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Ya'll Wanna Hear A Weird Dream I Had?


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I was working at a Burger King but the place had to be shut down because the Hutt (yeah, from Star Wars) that ran it was shot in the face, and I was totally okay with him being dead because earlier that day I'd gotten chewed out for not hanging street light properly.


This is honestly one of the weirder one's I've had.

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Aw man, everyone has more interesting dreams than I do.


A couple of months ago I dreamt that I was at work, and was reading an e-mail with some sort of general information. I was like "Hmm... Well that's nice to know". Then I woke up.


A week-or-so ago I had a dream about being at work, and I had to deal with a troublesome case, and it was annoying me, but I couldn't wake up.

I never fixed the case.

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Aw man, everyone has more interesting dreams than I do.


A couple of months ago I dreamt that I was at work, and was reading an e-mail with some sort of general information. I was like "Hmm... Well that's nice to know". Then I woke up.


A week-or-so ago I had a dream about being at work, and I had to deal with a troublesome case, and it was annoying me, but I couldn't wake up.

I never fixed the case.


I think I've had a few like that. I usually don't bother trying to remember them, not weird enough.



Morec. Stop witth he hard drugs before bed-time.


I SWEAR all I had was a sandwich!

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Insightful individual oblivious to his visionary subconscious and intelligent conscious mind. Start eating weird food before bed, I would enjoy seeing another one of these in paper form on my desk every morning.

I request each dream report is printed in duplicate; one to frame on the wall each week for winner of "Best dream of the week" contest; the other to read while I have my morning coffee.

If you agree to these terms, I believe we will establish a wonderful relationship. No desire based benefits included, I only offer financial advice that subliminally leads you to give me money before I abandon you entirely and publish your dreams in a book while taking all the credit.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Insightful individual oblivious to his visionary subconscious and intelligent conscious mind. Start eating weird food before bed, I would enjoy seeing another one of these in paper form on my desk every morning.

I request each dream report is printed in duplicate; one to frame on the wall each week for winner of "Best dream of the week" contest; the other to read while I have my morning coffee.

If you agree to these terms, I believe we will establish a wonderful relationship. No desire based benefits included, I only offer financial advice that subliminally leads you to give me money before I abandon you entirely and publish your dreams in a book while taking all the credit.


I'll try to remember a bit more about the dream about the "Tennessee Chicken" and get back to you on that.




​Hope you slept well, despite the weird dream, nonetheless.


Nah, I enjoy weird S#&$ like that especially - I don't usually dream, so when I do I typically enjoy them (even what I think SHOULD be nightmares).

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Nah, I enjoy weird S#&$ like that especially - I don't usually dream, so when I do I typically enjoy them (even what I think SHOULD be nightmares).


I don't dream much either, but I do remember quite a few off ones that I've had. Getting the rare dream is very much enjoyable, even if it is a nightmare.

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I don't dream much either, but I do remember quite a few off ones that I've had. Getting the rare dream is very much enjoyable, even if it is a nightmare.


I say "what I think SHOULD be nightmares" because even with those I never wake up, like, scared or anything, dripping with sweat and dreading going back to sleep. It's mostly just a lazily open my eyes and going "huh, that was weird" thing.

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I say "what I think SHOULD be nightmares" because even with those I never wake up, like, scared or anything, dripping with sweat and dreading going back to sleep. It's mostly just a lazily open my eyes and going "huh, that was weird" thing.


Well, any dream that I get that creeps me out to a certain extent is a nightmare to me. It's just that little feeling of 'I'm being watched.' or something after I wake up. But hey, to each their own.

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If were speaking about dreams, I have one to share;


One dream I had when I was a kid; me and my classmates were on a field trip and stopped by a nearby McDonald's. We were given a tour of the place and when we came to the freezer, our "tour guide" opened it.


Inside was the nearby highway.

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I had a...dream too...



It was #*($%%@ up...


I honestly can't begin to describe it...


Just...imagine a vampire who falls in love with a human and over the course of their relationship she grows more and more fond of their intimacy...Later, she is seemingly betrayed by the human.


Then queue up filler of..random bits until you reach the climax of a strange story...


Torn between two choices of a life and death situation with the open arms of the vampire being pro-life choice of the two while a fiery death explosion being the other option. Now imagine what such a twisted being would do if they ever found the human again...


It was an extremely dark dream....It kept going and going...the pain the poor human went through...the different methods of torture...all for one explicit goal...


Then I woke up. Sucks cause it was getting good!

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I'm disappointed it was Burger King and not Pizza Hutt


I very nearly got that mixed up in my head while I was writing this, but I had to fight to keep the memory as untainted as possible.



I had a...dream too...



It was #*($%%@ up...


I honestly can't begin to describe it...


Just...imagine a vampire who falls in love with a human and over the course of their relationship she grows more and more fond of their intimacy...Later, she is seemingly betrayed by the human.


Then queue up filler of..random bits until you reach the climax of a strange story...


Torn between two choices of a life and death situation with the open arms of the vampire being pro-life choice of the two while a fiery death explosion being the other option. Now imagine what such a twisted being would do if they ever found the human again...


It was an extremely dark dream....It kept going and going...the pain the poor human went through...the different methods of torture...all for one explicit goal...


Then I woke up. Sucks cause it was getting good!


Were you the human or the vampire?

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Were you the human or the vampire?


Both(sorta)...I was also a fly on the wall in certain bits but mostly disconnected physically and mentally from all the characters.


Switching between the two as a strange story unfolded until the end.


Basically the human's friend was some guy who dressed up in a pyramid head costume and they were trying to bring down this lab in a skyscraper-ish building. Something something Zombies something...anyway, Wires got crossed and the explosions went off one by one. Pyramid head is seemingly dead while at the top the vampire and human jumped out of the window and a warm and loving embrace is met~


Then darkness and torture..holes bitten into the human where these gems were put in and connected each by a wire or something...They allowed the vampire to control the portions of the body that they were connected to or something...The human's physiology changed drastically between each little torture scene for some odd reason..Doing forced sit-ups until the sound of cracking bones..being punched repeatedly in the torso seemingly breaking ribs and stuff...Being forced to punch themself in the chest... There was this scene where the vampire was  collecting the dust and bone fragments from her collection of named skulls...and then she began to grind the skulls down...I woke up right there though..


Dunno what was going to happen..I have my thoughts but meh...rather just let the dream tell me~


Oh, and before you ask the human deserved it all. The vampire gave them the world pretty much and only got her heart broken...I mean, sure her kisses required stitches and she became more and more crazy as their 'relationship' blossomed...But when a heart breaks it don't break even!

Edited by Laisha
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There was a TV show called "How I met your mother".

During that show, they needed to portray the characters while smoking weed, but without actually having them smoke anything, so they had them eat a sandwich instead.


So when you said, that your crazy dream wasn't inspired by any drugs, and that you had only had a sandwich, this image from How I met your mother popped into my head, and it seemed to a fitting reference.


I stand corrected it seems.

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