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What Counts For You The Most, When The End Of A Mission Stats Are Shown ?


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Even though melee can hit 100% of time but have a low accuracy, and somone explain the +100% accuracy how do you get above 100%

Melee doesn't count, I think, and punch through counts, so hitting 2 guys with 1 bullet is like having 200% accuracy.

I mostly do it because my aim is terribad with some weapons and MLG with others , and I like to improve.

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my average is 20-30 per run depending on map, I intend to one day have 100% headshot to kill ratio, but so far it hasn't happened yet. Maybe if grinneer didn't play hide and seek and ring around the rosy so much, continually run away and always turn their backs to me I'd get more. Corpus are pretty easy to get them on, but I have a personal mission to exterminate grineer at every opportunity to they get the majority of my attention.

edit- 68/88 kills as headshots on a run a minute ago, Personally I think the targeting mechanics are off because sometimes I can put that weapon directly in their face and it'll still tell me I didn't shoot them in the head. I only put that here because that particular occurrence annoys me so much, a head wiggle, a slight step to the left and somehow I'm hitting their shoulder or their back even though my cursor is directly on their face.

Edited by Babellon
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The first thing I look at is my accuracy rating (I don't care what the rest of ther squad's accuracy is, just mine). Then I compare my total kills, damage dealt, and damage taken to that of the rest of the squad. After that, I'll take a quick glance at my weapons to see if anything ranked up and skim the loot to see if I picked up anything interesting.

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