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Ember...broken Warframe Of The Year?


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Keep in mind people, the star chart is where the bulk of the players are.  Ember scales horribly but up to the point of her falloff she absolutely trivializes everything.  Spy, capture, rescue, defense, interception, survival; they can all be solo'd so easily that you barely need to watch the screen.  So she is OP up to a certain point, and then next to useless once she reaches that point.


Ember teams in Draco will be a thing (it is a thing now).  She wrecks it. 


Maybe some kind of new overheat mechanic would work for her.  No not the old overheat lol.  I mean that every active skill she uses increases her heat levels, buffing her skill damage more considerably with every level.  Heat levels would dissipate over time as active skills go unused.

Edited by Wotca
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Yes, she's pretty easy going in low to mid level missions, but outclassed by pretty much every frame at higher levels.

If anything is needed to be done, it's making her skills scale properly.


One of the idea's I had for Ember to scale up, was being able to increase the damage of Fire Blast (fire ring) by shooting it with Fireballs.

So each fireball could increase its damage by x2, for example.

Skill synergy is always fun.


Not to mention, she could become a good Frost partner. (The ancient Fire x Ice combo).

Snow Globe > Amplified Fire Blast around it > Inferno Snow Globe


yeah Snow Globe + Fire Blast = Blast damage anything enters in that perimeter

have the blast proc like some1else  dont remeber augment


will be fun to see enemys allover skyrocket

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Not to mention that corrupted Ancients/Ancient Healers cripple Wof's Damage. It is a nice mechanic that prevents what the OP is describing from happening.

Also, as pointed out before, Ember can't take a hit. She is a glass cannon.

And finally, you are not one of those people crying about "OP Iron Skin" on Mercury are you?

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Let me just say ember is FAR from op. I main her and she's my go to. Post change to her Wof she's now usable but she's not even close to being meta. Her Wof damage drops off around level 55 in a bad way and thats with her accel active buffing for 2.5 fire damage. Imo she needs 50 more armor and buff to all of here fire skills base damage to be about half of what it is after using accel. She's a damage frame tho which u gotta keep in mind. She's not meta because she drops off and non of her skill are flat out abusable like some others and she's not even close to as broken as per say Nova or saryn in flat out erasing groups with no effort at that level

Edited by PainXGain
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I don't think she's fixable until damage 3.0, or maybe not at all. People want damage frames to be viable to use against level 200 enemies, even if it means that they trivialize 95% of the rest of the content in the game.



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Ember is my main Warframe and like pretty much everyone else I agree that she is a glass cannon and not broken at all.


However after reading many of these comments I'm wondering, Am I the only one here that uses a double Ember set for hightier missions? I mean, if you place a  Power+Range and a Range+Efficiency next to each other in Hightier (especially infested) you can pretty much do 60min/waves.


In other words, you need two loadouts to be usable, but hey, Twin Embers sound kind of hot, right? xD 

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I swear that 90% of these nerf threads are just rage post after getting their feelings hurt seeing another player end a mission with the most kills.


Because when you play a TPS the ideal mission is running from one end to the other because there is one player that can run with a power on at all times and destroy everything, right?

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Her damage is relevant now, but her gameplay is extremely boring. I get that pre-T4 is pretty easy regardless, but WoF makes it mindless, and not just for you, but for everyone who has to play around you as well. That is what I consider a bad ability; one that plays the game for you, and asks nothing of you at all. It's anti-gameplay. 


This is not the buff I wanted for Ember. 

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Ember just needs completely reworking. Shes in the stage where buffs or nerfs won't make a real difference for her.


Like she isn't even powerful she's actually lackluster and just needs a needs a slight update on her skill concepts.

Edited by Makairi
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I find her fun, but certainly not overwhelming. WoF does nice damage but it's certainly not massive. You can increase it with a quick Accelerant, which you have to use actively and is a bit less of a no-brainer. Weapons with fire damage are also recommended.


But she is certainly not OP.

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Fire isn't really that good, and the most important part of damage over time is the "over time" part. The fire stun has a bit of range, but it's short and isn't guaranteed, and sometimes you don't have the time to wait for damage ticks.

What I think really needs a change is Accelerant. Because of that rather high fire boost, everything else fire based has to be reined in so it doesn't get ridiculous. Not really a fan.

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Her damage is relevant now, but her gameplay is extremely boring. I get that pre-T4 is pretty easy regardless, but WoF makes it mindless, and not just for you, but for everyone who has to play around you as well. That is what I consider a bad ability; one that plays the game for you, and asks nothing of you at all. It's anti-gameplay. 


This is not the buff I wanted for Ember. 

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Her damage is relevant now, but her gameplay is extremely boring. I get that pre-T4 is pretty easy regardless, but WoF makes it mindless, and not just for you, but for everyone who has to play around you as well. That is what I consider a bad ability; one that plays the game for you, and asks nothing of you at all. It's anti-gameplay. 


This is not the buff I wanted for Ember. 

Imo, the recent changes are not a buff, but an actual QoL that she has deserved for a long long time. 

Everyone who played up til the point where WoF could be toggled off will know the ridiculous aspect of having a Duration on an ability that could be toggled off.

Many frames are moving out of the Beta ultimate design where 4 is just an AoE nuke, I am convinced AoE nukes will be reworked sooner or later.

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your complaning that the dumnesst and weakest frame is OP

op i think theres something wrong with ur thinkin

Dumbest?Weakest? You sir....Are here by on my hit list :D


Seriously though, Accerelerant then World on fire, you're gonna be doing 3000+ fire damage. She's OP as....stuff....now....if you mod her right like i did. 



Now if you want a stupidly OP frame, Play Valkyr with an Arcane Strike/Trickery and Ill see you in 2hrs....LOL. 

Edited by (PS4)sanemane213
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Imo, the recent changes are not a buff, but an actual QoL that she has deserved for a long long time. 

Everyone who played up til the point where WoF could be toggled off will know the ridiculous aspect of having a Duration on an ability that could be toggled off.

Many frames are moving out of the Beta ultimate design where 4 is just an AoE nuke, I am convinced AoE nukes will be reworked sooner or later.


It's a buff in the sense that it now has an entirely maintainable energy cost associated with it, but I also agree that this is probably how it should have functioned to begin with, I just don't agree with the energy costs. I'd have rather it become more powerful while also making sure that it couldn't be used indefinitely. But then, that's how I'd fix most "nukes" in the game: more power, more energy cost associated with them. Make them turn-the-tide events that matter at any level, not our default method of attack. 

All that said, my point still remains: Just letting World of Fire do everything for you is a really boring solution for making Ember useful. Powerful, yes, obviously, but not the fix I wanted for Ember or really any frame. Not only that but it also makes Ember boring to play with which garners as much frustration as old Nova, Mesa, or Saryn. I'm not really for Valkyr's GodMode either, but at least it doesn't really impact my play in any significant way. Being around an Ember right now puts me to sleep. 

I was really happy to see Ember get some kind of positive attention after so long, but once the honey-moon phase wore off I quickly realized this isn't really what Ember needs either. 

I don't know, I like playing my frames. 

Edited by Acos
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Accelerant is her best skill IMO.



Fire isn't really that good, and the most important part of damage over time is the "over time" part. The fire stun has a bit of range, but it's short and isn't guaranteed, and sometimes you don't have the time to wait for damage ticks.

What I think really needs a change is Accelerant. Because of that rather high fire boost, everything else fire based has to be reined in so it doesn't get ridiculous. Not really a fan.

+1 to the former, +1000 to the latter.

That kind of damage multiplier's fine on Sonar, since it requires player interaction.

Accelerant? Blanket buff. Granted, fire only, but still.





Imo, the recent changes are not a buff, but an actual QoL that she has deserved for a long long time.




It's a buff in the sense that it now has an entirely maintainable energy cost associated with it, but I also agree that this is probably how it should have functioned to begin with, I just don't agree with the energy costs. I'd have rather it become more powerful while also making sure that it couldn't be used indefinitely. But then, that's how I'd fix most "nukes" in the game: more power, more energy cost associated with them. Make them turn-the-tide events that matter at any level, not our default method of attack.


The problem with that is the one we already have: Static damage vs. scaling (E)HP.

Change her to %HP damage? Now she scales well, but can't, you know, kill stuff.


Alternatively - and depending on ease-of-application (see Trinity's 1+2) - she can kill things. Any thing.



 I don't know, I like playing my frames. 


That's why, if I'm actually playing (as opposed to farming) with Ember, I see WoF as being some passive, background CC. Because it doesn't instakill anything anymore, and/or there are too many targets for it to wipe.

Which isn't what I think it should be, but hey - I work with what I have.

Edited by Chroia
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Firequake augment changes everything.

She's my new favorite frame, and has the best CC in the game.

I have maxed efficiency, +15 strength, base range, and -17 duration. Redirection and vitality with handspring.

Took about 4 for a after I forma'd for energy siphon, but she is definitely end game with her augment

Well that explains that.

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A buff was in order, Ember was one of the worst frames around.

But was the buff...a little bit too excessive??

All you Ember players, i know you love her now but be honest, doesn't it feel a little broken casting world on fire just once and then watching everything die for the rest of the mission with no effort?

Doesn't it feel a little broken to cast maim once and never have to worry about it?
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The problem with that is the one we already have: Static damage vs. scaling (E)HP.

Change her to %HP damage? Now she scales well, but can't, you know, kill stuff.



That's why, if I'm actually playing (as opposed to farming) with Ember, I see WoF as being some passive, background CC. Because it doesn't instakill anything anymore, and/or there are too many targets for it to wipe.

Which isn't what I think it should be, but hey - I work with what I have.


%HP damage is probably a viable method for approaching damage in general. Then everything scales and we don't ever have to feel like we're boxed in to certain high DPS weapons while our powers (arguably the most interesting aspect of Warframe and the thing setting it apart from other FPS games) become meaningless. 

Have a certain amount of moddable static damage + some percentage of damage that scales with the enemies health. You can still one-shot low level enemies, but higher level enemies don't just laugh off your Tenno magic like it's nothing special at all. 

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