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Doing A Challenge That Hasn't Been Done Other By Me Before(Could Be Called A World Record)


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Hi first im streaming at http://www.twitch.tv/unfairdemon

Here is what the challenge is you have 30 days from start to finish to get the highest rank possible you cant skip around on the star chart, must do all of the star chart, you can have help doing the missions, cant trade plat from other accounts, can trade the stuff you get for plat but has to be a fair trade not given a lot more plat then its worth, have to key share which means for every key in the party that each person uses you use one as in in a party of 4 you use 1 first then they can use the same key once not switching party members, Can not be given any PRIME PARTS AT ALL, can start in a already researched fully dojo but after you start, must start in the prologue, must stream this challenge or if you cant have video evidence of the whole time you play, CANT BUY ANY PLAT WITH REAL MONEY OR TRADE WITH OTHER THINGS THAT YOU DONT GET WITH THAT ACCOUNT IN GAME but you can start with the referral code 7 day affinity booster but cant do any PROMO CODES that you get from websites, You can buy prime parts that you get from that account only, Also can't be given mods or keys can buy them with the plat you get from that account only. Thank you all for reading and your welcome to check me up if you want im doing this challenge currently started at 11/3/15 till 12/3/15. Twitch is the same name on warframe idk why it didnt show up

Edited by Unfairdemon
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As far as i know there hasnt been anyone who has done this and go from rank 0 to the highest rank in fastest time possible or get as far as possible in a month its world record because no one has ever done it I have done it a few years ago and stopped because everyone was busy and i couldn't stream often so i stopped and got i think rank 7 in like the first few days and as far as i know today no one has ever tried it other then me that time now i have time so i would like to do it and get the max rank possible which is higher then back then. And back then my friend talked to the devs no one has tried it then.

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It's...interesting you want to start this challenge, but I think the reason why no one has done it is because building literally everything has time limits, and requires Plat to rush.

Biggest restraint would be getting the forma required for clan weapons, which means farming, farming for the resources to build, then building.

Personally it sounds boring to have to grind every day for a solid month.

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So I just looked up the blueprints requiring forma.

There's 43.

And forma takes a whole day to build.

I'm afraid your challenge may take around 3 months at the least to do.

3 months of pure grind, and that's assuming you don't forma weapons to sustain yourself at high levels.

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ok some things i want to say i never said you couldnt rush things with the plat you can get off of selling prime parts/mods that you get with that character so about the 43 forma dont matter you can still get it just would be a bit harder costing 10plat with blueprint so just farming void will get you the forma blueprints and with some extra prime parts you get you can easily get 430 plat and probably more for slots that you dont really need except for warframes and dont say 3 months to do it you can do it in 1 month i easily got rank 3 in 8-9hrs from start with breaks already rank 4 when i played like maybe like 5ish hours total today and i didnt play too much today will get rank 6 by Friday cant play Saturday but still will be fine and yes i know you can only do it once a day but i mean rank points and you might say that i wont get enough credits but i found a fast credit farm multiple resource farms so i wont run out of resources and about difficulty you can get a lot of fusion cores fast and upgrade your mods and warframes you can do multiple at a time so get all the resources get the parts build them all by the time they are built get to the credit farm farm some credits very very fast buy the blueprints build the warframes and there you go same with weapons just do survivals or defences with people and you can easily get your weapons and warframe up in a few missions or a mission if you go long and why im doing this is because its difficult requires a lot of research dedication to the game and have to be good or have some help you cant taxi around the map but still can have some help resource farming and because i think its fun why else play warframe if you dont like to farm or play it a lot Also please make it able if you complete the rank successfully let you be able to do it in the next like 12 hrs min not 24 hrs i would like it to be right away but still at least make it less then 24 hrs i can be like 2-4 ranks above that in lower levels well back to farming 

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So you want to do what most people have taken 2 or 3 years to do and cram it into 30 days?


That's not a challenge. A challenge implies you would be rising to and defeating a difficult task. All this is is a test to see how much tedium you can endure in 30 days.

Edited by f3llyn
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I'll definitely keep an eye on this, cuz for a while I've been curious what would be the warframe equivalent to "speedrunning", like how people do it in Dark Souls.


And just like how there's a commonly accepted meta strategy with Dark Souls speedrunning - Black Knight Halberd ended up being the fastest method - I'm curious what the meta strategy for Warframe speedrunning will end up being.


Personally though, speedrunning just for mastery rank wouldn't be my goal.  It's just too slow to try myself and not fun to watch others via stream.


However, I'd like to see how fast people can get from the Tutorial to killing the Jordas Golem with their Archwing, starting with a brand new account and only their 50 starter plat, and killing every single boss along the way at least once.  Solo.


I have no idea how long that will take and how many shortcuts people can find.  Or if it would involve ridiculous amounts of cheese or if it would be a super long and boring grind.


It was fun watching "Lobos" youtube videos with his various Dark Souls speed runs.  Because in addition to pure speed runs for quickest time (he doesn't have the world record, but he was pretty fast at sub 60 minutes), he also made vids where he sets up a rule up for himself and sticks with it for the entire game, such as using only the skull lantern as his weapon in DS1 or only the laddle in DS2.  I know Lobos had a "kill every boss" speed run.


I might try "speedrunning" warframe now that I've already unlocked every single planet node and the only frame I have left to get is Atlas.  But like others have already said, maybe there's a good reason for why there isn't a subculture around speedrunning warframe like there is with Dark Souls.  It may just not be fun enough to be worth their time to git gud at it.

Edited by Osharchi
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Chiming in here because the thread has taken a turn for the speedrunning aspect of Warframe.


First, on topic:




Given the circumstances, your "WR" would be considered an "uncontested" one because no one has tried to challenge it. Unfortunately with the rules in place this wouldn't be a category most people would recognize either. Having a built clan should not be allowed because this violates the assumptions of a "New Game" run - that is, you should be starting at a true blank slate.


As stated beforehand, it's probably not a good idea to start a challenge where most of the time you'll be locked behind time walls for new weapons. It just doesn't seem interesting imo :/


However, I'd like to see how fast people can get from the Tutorial to killing the Jordas Golem with their Archwing, starting with a brand new account and only their 50 starter plat, and killing every single boss along the way at least once.  Solo.


I've done NG+ Warframe "Any%" before, which is basically what you state here but with a currently-used account. That, with the new Parkour 2.0 and whatnot that we have now, takes at least 5 hours. In other words, doing an NG equivalent of Warframe Any% would take WAY longer than that, probably on the range of 12+ hours given the enemy scaling and your lack of damage at higher-level planets. I can say for sure that an NG run of any kind would be pretty dang difficult, if not impossible. That being said, I'm still considering whether or not I should run this.


All Planet Nodes NG+ takes on average 18 hours. Not many people would try this, but it's still worth mentioning. The equivalent with NG Solo would be on the order of a complete day or two.


Warframe 100% from an NG perspective, assuming the goal is MR 30 and it is accessible, would take at least 720 hours. I'd be dumbfounded to see anyone even think of doing this.



I might try "speedrunning" warframe now that I've already unlocked every single planet node and the only frame I have left to get is Atlas.  But like others have already said, maybe there's a good reason for why there isn't a subculture around speedrunning warframe like there is with Dark Souls.  It may just not be fun enough to be worth their time to git gud at it.


I am a moderator of the speedrun.com/wf site. If you'd like to try your hand at speedrunning Warframe, we already have quite a few people who run complete planets, boss rushes, and trials. I think it's pretty interesting to see the entire meta flip from farming for resources at the mercy of RNG to farming for a better time to get more skilled at the game mechanics. Send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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The only reason i said you can start with a clan is because it costs a lot more to alone start a dojo get all the materials and building which costs forma researching all the weapons that takes a lot of time which if you really wanted to you could do it in a week to 2 weeks for the dojo but alone while leveling things and on top of that getting about 2-4 times the resources you will need instead of just having the dojo in the beginning is a bit difficult but if you would do this challenge with a friend or 2 would be different but since it would be hard to do that finding some people for a newly built dojo which wouldnt be impossible but would take a lot more time and preparation for that and a lot of luck of getting the right invasions which you will need anyways but getting more of them you will need because of the building costs and waiting on the weapon to research which is 3 days i believe and then building each weapon which would take a day but you will also need the different labs etc. for all of this you will need plat which means running void a ton more on top of what you needed for the weapons and getting a lot of luck on drops. Again im not saying it would be impossible to not do without starting with a researched dojo but it would take a lot more work to do without and take a ton more time which you have little of again this is the second attempt with very little changes from the first takes a ton of preparation work and time 

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Just thinking out loud here, but it would be cool to see competitive "4-man-squad speedruns" of warframe.  Whether to get to a certain MR, or to a certain planet node, or to a certain boss etc.


Warframe is designed around co-op play and long research times, where in Dark Souls really the main time bottleneck is the player's own learning curve.


With a 4-man squad working together on a common goal you get a lot of timesavers.  Each player can solo a ton of missions him/herself, while other squad members are simultaneously running other mission nodes solo also.


Lots of meta strategy here, because squad members can then just taxi each other to various bosses.  Each getting a new nav segment drop, and then go back to running the easy missions solo or duo, clearing a path to the next boss.  While other squad members with nothing to do at that time can be working on growing the squad's communal plat balance or acquiring other resources quickly.


Again, just thinking out loud, cuz I have no idea how it would turn out in actual implementation, but I think it would be fun to watch streams of 4-man competitive speedruns.  With a live screen split down 4-ways.


It would be impossible to achieve the speeds like in Dark Souls, especially solo.  But since warframe is a game built around co-op and grinding, there's lots of ways the grind can be divided up between a 4-man-squad to go much faster.  And with 4 people trying to work together, there's just so many things that can go wrong (or right) that it would be more fun to watch a squad vs just watching 1 person.


I mean, if you get a team of really good pro-level players (players who actually make a living off competitive gaming), I can see a 4-man squad just breezing through the entire star chart.  Imagine if DE sponsored a competition like this.  Ludicrous Speed!

Edited by Osharchi
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I have tried doing it 4 man with this challenge but if 1 or all of the people stop because its a month it makes it harder to start and end together and with this challenge you cant skip around/taxi can go to the boss with help but you will have to unlock each boss by doing all the missions prior to it again it would be great to get 3 friends with me to do this challenge or just speed run the whole map but its hard for people to get on the same schedule for a month its possible but i wasn't able to do it because of all the games coming out other games to play stopped playing got board of the game etc. also a lot of people get tired of this game playing continually for a month still can do it but have to have people that like this game a lot and have no plans for a month (sorry for the late reply couldnt get on the internet for the last 2 days will start up streaming shortly and wont have a problem next weekend)

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