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[Rumor]More Chinese Themed Warframe Coming


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Well Perhaps they shouldn't have sold controlling interest to a firm in China then ?

My idea is, they are trying to make the CH players happy with similar names and features and they are adding those over the Global build because why not? 


Honestly i already decided that Wu kong will be a mastery fodder for me. Looks and sounds extremely boring, cant speak for Ne Zha but if he's half the boring of Kong he'll be a mastery fodder for me aswell.


Im just looking towards future primes and extras, i have no expectations towards CH frames.

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I think the idea was that pretty much every MMO that tries to publish in China has to make that special Chinese content, just to keep the nationalism flowing, and DE was like "As long as our contract makes us produce all these chinese frames and weapons, why not just let global have it as well? More content is better, right?"

Well, no. It kinda gets a little annoying after a while when you have these mythological character-frames in a future supposedly milennia distant from ours, and it gets especially risky when aforementioned chinaframes, who do indeed appear to be a little thrown together, could end up being OP as hell (see Cloudwalk) and we'd all have to use the chinaframes on our farming expeditions.

If they are gonna pull the "mythological characters" excuse, then they're going to have to start making folk heroes from other places too, or at least some myth-based alt skins.

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i hate these chinese warframes because they break the lore and trivialize any meaning or story in the game

You mean the lore of warriors who follow the code of traditional Chinese/Japanese order?


You mean the story of how ancient warrior's were brought out of cryostasis by a woman named after a flower commonly used in Japanese/Chinese clan sterotypes?


You trying to tell me that these frames break the games intentions? A game that features two common asian weapons as starting gear? (a katana and bo staff)


Nah maybe you are right a few Chinese themed frames would break to lore of this Chinese/Japanese assassin themed game. Not the countless other things that don't make sense and have long since made us question the whole plot of this game.

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Another one? Is Warframe actually turning into Star Armor?


Based on what China Warframe players have relayed, the game is nothing like our version. The lore is completely different and the pricing model is also not as generous as what DE gives us.


It may as well be renamed Star Armor, so there's no confusion for potential new players.

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It kinda gets a little annoying after a while when you have these mythological character-frames in a future supposedly milennia distant from ours

Loki, Nyx, Atlas, Oberon, Excalibur, Banshee, Valkyr and Vauban would all like a word with you about that.

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I'd agree with you if marvel didn't come up with Loki in 1949 for the 6th Chapter of Venus Comic.


And the Norse came up with him long before that. But the actual powerset they gave him in the movies may as well have been copy/pasted from Warframe.


Also, you're taking a joke way too seriously. :P

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Except all of those are in name-only, not total utter replicas of certain characters.

Last time I checked, neither Nezha nor Wukong are replicas of their mythological counterparts. Wukong is more of a generic martial-arts type Frame, with only his cloud-walking being a direct reference to the Wukong myth, and Nezha seems to have powers associated with Chinese deities in general, rather than Nezha specifically.

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Well DE is now a Chinese owned company so.... It's not surprising.

I'm fine with a Chinese themed frame but if half of the frames coming out are going to be Chinese themed I think the game will have a different feel.

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It is not the name that bugs me. It's how they designed and came up with the frame that bugs me.

The non-China frames other than Excalibur (Radial Blind) are mostly designed revolving a certain theme: Loki was supposed to be the stealth/trickster frame. His kit was designed based on what a stealth/trickery kit would be like then found it appropriate to name the frame Loki because of what the frame DOES. The models of the frames look nothing like how they would be portrayed in their respective mythologies, occasionally there would only be small hints and references.


But now suddenly, the China frames are designed revolving an existing character: Wu Kong's abilities are all based on what the Chinese mythological character "Sun Wu Kong" use in his tales. The frame was named Wu Kong because of what the frame IS. There's no theme that fits Wu Kong's abilities, you could argue he could be "The staff master or the monk" but cloud walk...? TBH if they took away cloud walk and made his kit focused on using staffs, I'd be fine with him. Wu Kong's model also has atleast 50% resemblance to how Sun Wu Kong is portrayed to be like in Journey to the West. The same can be said with the leaked info on Nezha.


tl;dr I'm comfortable with them making new frames based on a theme instead of a character, like how the upcoming frame has an "Archer" theme and I'm excited to have her. If they decided to name the archer frame something from Chinese mythology, I'd be fine with that.

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Except all the while the game has been primarily shipped to American/European gamer communities it has had a sizeable portion of names and themes drawn quite blatantly from the relevant mythology. 


You can try and claim that Loki, Nyx, Oberon and the rest - were purely created out of "originality and passion" - but you are kidding yourself if marketing to the targeted audience wasn't factored in as well. 


So basically - all your high minded ideals there about keeping the game pure or something - just read like thinly veiled prejudice against the Chinese and their mythology to me.


Its doubly laughable when you consider that Asian motifs in general have been a fixture of Warframe since the beginning.

How do they break lore exactly? As far as i'm aware, they are just suits modeled after mythology with no story stuck to them. I've seen fan concepts that would destroy lore with the stories they have attached to them. 


People have problems with the chinese warframes because they have one glaring difference to previous frames: originality.


Now aesthetically, they are quite original. Most people do not have a problem with how they look as far as I have seen. However, Wukong's abilities, combined with his name and his looks, makes him a carbon copy of Son Wukong, the Monkey King. He cannot as easily be taken as an original character by a player because his entire design draws from Son Wukong, and little else. His abilities have no common theme besides belonging to the deity Son Wukong, whereas previous frames have a loose, overarching theme for their abilities.



Take Loki, for example. Yes, he is named for the Norse god, but his abilities are not tied specifically to Loki. He is a trickster, and his role is deception. Nothing more, nothing less.


Wukong and Nezha are setting uncomfortable precedents of simply inserting a pantheon of Chinese deities into the game, instead of making frames inspired by them.

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People have problems with the chinese warframes because they have one glaring difference to previous frames: originality.


Now aesthetically, they are quite original. Most people do not have a problem with how they look as far as I have seen. However, Wukong's abilities, combined with his name and his looks, makes him a carbon copy of Son Wukong, the Monkey King. He cannot as easily be taken as an original character by a player because his entire design draws from Son Wukong, and little else. His abilities have no common theme besides belonging to the deity Son Wukong, whereas previous frames have a loose, overarching theme for their abilities.



Take Loki, for example. Yes, he is named for the Norse god, but his abilities are not tied specifically to Loki. He is a trickster, and his role is deception. Nothing more, nothing less.


Wukong and Nezha are setting uncomfortable precedents of simply inserting a pantheon of Chinese deities into the game, instead of making frames inspired by them.


That doesn't explain how it's breaking lore. If they said it is literally Wukong and Nezha wearing a Warframe, then i'd say it's lore breaking. So far, it's just suits named after the deities with powers to match them as well.


Warframe's lore does not state that we can't have suits that are modeled after mythological characters. If someone can provide proof that it does say that, i'll concede.

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rumors from Taiwan forum, there will be a 國風計 (Chinese Style Plan) to introduce more warframe in Chinese style

Brace yourselves!


I WISH !!! warframe is international ...


MIND is everywhere the same, empty in nature and full of joy if aware about nonduality of its very being


then we come to different cultural background and influence, which i dont care about =)

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That doesn't explain how it's breaking lore. If they said it is literally Wukong and Nezha wearing a Warframe, then i'd say it's lore breaking. So far, it's just suits named after the deities with powers to match them as well.


Warframe's lore does not state that we can't have suits that are modeled after mythological characters. If someone can provide proof that it does say that, i'll concede.


Warframes are the "focusing lense" for void energy. Ember, for example, makes fire. It focuses void energy into fire. A very versatile thing.


How does one focus the void into Son Wukong?

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Warframes are the "focusing lense" for void energy. Ember, for example, makes fire. It focuses void energy into fire. A very versatile thing.


How does one focus the void into Son Wukong?


WUKONG ! (thats my answser) XD


btw, you miss, tennos use the voidenergy and stepped faar over it and rule it, if smth "uses" anything from the void aera =))))))))))))))

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First cries  that China Warframe gets exclusives.

Now some people are crying that we are getting all frames.

C'mon community, what's wrong with you? Besides some of you speak of breaking lore. What lore? We have space warriors, mutated with virus and wearing biomechanical suits. Some of these suits are named after mythological/historical characters. It's name of suit's model. Not the person wearing it.


Warframes are the "focusing lense" for void energy. Ember, for example, makes fire. It focuses void energy into fire. A very versatile thing.


How does one focus the void into Son Wukong?

How does one focus the void into Equinox? Or Ash? Want me to keep going?

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Warframes are the "focusing lense" for void energy. Ember, for example, makes fire. It focuses void energy into fire. A very versatile thing.

How does one focus the void into Son Wukong?

That is your argument? You do realize that can be picked apart with every Warframe, right? The Void is a place where "science and reason failed".

To humor your question with some reasoning:

1. Channel Void energy to boost melee.

2. Channel Void energy into the Warframe to do his radial knockdown ability.

3. Channel Void energy to dissolve into a gaseous state.

4. Channel Void energy into his built-in staff to expand it's width and make it into an energy pole.

You might as well admit that nothing about the chinese Warframes break lore. It seems like you and some people are just being prejudice.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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