeting, Warframe is unable to move during this ability

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Nihilist - A Warframe that focuses on returning itself to nothing, rather than its opponents, yielding strangely devastating effects.


Passive: (I am Nothing) Attacks have a small chance of passing through the frame entirely, dealing no damage. 


1: (Nihilism) - A buff that causes strikes and bullets from this Warframe to ignore armor and shields. Enemies hit will also receive a debuff that causes them to take extra damage.


2: (Black Hole) - Generates a sphere of raw nothing at target point. Is a channel, and enemies cannot walk away from the hole. They can resist the pull by walking backwards, but will inexorably be forced towards the center, taking steady DoT. 


3: (Ghost Walk) - Frame becomes literal nothing, being invisible, invincible, and able to pass through certain walls. Lasts only a few seconds though. 


4: (Nothing) - Returns the Warframe to nothingness, removing them from the map for a certain period of time and healing them of all wounds. Enemies effected by Nihilism will be brought along as "friends," inexorably trapping them in the void forever. (deals  lethal damage to those taken. If they do not die, they are returned surrounding the frame)



Spider - A control frame that focuses on spreading status effects and then drawing on them all at once to leave enemies dead or snared in her web.


Passive: (Primal Fear) Enemies have a chance to panic as soon as they see the frame, running away


1: (Strings) - Causes bullets and melee strikes to attach hidden strings to her targets, slowing them by a small ammount


2: (Spiderlings) - Target enemy takes a burst of damage and receives the debuff (Infested). (Infested) units, when killed, spread the (Infested) status to enemies in a AoE. (Infested) receive a lasting DoT that periodically causes them to panic. Because they're covered in spiders.


3: (Creep and Crawl) - Cheap spell, gives the frame the ability to wall crawl. If they remain stationary for a period of time on any surface, they will eventually turn invisible.


4: (In my Web) - Creates a wide AoE of web that slows any enemy who enters it. If they remain within for too long, they will be stunned for a period of time. Enemies affected by (Infested) will have their DoT damage increased by 300%, and enemies affected by (Strings) will be bodily yanked towards, or into, the web. The frame will also gain the invisibility buff from (Creep and Crawl) so long as they are within the web.



Howl - A powerful pack-based hunter who mostly provides buffs for their allies, but grows stronger just by hanging near them


Passive (Pack) Companions gain a small % extra bonus from the frame's buffs


1: (Fangs) - Summons a number of deceased, spectral Kubrow. These spirits will home in on nearby enemies, mauling them before exploding in a small AoE. This spell lasts for a short duration, and while it is active, enemies killed by the frame itself will summon more spectral Kubrow at its side.


2: (Lifeblood) - Links the frame to nearby allies. Any damage this frame does will heal them by a % of the total damage done. If they are damaged, the frame itself will receive a boost to its own damage. If ally health is full, this frame will begin to heal itself until it is also full.


3: (Hunt) - Targets an enemy, creating a large, invisible AoE around them lasting for a moderate duration. Allies within the AoE receive damage, speed, and a health bonus. The enemy will also be tracked. When the enemy is killed, the AoE will despawn, giving allies within a lasting percentage of the total buff.


4: (Alpha) - Increases the Warframe's size by a volume, while giving it the following buff: Armor, regenerating health, a powerful damage buff for nearby allies, and the ability to revive fallen allies by standing near them. The armor and health regen increase when more allies are nearby, stacking accordingly. 

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The artillery:


1: Warframe goes in a lockdown mode, greatly reducing movement speed but boosting damage and shield amount.

2: Scan. This ability shows all nearby enemies in a radius of X for a limited time, increasing damage done on all marked enemies

3: Missile Barrage. Warframe sends homing missiles to all nearby enemies, dealing damage and knockback.

4: Blast. Fires a giant sustainable beam that pierces through all enemies. Slowly follows the direction of your targeting reticule. Apart from targeting, Warframe is unable to move during this ability

Giving those bombards a taste of their own medicine!

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Health: Randomise in every mission

Shield: Randomise in every mission

Armor: Randomise in every mission

Energy: Randomise in every mission

Sprint: Randomise in every mission


Powers :

1 : Jackpot

Hit the enemy with ball of energy 

 Damage : 0 - 9999 (random)

2 : Alert

summon random transmission from lotus to make enemy (and friendly) flee to certain nodes

3 : Prime Fever

Damage everything in the area with forma and 100% salty tears (including teammate)

 Damage : 0 - 99999 (random)

4 : Pure Luck

Instantly finish a mission with 100% drop of the rarest resources or set of weapon/warframe (primed/normal)

 Chance to cast : 0.000000000000000000000000001%

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Krill in:

1- dies, stunning all enemies with laughter

2 explodes, his guts providing damareduction to allies and enemies alike

3- charges into an enemy, doing poor damage to one enemy and drawing all fire till he dies

4- charges a Spirit Bomb for 2 minutes that misses every enemy, who stares at it in a state of confusion. Incoming fire is absorbed by the bomb, it has a travel time of .8m and enemies casually stroll away from it.

Passive Senzu Bean: Krillin has 99 revives

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Krill in:

1- dies, stunning all enemies with laughter

2 explodes, his guts providing damareduction to allies and enemies alike

3- charges into an enemy, doing poor damage to one enemy and drawing all fire till he dies

4- charges a Spirit Bomb for 2 minutes that misses every enemy, who stares at it in a state of confusion. Incoming fire is absorbed by the bomb, it has a travel time of .8m and enemies casually stroll away from it.

Passive Senzu Bean: Krillin has 99 revives

Guess I better start farming for Dragonballs Prime... just in case.

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did one a month back 

Gaia - carnivorouse plant 




1-(no name yet) Gaias hands shoot a spray of acid/glue that covers a group of foes, foes are stuck in place for duration and take minor corrosive damage. <- crowd control main concept here


2-PhotosynthesisGaia flower petals glow with power color. two part ability


A: In darkness grants slow HP gain, cannibalizes power

B: In light grants energy gain over time, reduced armor?


3: Thorn Armor: thorns grow from her body and armor, and is a defensive move, if enemies hit or damage her, they take toxin and puncture damage, stackable to a damage limit

(armor has a counter similar to rhino)



4: Natures Wrath: (drafted ideas for ultimate)


A: Gaia lashes at enemies with Chinese style palm strikes, rapid strikes and  fast hits, on targets near here (multi)


B: grabs foes with vines and spins and slams enemy thats grabbed in an area(vines length affected by range mods) similar to a brawler frame , deals damage to grabbed target and enemies in range are affected by impact


C: unleashes seeds from hands that sprout into large carnivorous plants and grab/eat enemies


D: sprays gas cloud to damage enemies near her, similar to chroma 





Health: 130 (390 at 30)

Shields: 50 (150 at 30)

Armor: 100 (150 at 30) 

Power: 130 (200 at 30)

Speed: 1.5




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I just saw this topic and it's funny because I suddenly had a warframe idea this morning. Overall, I think it would be interesting to have a sorcerer type warframe in which each of the 4 abilities was associated with each of the elemental damage types. While that would be interesting by itself, the really fun part starts when you apply some type of mechanic which allows you to combine the primary elements to form the secondary elementary damage types. Just off the top of my head, you could either have each spell cause a status duration window, giving you time to add another primary elemenal damage type. For example, hit em with cold, they are temporarily frozen, hit them with heat and suddenly you get a blast that knocks anyone in the area away! Hit them with the same spell twice could cause the damage type to go from individual to hitting an area.

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Edahs the Unseen .


Passive : Shadowmeld : Sitting in shadows and dark areas makes Edahs a much harder target to see and shoot , a truly dark zone will make him almost imposible to detect and shoot at . (Shadowmeld caps at 95% invisibility , making him unnoticeable for enemies further than 3m away and he ignores up to 70% of the dmg he takes ) .


1. Kidnap : Edahs targets a group of up to 4 enemies and quickly dashes through the shadows , kidnapping them in a cloud of darkness bringing them back to his original location . Kidnapped enemies as well as the enemies around them before the kidnap become confused and are open to finishers .

2.Shadowslip : Edahs creates a 8m zone around him that gets covered in a strong shadow enabling his passive at full strength for him and allies sitting inside the zone , lasts 15 seconds .

3.Engulf : For the next 20 seconds Edahs covers the area in a 20m around him in a dark aura , all enemies around him become panicked moving and fighting at 60% of their normal speed . Engulf does not trigger Shadowmeld .

4.Shade Slayers ( Toggle ) : Edahs covers himself in pure shadow , creating 3 aditional clones of himself . During this ability his weapons get replaced with a Shadow BladeWhip ( think of the Mios weapon we're going to get ) , all his attacks have a range of 25m hitting in AoE all around him proccing slash status on each hit . One of his 3 clones acts as a bodyguard , sitting next to him blocking bullets from his back and neutralizing any enemy that gets in melee range . Out of his other 2 clones , one of them acts as a sniper , going into cover while focusing heavy units exclusively ( bombards , heavy gunners , eximus units , ancients , you get the idea ) , completely ignoring other targets unless they get too close to him when he blinds them and repositions before starting to shoot again . His last clone acts as an assassin focusing exclusively on sniper units and units that are farther than 35m away or hiding behind cover.


Base Stats :


0Shield ( Yes he's the first frame with no Shields whatsoever , thus the higher base health )

25Armor ( given his passive making him able to use steel fiber would be absurd )

175Energy ( he's meant to rely on his abilities a lot otherwise be useless )

1.20Sprint Speed ( no shields , close to no armor , he's a melee focused spellcaster , he needs to be fast )


Now here is the interesting thing , his Powers are all unaffected by range OR strength . His 4th ability works like Exalted Blade stats-wise and mods takes the same melee mods in consideration . During it all enemies are aware of his presence and will try to focus him first tho , during Shade Slayers Shadowslip works at half efficiency triggering his passive only for 50% dmg ignorance and he cant trigger the stealth part of his passive .



Later Edit : Holy Teshin i made a wall of text here , gomene .

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I've been mulling over a concept for a while since Limbo wasn't quite the ghost themed frame I would have liked.


Name: Ithera, The Sorrow of the Battlefield


Lore/Story: Something something Tenno who couldn't stand war anymore and released herself to escape the horror and bloodshed, only to become trapped between worlds. I'm still working on the early stages of her history.


1. Curse- Similar to Equinox's Rest/Rage, you cast a small AoE zone where enemies within it begin shooting everywhere (not necessarily at other entities) randomly as spirits of those killed on the battlefield come back to haunt them. This is a "growing" skill where the amount of enemies killed in a mission raises its effectiveness up to a certain cap. The base value for the enemy accuracy penalty is affected by Power Strength but PS doesn't not increase the penalty gained by each enemy killed. 


2. Haunt - Similar to Loki's invisibility except you can pass through enemies, thin walls inside a room, and objects on the map. As a consequence, you may not attack while invisible/haunting, leaving it solely as a stealth mobility skill.


3. Console (Toggle)- Projects an aura that grows stronger with each enemy kill, conferring damage resistance up to a cap. Keep in mind this aura does not affect you as Ithera, only your teammates, so pay attention when using this as while your damage reduction may grow, you are becoming more susceptible to damage.


4. Final Release (Toggle)- In a 180 degree field in front of Ithera, she becomes immobile (think Volt mid-way through his Overload animation) as she releases the souls of enemies slain during the mission into other enemies, making enemies take x amount of damage while stunned. If killed, the enemies explode violently in a burst of blood and gore, panicking unaffected enemies in x radius around each enemy. Keep in mind stored souls are released during this ability's duration, thus resetting the counter on Console and Curse. FR targets stronger enemies first, and attacks two/three/four enemies at a time, dealing finisher damage. The interesting bit is that due to the release of "souls" and her passive, as she continues to use this power she gradually takes less damage.


Passive: 50% of shots fired at Ithera pass right through her semi-physical form, but for each kill made during the mission, she becomes more tangible, taking on more damage until those "kills" are released through the usage of her powers.


All powers are affected by Power Strength, Range, Duration/Eff, meaning you have to carefully balance or prioritize certain aspects over others.


Health: 100

Armor: 100

Shields: 50

Power: 150

Movement Speed 1.1

Edited by Xcedis
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Titania* - Melee/Support


Tall and lanky female frame with a bunch of +- hexagonal armor parts, cuz nothing says far future armor like hexagonal patterns.


Fluffwise she's nanotech-powered and uses a lot of corrosive effects


1 - Corroder wave: quickly emits 1-4 circular shockwaves with moderate range that cause moderate corrosive damage but have a really high proc chance. Damage and proc chance are affected by power strength. 25 Energy


2- Nanotoxin: coats the melee weapon in a deadly Nanotoxin, that deals massive toxin damage on one strike with the weapon, modified by power strength. If the enemy is "killed" by the attack, he is instead subverted, will be covered in glowing hexagons (cuz it's futuristic) and fight for you for 15 seconds, modified by duration, at the end of which he will keel over. Subverted enemies recieve 200 bonus points of armor, modified by power strength. 25 Energy


3-Scavange: You nanomachines scavange stuff that keeps falling off of enemies (because you hit them) and re-enforce your frame granting enormous strength and durability. Grants a really unimpressive +20% melee damage and knockdown reductionas well as +30% armor. Any time an enemy is struck, the damage and knockdown reduction increases by +1%, the armor increses by 1.5%. Triple that if an enemy is killed in melee. Maxes out at +200% Melee, 100% Knockdown, 300% armor. Looses 1% per second. Base, gain and maximum percentages are affected by power strength, percentage loss by Duration. Power is toggled. Frame is covered in glowy hexagons cuz future. 25 Energy, drain 2.5/sec. Deactivating the power while you still have bonus points will release a radial shockwave dealing (current Armorbonus * 3) as piercing damage with moderate range


4- Dis/Assembler Cloud: You emit a cloud of Disassembler / Reassembler machines, which attack any enemy in range while repairing you and your fellow frames. Causes moderate damage over time to enemy health and shields. 10% of the whole damage caused is distributed among friendlies in the affected area. Damage is affected by power strength, DoT length by Duration.


Health: 120

Shields: 100

Armor: 400

Power: 100

Movement: 0.9 


(* cuz Eclipse Phase, an RPG with plenty of nanites and TITANs).

Edited by Weltraumfred
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Gilgamesh, creates weapons,

1st: spawns a sword and fences with it(similar to Excal's first)

2nd pulls out a bow and fires arrow

3rd makes a copy of your current melee so you can dual weild them

4th spawns swords around you that follow you, attack enemies and provide a 40% damage reduction

Wheres a golden set of armor

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Gilgamesh, creates weapons,

1st: spawns a sword and fences with it(similar to Excal's first)

2nd pulls out a bow and fires arrow

3rd makes a copy of your current melee so you can dual weild them

4th spawns swords around you that follow you, attack enemies and provide a 40% damage reduction

Wheres a golden set of armor

How does his 3 work with dual melee tho ? Quad wield ? 

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