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Foundry Blueprints

(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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It makes little difference really. Building 1 of those item would take 12 hours. If you'd be able to stack up more of the same item, the time would have to multiply as well. Highly unlikely that DE would ever allow you/us to build 10 items in 12 hours, instead of 120.

Edited by DeathClawing
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I don't understand why when you are using blueprints in the foundry you can't build multiple of the same thing at the same time, I am trying to get Helios and I need 10 Fieldron. But that is not all you can't buuld ciphers or catalysts or anything which is so irritating, why arent we able to just build multiple things?

You can build 10 ciphers at once..


And if you were going to build Helios, you should've farmed those invasions for fieldrons. I doubt you're in a rush to build Helios. You scan enemies yourself.

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I don't understand why when you are using blueprints in the foundry you can't build multiple of the same thing at the same time, I am trying to get Helios and I need 10 Fieldron. But that is not all you can't buuld ciphers or catalysts or anything which is so irritating, why arent we able to just build multiple things?

Just to be clear, because I can't sort out your intent based on how you have written it.

You can build multiple items at once, just not of the same thing. You can build a Fieldron, a Catalyst, a Cipher, etc all at the same time. You just can't build two Fieldron at the same time.

Why? Well, the grind of course, it's not going to change.

As was suggested, start looking for those Alerts and Invasions that reward Fieldron (and Mutegan Masses while you're at it). Get in the habit of stocking up on things, save them for later.

All part of the game.

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In my opinion, building Fieldrons, Detonite Injectors and Mutagen Masses is just pointless.  There are invasions and infestation outbreaks a couple times a week that will usually reward you with one two or three of these items and usually you will get them before you have time to make 3 of the item in the foundry.  Just run the invasions and take the rewards as they come and you usually won't have to wait as long or spend any credits on one use blueprints.

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It's implied one-use blueprints are one of two things:
1) Advanced technology in which the blueprint lays down some sort of physical frame. That physical frame is expended after you solder your 4,000 grams of ferrite and 2 neurodes to it

2) A planned obsolescence scheme created by whoever it is that owns the in-universe market

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It makes little difference really. Building 1 of those item would take 12 hours. If you'd be able to stack up more of the same item, the time would have to multiply as well. Highly unlikely that DE would ever allow you/us to build 10 items in 12 hours, instead of 120.

Why would the time stack too? that would defeat the whole purpose of building items in unison.

What I get from OP's request is thayt when you put a blueprint into build mode, the blueprint (if you happen to have multiples) would still be available to click and build. Currently it's greyed out and thus not available. In the strictest sense this does feel counter intuitive, understandable why they would choose for this, but still somewhat odd. But on the other hand, if you have a single workbench it's also weird you can build multiple (differing) items in unision: your workbench would be too small. So that is counter intuitive too.

But imagine this: Say you could upgrade your workbench/foundry to accommodate building items in unison. Could be an interesting proposition which opens for several other liset-related options. Because a larger/double foundry needs a larger liset. And with a larger Liset the options for upgrading other items would also be there:

- upgrade genlab to accomodate multiple readily available companions 

- having multiple frames on display (would really love this btw)

- having a real inventory space (I've always found it odd to have a mod-machine but no drawers for your inventory etc)

I wouldn't mind spending creds and recources on Liset upgrades...

Edited by ComCray
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Why would the time stack too? that would defeat the whole purpose of building items in unison.

The point was that they WANT it to take that much time to build, so even if they let you que up additional builds, they would not shorten the time needed.

The why is quite simple and requires no scientific debate on how it works or why, it is the most basic of sci-fi explanations......a wizard did it.

In this case, the wizard is DE, and the "it" is making things take longer than they should.

Would it be great if I could build 12 Forma in 10 minutes? Sure, I'd love it. It would be great if gold coins fell out of my ears.......neither situation is likely to ever happen no matter how much we may want it.

In my opinion, building Fieldrons, Detonite Injectors and Mutagen Masses is just pointless. There are invasions and infestation outbreaks a couple times a week that will usually reward you with one two or three of these items and usually you will get them before you have time to make 3 of the item in the foundry.

Point in fact, right now an Invasion on Saturn for 3 Fieldron. LOL

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