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Top 5 Most Annoying Enemies.


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No particular order:


Scorpions/Ancients- The grapples on both are incredibly annoying, and Corrupted Healers being able to make both damage and CC near-useless is definitely a kick in the teeth at the worst of times.


Bombards- Obviously the Corrupted versions are more annoying, but the obnoxious onslaught of homing rockets with AoE that ignores cover and has a substantial chance to knock you down makes both variants a pain to deal with.


Ospreys- The Mutalist ones in particular. They literally fly above your head just to taunt you and make agitating distractions out of themselves.


Ballistas- Mainly due to the fact that they can MLG360Noscope you the instant you enter a room without any indication that they're even there. For a squishier frame, they can strip a hefty chunk of shield and health from you with without evening giving you a chance to dodge or take cover.


Venomous/Energy Leech Eximus- Because being poisoned or siphoned of energy by an enemy that's on the other side of a wall or on a different floor of the room is always pleasant. Even when you do have a line of sight, Energy Eximus in particular can still be hard to distinguish from a hoard of other enemies, further adding to the frustration of trying to deal with them quickly.



EDIT: I decided Ballistas are more worthy of this list than Crawlers or Maggots since those two are pretty harmless by comparison. They still get an honorable mention due to how annoying they are to kill with their tiny hitboxes.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Honestly I find Sapping Ospreys do some serious work in small quarters and do a damn good job at denying any attempt to revive a fallen team-mate.

After those I'd have to say Drones, as they're immune to general knockback, knockdowns, and stuns.

Then bombards only because of their incredible tracking, which I still don't understand.

Hidden Energy/Toxic Eximus units.

Commanders en mass. I never asked for this ride!

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i see there are no AW players.

#1Shield dregyn

#2 shield dregyn

#3shield dregyn

#4shield dregyn

#5 leeches that come to golem with lv9 imperator and no cp. endurig atlas farm wasn't easy

You don't exactly need Projection to beat J3-Golem. It helps, but its not mandatory.




In no order:


Nullifiers (mostly corrupted): As a Valkyr and Trinity player, these guys are annoying. Especially in 40+ Tower 3 and 4 Survivals because of sheer numbers when I'm already in survival state Hysteria with 3-9k damage stored against a max shield/health of 890.


Bombards: Too much armor, too much homing rockets we DON'T have.


Ancient Healers: If you don't have radiation melee in a survival with a HORDE of chargers and a single one of these bastards strolls in during the last 15-5%, prepare to lose, especially irritating in Infested survival invasions....stun immunity and 95% reduced damage? Too much for just being in the area doing absolutely nothing except looking.


Sapping Ospreys (or any flying enemy): Those freakin pulse bombs....even worse at higher levels. Put a cooldown on how often it shoots these things or remove please.


Cephalon Suda Death Squad: Flying enemies, energy repeaters, energy leeches, STEALING ALL OF MY DROPS AS AN ADDED INSULT!!!!!


Mine Ospreys: Who the hell is spawning these things?? It's like a horror flick to kill 15 of these things and then have 9 more spawn out of freaking nowhere. Also, Ospreys spawning as Energy Leeches on Corpus Intercept Rounds 5-12, why?? The normal ones are annoying enough to conflict a panel already!!

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