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No One Realises It Is A Farming Nerf


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The problem is that there needs to be a balance.  If you make everything so tedious that it becomes unfun to play, like a lot of these reworks, then instead of just bypassing the grind by paying, people just stop playing.

I totally get your point. If you're not having fun anymore, there's nothing wrong with taking a break or just stopping.


The game's fate is in the hands of DE. Even though it's still labelled as an "open beta", DE seems to be taking less and less of our feedback. The goal of the game seems quite set from their perspective so the only thing we can do is play it. If we don't have fun, we can just leave. 


I haven't played in almost a year. I come back every now and then hoping that something new might bring me back. 

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The game is about having fun, not farming. Unless you just really love farming, I hope that isn't the whole game for you. Sounds pretty boring to me. 


Also it's "deluding" not "diluting". 

Ah, yes. While typing that, something didn't seem right. Thanks for the correction.


And my main point was that you should try to have fun while farming. There's no avoiding the fact that the game is all about farming no matter how much fun you're having. 

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WRONG! DE locks content behind MR, so to use what you want to use, you have to use a whole lot more of what you don't.

not really. there's a buttload of stuff to use to get Mastery from.

you can skip a good number of things you don't like atm. and the Percentage you can skip will only increase over time.


that ruin frames diversity


getting more flexibly effective combinations of abilities is 'reducing diversity'. you heard it first here folks.

Edited by taiiat
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not really. there's a buttload of stuff to use to get Mastery from.

you can skip a good number of things you don't like atm. and the Percentage you can skip will only increase over time.



getting more flexibly effective combinations of abilities is 'reducing diversity'. you heard it first here folks.

Not when like 90% of the gear they release is MR fodder and another 9% is redundant. To get to the 1% gems you have to use a ton of garbage.

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Whaa? U can still use some other frames like frost's 4, mesa, ash p, ember p and even equis does a lot with that whole range. Saryn is even more powerfull now. There was no reduction dmg nerf yet there was a dmg increase buff. She may not nuke it all in 1 second but she is still the one that does more damage with 4 in this game.

I think your incorrect, I took her to Secura solo, had her strength at 185% I let about 6 or 7 level 30 chargers gather around the pod, hit 4 and all that happened was they staggered a bit then shook it off and continued hammering the pod. Took me 4 more times hitting 4 to kill them. She may have higher damage but to get that you have to use all her powers to get there and in a fast moving game like Warframe that is just too impractical.

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as my Avatar might suggest what boat i'm coming from - i'm laughing right now.

i'm more confused as to why i lost Health than anything. i thought i was supposed to be a Health weighted, hearty Warframe.

i don't see why Saryn shouldn't have 150 Health. especially if you want Saryn to be fairly close Range, as she's always been.

sure, more Blocking. pretty situational though. might as well be general Damage Resistance because Saryn interfaces with Guns as well as Melee.

That's is where I'm at. I don't care if they take miasma away. Just give Saryn some tankieness.

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Meh, we know DE does timewalls to stall until they can release newer content, though I think this rework has less to do with that. I can still wipe out rooms, I'm just using other powers to assist in doing that. Venom(Spore) and Contagion(Toxic Lash) got much needed buffs that i don't even have to resort to Miasma honestly, and even if Miasma alone does not instantly nuke a crowd, these other  better scaling abilities help with that, and its still useful for corrosive proc-ing and a stun. The only thing I think DE needs to do is to slightly lower some of the casting cost for better efficiency.

Or maybe even combine Toxic Lash and Miasma, making the Toxic lash a passive buff from casting Miasma, and give Saryn a new quality of life 4 ability.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Guys if you want to do nothing, just play with Tonkor, Simulor, Quanta, Kulstar.... And all those AoE things...


If your goal in the game is doing near nothing, you can do it, but don't cry at each frame rework, and even when the said rework is really well done ^^

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1. Having your Main toon completely re-worked after you've spent hundreds maybe thousands of hrs aquiring mods and applying forma building around it's abilities and stats in order to achive a certain performance probably sucks.. and these players have every right to be upset. It dosent matter how viable the re-work is.

2.As much as it sucks.. it is what it is, all you can do is adapt or move on.. blah,blah,BETA,blah,blah

ok draco is literally i place i go just to rank up new equipment so i can go back to having fun playing with what i actually like to use with my friends. its not like i go play this mission all day every day and is the only thing i know how to play. its a quick mindless way to grind out what you have to then go back to have fun with what you actually like doing


i dont like ranking up new stuff especially when it is an item like the new twin axes that came out and are complete garbage. i would much rather get rid of them as quick as possible especially when it uses 2 of my favorite weapons as is

I think your problem is with the MR system, not nerfs or Draco.

MR means jack... why would you grind out a mission you dont apparently want to run, to level up weapons you dont want to use to achive a number that doesent mean anything, aside from having a greater syndicate rep that you;ll gave to grind out every day to meet?


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