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Best Secondary Weapon?



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It would be wrong to give you an absolute best, because there are many weapons that can do many different things. In that respect, there is truly no best weapon since no weapon can do everything at the highest possible magnitude.


Some properties weapons in the pistol slot...


- High chance of status

- High damage at close range

- Reliable accuracy for long range damage

- Area of Effect damage

--> Do you want to be able to damage yourself or not? You can have safe AoE.

- Syndicate effects of various kinds

- Do you like to charge your weapon?

- Hitscan.

--> Maybe you want a challenge and prefer a traveling projectile?


These are just some of the criteria for pistols I can remember for various pistols. Find one that suits your needs.

Edited by MechaKnight
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I personally love the Furis with the New Loka augment.  It's basically the only secondary I run with except for the Hikou Prime on the reworked Saryn.


I should also add that almost all of my frames have either Rage and Quick Thinking or a heavy damage reduction ability (Mesa/Chroma).


I really don't like dying.

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I hate to answer a question with more questions, but that's a very loaded question....  What do you look for in a weapon?  What works with your play style?  If you're a crack shot then you might prefer single shot, heavy damage secondaries such as the previously mentioned Vaykor Marelok.  It does a great deal of damage, but if you're terrible at aiming, you may wish to avoid it (not to at all discredit the gun because it is a good gun).  If you aren't as good aiming, you may wish for a more "spray and pray" secondary or something that does an AOE.  Here is a small list of secondaries that I favor as well as ones that I have heard others like (I will also list a small description, keep in mind that this isn't meant to describe the weapons in full, just a small glimpse):

-Angstrum and Kulstar, explosive AEO.  beware of the self-damaging explosions.  low ammo capacity

-Atmos, it will link between enemies, good fire based attack that works well on infected.  limited range

-Brakk, Detron, and Mara Detron, powerful (not my cup of tea, but I have heard good things from others)

-Hikou Prime and Kunai, they are fast and when equipped with the proper mods CRAZY FAST.

-Sonicor, sonic-wave AEO, no self damage, ragdolls most enemies.  limited range

-Synoid Gammacor, heavy damage beam weapon.  fast ammo drain

-Telos Akbolto, fast and decent damage.  require some aiming (but if I can successfully use them, anyone can lol)

-Vaykor Marelok, heavy damage.  not for those with poor aim (speaking from my experience because I am a poor shot)


These are just a few of the great chooses available...  Might I recommend testing around a bit and finding what works best for you.

Edited by (PS4)Myth1250
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Take it from me i have most of secondary weapons Maxed Build with 6 Formas each


The Best secondary is Vaykor Marelok  for many reasons


1- Its super heals you

2- Hit-Scane Shots  ( Bullets have no time travel)

3- High Base Damage so you won't need Ammo Mutation Mod

* use a rapid fire controller ; )  with Steady Hands Mod Equipped*  and see the true meaning of power


But there is only 1 weapon Superior on Damage even when you compare it to primary weapons which is Kulstar , it literally the top of secondary weapons on Damage. and i didn't rank it as the best because :

1- self damage

2-its Ammo Type. because i use Tonkor as primary



Note: This Comment is Based on warframe Update 17.x

Edited by (PS4)DestinyTheGames
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Atmos is my go to weapon for MD or Excavations when I need something that kills for a secondary.  I am leveling up my primary in a frame that isn't good for melee


absolutely. atomos is the fastest mob-clear secondary (not counting the suicidal angstrum/kulstar), so it is the best in PvE imo.

- if your primary already does that, you might want a lex prime/vaykor marelok to deal with heavy units.

- or brakk/mara detron for doing ok against both single targets and crowds

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Wouldn't change synoid gammacor for ANYTHING, but that's just my personal preference, atomos, lex prime, brakk, vaykor marelok, telos akbolto, aksomati, hikou prime, spira are also great, you should go with any of those, the one that fits your playstile the most.

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Take it from me i have most of secondary weapons Maxed Build with 6 Formas each

The Best secondary is Vaykor Marelok for many reasons

1- Its super heals you

2- Hit-Scane Shots ( Bullets have no time travel)

3- High Base Damage so you won't need Ammo Mutation Mod

* use a rapid fire controller ; ) with Steady Hands Mod Equipped* and see the true meaning of power

But there is only 1 weapon Superior on Damage even when you compare it to primary weapons which is Kulstar , it literally the top of secondary weapons on Damage. and i didn't rank it as the best because :

1- self damage

2-its Ammo Type. because i use Tonkor as primary

Note: This Comment is Based on warframe Update 17.x

Yup, here u go OP. If we're just talking about overall best secondary it's Vaykor Marelok. Because most other high tier secondaries have also downsides, Atomos has fixed range, Kulstar is a suicide machine, twin grakatas eat a lot ammo, etc. Vaykor Marelok has no downsides at all, it has everything u could possibly want in a gun in warframe. High dmg, crit and status, syndicate blast, nice ammo economy, hitscan... There's just not anything wrong with it.

But even though I have 5 forma Vaykor Marelok I prefer Sonicor.

The best is not the most fun.

Edited by mutsisoli
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Yup, here u go OP. If we're just talking about overall best secondary it's Vaykor Marelok. Because most other high tier secondaries have also downsides, Atomos has fixed range, Kulstar is a suicide machine, twin grakatas eat a lot ammo, etc. Vaykor Marelok has no downsides at all, it has everything u could possibly want in a gun in warframe. High dmg, crit and status, syndicate blast, nice ammo economy, hitscan... There's just not anything wrong with it.

But even though I have 5 forma Vaykor Marelok I prefer Sonicor.

The best is not the most fun.

All of this.


That very last part most of all.

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Atomos : Crowd Control, multi-hit, auto-targeting after the first target, limited range, needs an odd 'required' mod to be effective(Ruinous Extension).

Lex Prime : Single-target/Highest-Crit damage, very accurate, slow fire rate.

Angstrum : Highest raw damage, AoE, CC, slow projectiles and you can kill yourself.

Twin Grakata : High-Crit/Bullet hose, 100% innate multishot, runs out of ammo fast, high DPS but low efficiency.

Vaykor Marelok : Just overall a really good secondary, Syndicate AoE damage + Proc, no single really good/bad side.

Pyrana/Brakk : Shotgun-Crit, Pyrana is automatic and more crit, Brakk is semi-auto but more raw damage, limited range.

AkSomati : High-Crit/Bullet hose, same as Twin Grakata, has a spool-up time, I prefer the Grakatas.

Rakta Ballistica : Single-target/Highest raw charged damage, Syndicate AoE damage + Proc, accurate, projectiles have travel time.

Stug : Corrosive + Radiation + Viral, timed sticky AoE explosives, very slow and high-arcing projectiles, alt-fire is bugged, much lower chance than Angstrum but can kill you too.

(Mara) Detron : Radiation + Corrosive, no damage falloff over distance unlike other shotguns, Mara version looks SW4G as fu--, projectiles have travel time.

Edited by Zanec
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Lotta great answers here, this would be my list for you, not sure what you're looking for specifically. Here is a list of top tier secondaries with their weaknesses.


Highest damage / burst possible? Akbronco Prime - Low reload speed and clip make this prime to take out big targets only, not really suited for clearing rooms / lots of use. If you're doing very high end missions, these will drop big guys quick. You need the pvp reload while holstered mod to make this work or you'll hate it.


AoE destruction - Atomos - This thing chews up groups faster then most primaries. You have to farm for the ruinous extension mod to make it go from good to mind blowingly amazing though. Great ammo econ and damage but starts getting kinda meh on just single targets. This gun will make your jaw drop a few times when you go around a corner and stumble upon a "spawn" point with 100 enemies, and obliterate them in a second.


Good damage / Crowd Control - Sonicor - Build it like any high damage / element for faction gun and this thing is great. It does a good amount of damage but ragdoll CC's everything it hits, also setting up for ground finishers if you're quick enough. Alot of people will take this in super high end missions for the CC factor, where damage starts meaning nothing, and controling the crowd is everything. It also scales great with event mods for more damage.


Great Damage / Long range high priority target killer - Vaykor Marelock - As mentioned alot in this thread, this gun does some great damage. Has almost no falloff, if any, at long ranges and packs a punch. It falls off against crowds, unless the syndicate effect procs, but you can't rely on that to save you all the time. If going into super high end missions it'll prove useful in still taking out big targets in a reasonable time.


Lots of other weapons are really great secondaries, but if you're looking to build specific ones for specific reasons in high end missions, these are all you'll need to fill any gap. I personally didn't like Kulstar or any of the missile launcher types simple because of self-damage. They are good weapons but can get you in serious trouble when doing higher end missions where a single slip up can CLEM your group. Not worth it imo for stuff like that.

Edited by Coaa
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There are lots of great secondaries.


And then there's the broken-overpowered Furis with the New Loka augment.




Yeah, 1/5th of the damage you do is returned as health. The healing potential on this is insane; a heavily forma'd Furis can put out an average of ~750 damage per bullet, healing you for 150 health for each ammo spent... with a fire rate of 16 bullets per second or 2400 health per second.


As I said, broken-OP.

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