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De Might As Well Add A Draco Tab Since Its The Only Thing In The Recruit Chat


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1. Dragons are sexy. Don't slay them.


2. Perhaps the costs to build forma could be greatly inflated or require multiple parts (for building one) so it is more of a resource grind than an XP grind.


3. Please lrn2 multiquote.


1. Agreed; Dragons are sexy schmexy beasts


2. Forma needs a BP in the market for about $20k credits each, and a one time use. Also, weapons and frames should not reset to rank 0 when a Forma is used. Instead, the amount of Affinity earned on the Frame should reset to Zero and a counter should begin. Once we have earned sufficient affinity, we should be allowed to use another Forma. Resetting gear to Rank 0 is insulting and a contrived waste of time, not to mention unnecessary, and has gone a long way to creating these fast leveling monsters. 


3. I think that was "learn 2" but srsly, I barely speek internetz (Choosing instead to leave it mostly to my Cats, who are fluent in the language, as all cats seem to be). 


and keyshares


And these.


Look, Multi-quoted!



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1. Agreed; Dragons are sexy schmexy beasts


2. Forma needs a BP in the market for about $20k credits each, and a one time use. Also, weapons and frames should not reset to rank 0 when a Forma is used. Instead, the amount of Affinity earned on the Frame should reset to Zero and a counter should begin. Once we have earned sufficient affinity, we should be allowed to use another Forma. Resetting gear to Rank 0 is insulting and a contrived waste of time, not to mention unnecessary, and has gone a long way to creating these fast leveling monsters. 


3. I think that was "learn 2" but srsly, I barely speek internetz (Choosing instead to leave it mostly to my Cats, who are fluent in the language, as all cats seem to be). 



And these.


Look, Multi-quoted!



Much better! However, I can't agree to buying forma BPs in the market. Run a few missions in the Void and inevitably you will come up with one. But what I was suggesting was to make forma cost more to make resource-wise but then be able to apply them to a weapon or frame without de-ranking them. 


On the Internet speech note, I would sound too serious if I didn't use it every so often.

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Waaaah! Waaaaah! People are farming efficiently and want to get rid of the boring grindy part of the game as fast as possible :((((((!!! How dare they not play the game how I WANT THEM TO!


I had hopped that the community had learned by now that we will always find a "Draco" - a mission that is far more effective to farm than all to others in order to be rid of the lame grind. Don't like it because youre favourite frame isn't popular there? Too bad! Blame the devs for continously adding frames with fixed damage numbers instead of making something that properly scales into later missions.


Draco is a symptom with the main issue being the continously growing pile of grind.

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I hate Draco. But I understand that players like it for the Exp and that people will find some other way to farm exp even if Draco is removed. I just wish I could filter that damn word from the Recruiting tab.

This, gamers always find a way to play the game more efficiently, Draco just happens to be where if you play four rounds you can go from 0 to 30 and to be honest who can blame them, look at Archwing and how agonizingly long it takes to rank weapons and such up there, Caius on Uranus is good but it's no Draco. 

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I do draconian when leveling a weapon that I have already put forma into, I hate when they have people who say bring ______ frame for draconian because it's really easy and doesn't require frames, also people use Drago way to much do other missions people, at least max your weapon one before power leveling it

Edited by (XB1)Master4733
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I love the 'H> Draco : need EV trin, mesa, nekros' .. and yet the host is always some cr@p player with a PoS frame who scores the lowest kills. 


'Come on guys, come here and do everything for me !!  I'm hosting a mission you can freely get to yourself after all !!'

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Its really tiring and annoying to see all of these people calling for nerds or complaining about how certain people like to play the game. Let me remind everyone here that we are fighting PVE not PVP so why do we want to make things difficult for each other? I've seen many people say that we will all find a new status quo and that is completely true. Warframe is grindy as all hell, even though, I love the game and I don't care how others play it. I look for shortcuts when it comes to grinding weapon XP and Draco is the best shortcut. Its not the problem and its not a problem for the rest of you. Don't like it? Don't look at it. I guarantee non of you want to go around the star map grinding XP while putting 4-6 forma on every single weapon and frame you've got. Think about it and stop complaining about how people like to save a little bit of time. Its not hurting anyone and you don't have to participate if you don't like it.

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Xp is so low and high XP so concentrated, because DE relies on timewalls, to stall until they can release more new content, also to incentivize people to pay for certain things, like boosters, mod packs, or items outright, if their agenda is to farm parts for something, notably frames.



@Topic author

Why Draco is popular? Because it gives lot of XP. A lot, lot of XP. This is why people plays it like this. Why would I struggle in, let's say, some survival or defense to get less XP in same time than head for Draco with low-level gear and get more XP in shorter time? People are simply valuing their time. This is: efficient, short rounds, small map, crazy spawn and whatnot. You want Draco meta to end? As logn as we don't have other efficient missions like this, people will do Draco. Still, it is for XP. Nothing more. You still need to do Void for prime stuff.


Difference between wondering why its popular and wondering why its all that is requested in recruiting. There is no need, no key is required to access it and you honestly don't need a meta squad to do it, though even the random squads for Draco are meta and there is always a squad there to join.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I hate draco mostly because I feel tricked by MR20 players playing like a MR5 ones.

Most of the new MR 20 are 2 month old accounts that abussed Draco, and they usually die at 20 minutes in a void survival, mostly because all they know is spam their 4th ability or stand still and loot.

Draco needs to die, RIGHT NOW.

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99% of the negative posts to this thread are a joke...


All these players bashing Draco and saying they don't go there....BS


There is nothing wrong with Draco and if it didn't exist someone would find another place to farm exp quickly and efficiently.


I do agree that "New" players can abuse this by getting a taxi, but there is a difference between a person who hasn't unlocked it and a forma-leveling player who is building specific weapon/frame high-end builds.


As for taking a Level-0 frame. They can hold there own through 4 quick rounds of Draco with one good top-forma weapon (i.e., sonicor, twin grakatas, prisma grakata, karak wraith are some I use) A frame with a max aura and high vitality.  [Note: this doesn't mean a 4 in squad are running level-0, but with 4 good-weapon players its do-able]


If you want to max your exp over 4 runs you need to max the run time and spawn as many enemies as possible. This is almost always done with a squad of friends/clan mates who know how to work together and are leveling multiple weapons/companions.  This kind of group you won't find in recruiting.


If you don't use or like the Draco method, don't use it and stop complaining that others do. If you join Draco and get 3 lame low-level leechers with poor weapons, leave after 1st round and join another run. It's not hard to determine if a PUG can go 4 fast rounds by how they play round 1.


Anyway, I think the real problem is the ability to "TAXI". Planet nodes should be locked out for a squad that has a member that hasn't unlocked that particular node yet.

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This guy gets it. I'm not sure if anyone will view this, but yes, I have done Draco, and I hated it. In fact, I only used to do Draco for Orokin Cells, not the exp.


But you may be thinking, "Why weren't you doing it for exp?"


Well, I went to Draco and tested something. This test was done back when Mesa ruled Draco, so this number might have changed, which I believe Saryn rules Draco now. In one Draco mission I got a weapon from unranked (Weapon had a Forma in it) to level 18 in one Draco run with an infinity booster with the Draco run lasting about 17 minutes. I did it again, got it frrom 17 to 26 with Draco run lasting about 15 minutes, then did it again and got it fully ranked with the Draco run lasting about 17 minutes again. For those asking, yes I only had this one weapon equipped. If my group was doing something possibly wrong, please tell.


Here is why I don't do Draco for exp:

17*2+15=~49 minutes of gameplay to get a fully ranked weapon with an exp booster.


Now, there is this one missions I doubt anyone here has heard of call Sao. It is a high tier spy mission found on Neptune. With an afinity booster, each data terminal can give you 24K exp if you get it without the alarms; this number is 12K without a booster.


Now let me switch the topic and say that people want to actually play Limbo?


Well guess what, if you are willing to try this you will finally now have a reason to, since Sao is a Corpus spy mission, Limbo can ult a spy vault to destroy all cameras, Rift Walk to regen a bunch of energy, take no damage from nearby enemies and walk through spy vault laser barriers. The only time you should never be in the rift is if:

1.You are hacking a terminal you can't hack in the rift

2.You are destroying grates that lead to the spy terminal the fastest.

3.You are completing a 10K exp challenge that requires kills.

4.The Stalker is after you

5.The Harvester is after you


Now that I described the mission, let me tell you how more efficient this is. In one Sao mission I got a weapon from unranked (Weapon had a Forma in it, again) to level 15 in one Sao run with an infinity booster with the Sao run lasting about 4 minutes. I did it again, got it from 15 to 23 with Sao run lasting about 5 minutes, then did it again and got it from level 23 to level 27 with the Sao run lasting about 4 minutes again. I did it one more time and got it fully ranked with the Sao run lasting about 5 minutes.


4+4+5+5=About 18 minutes to get a fully ranked weapon with an exp booster.


Not only do you get a weapon to fully ranked, but I also gained the same amount of rewards as I did in the Draco run, 12, with one reward always a T2 or T3 Void key, so four void keys.


I did the math, and Sao for me is ~272% more efficient than Draco is.


I typed this up to show people that Draco is not the only exp farm; if someone wants to try this, go ahead.


A good single-round Draco run lasts 5-7 minutes and can rank a single weapon from 0 to 19~21. When you hit level 21,5 with an EXP booster, you end the mission and it ranks all the way to 30.


That is ONE draco round in a half-solid group. But yes, there are lots of other ways to get XP fast. It's just that Draco is not only the faster (if not fastest) one, Draco also requires the least amount of effort since everything spawns close by and respawns quickly, plus it is foolproof unlike a Spy mission. When you plan on multiple Formae on a weapon (or even multiple weapons), easy and fast becomes very attractive.

Edited by V4YR4
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I go to Draco when I forma or level up stuff. If you pug there you will probably randomly run into me every now and then. Sorry but I feel no shame going there, the xp is too good and if Draco didn't exist I would go to the next best place. There are a million different things to farm in warframe, I have a job and other responsibilities so I don't have time to spend 40 minutes in survival missions just to get my warframe 12 levels on low level missions (which I find terribly boring to begin with). I know this is not the popular opinion around here and that's fine by me.

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Most mechanic in this game already had 2.0 rework, a tweak in these systems wouldn't bad and wouldn't hard for DE:


MR system: Boltor Prime again. People could have best gears at MR2, then their next step is either quit this game or rushed to MR20 to become "veteran". They get used to rush just like eating fast food, and there's no reason for them to have inferior gears.

Affinity system: Besides 200+ weapons, ranking up frames w/o damaging skills (Loki/Trinity) are a big pain, why does a support frame has to do far more work than those brainless-map-nuking frames?

Reward system: Most nodes provide no or useless reward, unlocking them only means you have plenty of time. Grinding the materials and gears are already tiresome and now we need to take a whole night to make them playable? No way, especially for those w/o boosters.

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Draco is Love....




1) No need to even goto the recruitment channel , there atleast 4 Pugs running Draco at anytime. 

2) FOUR rounds of Draco will with a booster will get almost anything from 0-30 in about 20 mins.


It's a pity the rest of the star map is useless, why would anyone go around clicking on nodes hoping to find open groups on a decent mission ?


This game lacks an proper Looking for Group tool and I don't think Star Map 3.0 will address this either.

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I personally don't get why people recruit for draco on the recruiting tab. You don't need a key for it and each time I just go to it without a squad I end up in a good team. Even if you're looking to form the perfect combination of warframe you can go play with either your friends or Clanmates or just ask the squad you enter. Let's just keep the recruiting to Void/keyed bosses only

Agreed ive been pubbing draco for awhile and never had a issue.

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It's pretty obvious that the devs tolerate Draco, otherwise they could easily have stopped it.  I suspect they tolerate it for two reasons:-


1) it's useful to get data from it.  It's rather like in those spy stories where they don't let on that they've decoded the secret message, because they want to keep an eye on things.


2) the devs understand that beyond a certain point, if you prevent high level players (who have smelt the roses and paid their dues) from having some way to quickly level up a weapon with its zillionth forma, you're actually going to alienate them and do more harm than good.


The tricky thing is to prevent such a high level farming scene from being a method for newbie players (who haven't smelt the roses and haven't paid their dues) to bypass the mass of content that the devs have lovingly created (and thereby to cheat themselves out of a cool experience, and the devs out of their time, and potentially money).  This is guaranteed somewhat by the fact that "proper" Draco farming (the kind that does actually net you a near fully-ranked weapon in 4 rounds) actually requires top end gear (mainly, fully ranked Corrupted mods).  So that does keep the riff-raff out to some extent.


The other thing that keeps it somewhat in balance is that a proper "meta" Draco session can very quickly go pear-shaped unless everybody knows what they're doing, because a) ex hypothesi, most of the players are not running with all fully-ranked weapons, and b) the necessary builds often sacrifice something in terms of survivability in order to do their thing.  And the Draco mobs are no joke, and come in large numbers.  (It's actually quite hilarious when it all goes wrong :) )


It's probably a tricky balance for the devs to strike.

Edited by Omnimorph
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