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Typhus Warframe Eta?


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It's an ok generic grimdark anime design, but IMHO a terrible Warframe design, both in lore and aesthetic. When I was 15 I would have thought it was awsesome, but now? It's cringeworthy.

My exact thougts on the design. Not hating or anything, but i just think if i was my 14 years old self, i'd be pissing my pants over the edge emanating from the design. Now? Not so much =/.

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For what reasons exactly do those of you disslike Typhus' s design?

To me this is not so far off the ones we have now.


As a concept artist, I geniunly want to know this.

Sure, the concept is nice if you put him in another game like, let's say dragon age and skyrim. Warframe's design are more twisted and weird(in a good way) rather than a generic armored unit, which I feel that concept doesn't really fit the genre.


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For what reasons exactly do those of you disslike Typhus' s design?

To me this is not so far off the ones we have now.

As a concept artist, I geniunly want to know this.

Overall it is a very nice design however it doesn't  exactly mesh with existing Tenno design style primarly due to the heavy use of strong angles and straight forms. Warframes almost universally don't feature long straight lines between components (Vauban's necktie is the only exception I can think of off the top of my head), nor do they employ strong angular forms to define the silhouette. And when they do use these features it is sparingly to increase the effect (for example Atlas' strong helmet profile). 


This piece is very angular, it uses very geometric forms to make a rather traditional (relatively speaking) suit of armor. It doesn't convey flowing organic sensibilities that are core to the tenno design style. Basically it looks like a semi-infested suit of medieval armor as opposed to a warframe with some design sensibilities lifted from the infested (for an example of this look at Chroma). 

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For what reasons exactly do those of you disslike Typhus' s design?

To me this is not so far off the ones we have now.


As a concept artist, I geniunly want to know this.


It muddies the distinction between the factions.


Tenno are Exotic Warrior-monks with a twist, each Warframe provides a personality and yet adheres the the "elegant but slightly techno-organic" idea that Tenno technology shares, a watered-down, but more tasteful version of the Orokin opulence.


Typhus crosses the line between infestation and Tenno, and bringing nothing of use with it, there is no personality to it that isn't already spoken for in the infestation, which we don't need in the Tenno faction.


The whole concept is "What happens if we cross these two factions" and the answer is "nothing much"


Not to mention the fact the design just looks wrong for the base Warframe aesthetic, the surfaces are chitinous, not the smooth semi-metallic plastic that all the other Warframes are, the armour is in plates rather than the flowing design that gently swings from hard to soft on an actual Warframe. The segments suggest a base humanoid musculature rather that distorting the human form the way Warframes do and there are still plenty of unnecessary grimdark spikes.


It's just not a Warframe, it's generic, you could plop that design into almost any existing anime and no one would blink, but if you dropped one of the DE Warframe designs into some other anime show it would stick out like a sore thumb. That because there is a carefully crafted aesthetic, and this design doesn't follow it at all.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Hmm. Ok I hear what you are saying about the Tenno/Orokin biotech principles.

I agree with that, however remember that this is a concept and not to be taken as a Premium Skin that must adhere exactly to the design comissioned.

If this is given the goahead, Mynki will do HIS own frame. It might not even resemble the concept art of Redskittlez.

That said, I would like your input ob the model I did on the previous design. I allways imagined it would have a secobd pass to be more Tenno/organic-tech.


I don't think the powers of stealing from the enemy to buff yourself is a bad one though.

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Hmm. Ok I hear what you are saying about the Tenno/Orokin biotech principles.

I agree with that, however remember that this is a concept and not to be taken as a Premium Skin that must adhere exactly to the design comissioned.

If this is given the goahead, Mynki will do HIS own frame. It might not even resemble the concept art of Redskittlez.

I don't think the powers of stealing from the enemy to buff yourself is a bad one though.


Thats the thing isn't it. What precisely is there to this "concept"


1. A visual design? IMHO the supplied one (an all it's little wizards) is a bad Warframe, at it's core it's a bad idea and it breaks too much of the "Tenno styleguide"

2. A lore concept? IMHO "Infested Warframe" is a bad idea, it mixes base concepts that need to be clearly defined and may well be logically incompatible with the Lore (I think it it, we'll see soon enough).

3. A power theme? I have no issue with, or opinion on the mechanics, but I think the theme is a bad one.


So it's 0/3 for me, there is nothing to it that I don't find either "meh" or cringeworthy. Overall I think it's a net quality reduction for the game.


Personally I think there are those in DE who agree but the "public face" has to be one of congratulation and praise, because, mechanically, it's a quality piece of work... but completely wrong for this game. Like Gundams in Neon Genesis Evangelion or Mortar Headds in Appleseed... But thats just my gut feeling.



That said, I would like your input ob the model I did on the previous design. I allways imagined it would have a secobd pass to be more Tenno/organic-tech.


Here are my questions (That I think would lead to a better design)


Why are you segmenting the undersuit in the places you are doing and what are you trying to convey?

Which of the Warframe material palette would that part use, something soft looking or rigid?

Does what you're trying to convey fit the material you'd be using?

What is the closest analogue in Warframe to the large plates you're implementing?

What are the differences that make your plates stand out and are those differences a good idea?

Do they contribute to the Aesthetic of the Warframe or detract?

Is it obvious where demarcation points are between hard and soft material, if gradual, is that intentional?

It looks like there is all-armour between the abdomen chest and shoulders, how would that look when animated what would deform and what are you trying convey by letting that part of the mesh deform?

Edited by SilentMobius
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Mobius, all good questions I havent given serious thought since I based it on existing art.

But yeah, if I were to treat this as my own spin on it, I would go back to the basics and start over. Hmm.

Maby I will, this is more of a tribute to the concept than any real creation of an actual warframe mesh.

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Well, Typhus has this really strict lore about body-armor parasites that I suppose wouldn't really jive with the smoother, less jagged and edgy lore/artstyle of existing Warframes. Don't get me wrong, his abilities are pretty cool, but he sorta struggles to look really "Tenno". It's as though Warframes are more a full-body suit that grows over the host, and Typhus is a whole bunch of plates.

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Well, Typhus has this really strict lore about body-armor parasites that I suppose wouldn't really jive with the smoother, less jagged and edgy lore/artstyle of existing Warframes. Don't get me wrong, his abilities are pretty cool, but he sorta struggles to look really "Tenno". It's as though Warframes are more a full-body suit that grows over the host, and Typhus is a whole bunch of plates.

Rhino isn't a bunch of plates?
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Hmm. Ok I hear what you are saying about the Tenno/Orokin biotech principles.

I agree with that, however remember that this is a concept and not to be taken as a Premium Skin that must adhere exactly to the design comissioned.

If this is given the goahead, Mynki will do HIS own frame. It might not even resemble the concept art of Redskittlez.

That said, I would like your input ob the model I did on the previous design. I allways imagined it would have a secobd pass to be more Tenno/organic-tech.

I don't think the powers of stealing from the enemy to buff yourself is a bad one though.

I like this design a lot more, it feels much more Tenno techno-organic while still maintaining it's own flavor with the sort of chitinous looking plates. My main critique of this design is that the overall silhouette is a bit plain. 


I'm honestly not overly familiar with the specific lore behind the Typhus warframe other than it's a parasite/plague themed and has unique scaling mechanics with its powers. However I'm really liking the sort of insect-like elements of this design and think it would be very fitting for a parasite/pestilence themed frame.


Just push the design a bit farther experiment with some different features to break up the silhouette. Perhaps some protrusions on his shoulders/limbs in the style of insect mandibles or bring in the skirt elements from the other design with an insect wing or flesh with veins texture.

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I like this design a lot more, it feels much more Tenno techno-organic while still maintaining it's own flavor with the sort of chitinous looking plates. My main critique of this design is that the overall silhouette is a bit plain.

I'm honestly not overly familiar with the specific lore behind the Typhus warframe other than it's a parasite/plague themed and has unique scaling mechanics with its powers. However I'm really liking the sort of insect-like elements of this design and think it would be very fitting for a parasite/pestilence themed frame.

Just push the design a bit farther experiment with some different features to break up the silhouette. Perhaps some protrusions on his shoulders/limbs in the style of insect mandibles or bring in the skirt elements from the other design with an insect wing or flesh with veins texture.

I appreciate you saying that. It has never been my intention to take Typhus and make it my own thing though. But as an artistic take on it, yeah why not?

In challenge lies growth. And I have grown quite abit since the days I made this mesh.

Its like I said, Mynki is the lead wf-designer with many sources of inspiration. He likes to make weird things, and I am sure the "Parasite-frame" will look every bit Tenno as any of the new and up coming warframes do.

I still hope Redskittlez ideas get in game one day.

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It's an ok generic grimdark anime design, but IMHO a terrible Warframe design, both in lore and aesthetic. When I was 15 I would have thought it was awsesome, but now? It's cringeworthy.

It really depends on how the mechanics of the powers are set up. DE has been doing a fair job at balancing the last few frames well, without making the mechanics feeling too odd or clunky. I'm sure they'd be putting their own twist on things anyway. I'm, as usual, in wait and see mode. There's too little information from DE about it to see where they are.

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It really depends on how the mechanics of the powers are set up. DE has been doing a fair job at balancing the last few frames well, without making the mechanics feeling too odd or clunky. I'm sure they'd be putting their own twist on things anyway. I'm, as usual, in wait and see mode. There's too little information from DE about it to see where they are.


I was referring to the aesthetic design, not the power design. I'm not keen on the power theme but I have no opinion (not do I care much) about the proposed power design.

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I was referring to the aesthetic design, not the power design. I'm not keen on the power theme but I have no opinion (not do I care much) about the proposed power design.

After studying all current warframes I see what you mean. Because of the nature of the Technocyte and the simple fact that digital sculpting is best used for soft, flowing shapes with many smaller details - the designs by Redskittlez is very hard and sharp by comparison.

Therefore I foresee the model mould be much more soft and organic, with exterior plating and sharp details over that soft shape.

That is the designprinciple of ALL warframes. Zephyr is the exception, but even that is softlooking.

Ash Prime and Trinity Prime are the best guides to that estethic, and I know you dont agree, but in DE's hands I am sure it will rock.

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After studying all current warframes I see what you mean. Because of the nature of the Technocyte and the simple fact that digital sculpting is best used for soft, flowing shapes with many smaller details - the designs by Redskittlez is very hard and sharp by comparison.

Therefore I foresee the model mould be much more soft and organic, with exterior plating and sharp details over that soft shape.

That is the designprinciple of ALL warframes. Zephyr is the exception, but even that is softlooking.

Ash Prime and Trinity Prime are the best guides to that estethic, and I know you dont agree, but in DE's hands I am sure it will rock.

If there was a design for it that matched the current Warframe aesthetic and theme what wasn't implying modification of the pilot or use of the infestation then I be happy to give it another chance.

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If there was a design for it that matched the current Warframe aesthetic and theme what wasn't implying modification of the pilot or use of the infestation then I be happy to give it another chance.

Ah. Since the parasitic powers of the warframe caused it to consume infested material fusing the original Tenno into the warframe, I don't see it as an Infested frame.

Rather it uses the infestation's aptitude for assimilation to it's own end. Much like how I suspect the Sentients to work.

The Orokin/Lotus/Tenno then made a BP from this "failed" warframe to create a new warframe.

The side-effect of the power-steal is that the warframe uses Life instead of Power.

Is this really so out there?

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Ah. Since the parasitic powers of the warframe caused it to consume infested material fusing the original Tenno into the warframe, I don't see it as an Infested frame.

Rather it uses the infestation's aptitude for assimilation to it's own end. Much like how I suspect the Sentients to work.

The Orokin/Lotus/Tenno then made a BP from this "failed" warframe to create a new warframe.

The side-effect of the power-steal is that the warframe uses Life instead of Power.

Is this really so out there?

^This +1
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Is this really so out there?

It's not even a little bit "out there" it's so predictable and generic so as to be trite. The first thing 15 year-old me would have done with a carefully balanced story would be to have a "unique" spin on what I considered the "usual" mechanic, usually by absorbing some nasty thing that has a knock-on terrible side effect. Because more angst must be better right?

The fact is the the Tenno story already _has_ a better version of that story hook, in the void-exposure concept. "Double monstering" just shows a lack of understanding of dramatic tension and the mechanism of creating pathos in a story


"The Tenno are tainted by the Void, cursed to be the only one to pilot the Warframes, living embodiment of ancient warrior archetypes"

"Oh yeah, well.. My Warframe is so awsome it ate a Tenno and, like fused it in, and then they made copies that don't fuse the new pilot but can eat anything else. It's like the infestation but controlable"

It makes a mockery of the inherent level of alienation presented In the story of the Tenno.

It's like the Yusang Vong in the old Star Wars EU. Cringworthingly grimdark, constantly one-upping the central theme

Edited by SilentMobius
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