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U18 Release Date For Consoles.


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Why do console people always complain about having update a month or two later ? on pc we kinda beta test the update for you every bug that WE will encounter on pc during thoose two month you won't have it at the release on consoles so please stop complaining.

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Why do console people always complain about having update a month or two later ? on pc we kinda beta test the update for you every bug that WE will encounter on pc during thoose two month you won't have it at the release on consoles so please stop complaining.

Why do PC people always think they are better than everyone else when they aren't? I know 20 die hard PC players that went to console largely due to PC running the game they want to play like crap, constant crashing of said game, frame rate spikes, etc. while the list goes on I'm sure you get my point PC isn't the best. 

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i hope it happens so i kill them pc users who name themselves "master race" and get them pissed


i want it to happen to piss dem racist gamers who hate consoles and make them the peasents  


Maybe you should  stop being salty over satire.

Though it is not PC's fault that consoles are locked down bilge machines with gimped performance that are beholden to first party restrictions.


No amount of arbitrarily late releases for a specific game will ever change that fact.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Why do PC people always think they are better than everyone else when they aren't? I know 20 die hard PC players that went to console largely due to PC running the game they want to play like crap, constant crashing of said game, frame rate spikes, etc. while the list goes on I'm sure you get my point PC isn't the best. 


Yeah, I'm sure these "20 friends" were  "diehard PC players", thats why they didn't know how to use the PC platform and jumped to the poorer performance of consoles with their static evolution and significantly smaller catalog of games. Probably were "gaming" on Dell laptops, tablets and Macs.

I can see the only logical reason for jumping to consoles, would be to play some exclusives, which are fewer and far between nowadays.

Or to play some AAA(IE mass marketed) rush job that is only marginally better on the console merely on the first few release days, due to intentional negligence, for the sheer fact that PC platform is superior, and an old estate wants to protect the old more exploitative(IE more price gouging)racket, which is harder to maintain on an open source platform .


Edited by UrielColtan
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I don't care when it does come out. The reason many of us are on consoles and are sacrificing quite a lot of freedom and visual fidelity in turn is the expectation of stability.


Stability over everything else. Crashes are a no go, and a stain on the developers quality assurance when developing on a unified, homogeneous commercially lucrative platform.


I recall a lot of server crashes, RRODs, bricked consoles, hacked XBOX lives and PSNs, and hours worth of firmware updates on consoles. And lol at having to pay to play games online.

As for crashes on PC, maybe if some people don't curb their addiction to dirty sites, otherwise it is not common unless their PC was never capable of handling such games in the first place or its a dev side issue, usually due to it being a mere port handed off to some joke porter team in some other country.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I'm good with it. We'll get a stable version without having to wait multiple weeks for fixes due to cert.

I still don't understand the console wars thing. Both devices are capable of playing THIS game just fine. PC gets first dibs on content to test for the community, then the stable build is made, and it goes to console. The cycle works

That being said, I plan on reading every single spoiler for this update because 4-6 weeks is just too long for me to hold steady with our current content.

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Yeah, I'm sure these "20 friends" were  "diehard PC players", thats why they didn't know how to use the PC platform and jumped to the poorer performance of consoles with their static evolution and significantly smaller catalog of games. Probably were "gaming" on Dell laptops, tablets and Macs.

I can see the only logical reason for jumping to consoles, would be to play some exclusives, which are fewer and far between nowadays.

Or to play some AAA(IE mass marketed) rush job that is only marginally better on the console merely on the first few release days, due to intentional negligence, for the sheer fact that PC platform is superior, and an old estate wants to protect the old more exploitative(IE more price gouging)racket, which is harder to maintain on an open source platform .


And how exactly would you know? Oh that's right you wouldn't because all you can do is make assumptions about what people say.while trying to bash that person which is about to back fire. So you mean to tell me that 20 people that I've know for ten years while going to school at MIT with who build computers for a living don't know how to properly use it huh?


The "sheer fact" here is that PC is the most bloated platform of them all. Yeah PC isn't bogged down by certifications and such like consoles are but as I've said before consoles are variants of PC. So again calling consoles trash you're calling PC trash. Only a few days after release on PC are issues fixed you say? That's BS since Arkham Knight STILL crashes and freezes, as well as Battlefront, BFH, BF4 (although doesn't crash as often anymore) the list of games and issues goes on but you get the point.

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i hope it happens so i kill them pc users who name themselves "master race" and get them pissed


i want it to happen to piss dem racist gamers who hate consoles and make them the peasents  


As a member of the glorious PC Master Race community, I will have you know that a vast majority of us don't hate consoles. In fact, we don't care what you prefer to do your gaming on and we do frown upon those that adopt the elitistic mindset that anyone playing on consoles is somehow inferior.


We will call you brother or sister, as long as you agree that PCs are objectively more powerful than consoles. We will call you a peasant if you make up ignorant and ridiculous claims like you only need a PS4 and a 4K TV to play games in 4K.


That is all, so enjoy your games on whatever platform that you prefer. I prefer PC myself. :)

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I have both a tough PC and PS4 but the reason I'm now using my ps4 more (other than the exclusives) is that I got tired of companies selling trash and untested games to PC while in console everything remains stable. Batman Arkham Knight, Watch Dogs (though the whole game was pure trash) and Assassin's Creed Unity are great examples... Ubisoft itself once said that they are focusing on consoles because it sells better while PC copies gets pirated easily (which is stupid because paying PC gamers are suffering because of what? The company's own bad security? ) thats why I downloaded Warframe in PS4, thought it differs in performance before I.knew that DE are doing a great job to maintain both. So now I can't download it to my PC because my internet broke and even if its working then i'll still lost my progress xD

Moral of the story, PC and Console are the same except that you might have to upgrade your PC almost yearly to keep up the high graphics and framerate SO Stop with the master race and PC vs console nonsense in the community already!

(Once again I turned a comment into an essay... underestimated myself again)

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I have both a tough PC and PS4 but the reason I'm now using my ps4 more (other than the exclusives) is that I got tired of companies selling trash and untested games to PC while in console everything remains stable. Batman Arkham Knight, Watch Dogs (though the whole game was pure trash) and Assassin's Creed Unity are great examples... Ubisoft itself once said that they are focusing on consoles because it sells better while PC copies gets pirated easily (which is stupid because paying PC gamers are suffering because of what? The company's own bad security? ) thats why I downloaded Warframe in PS4, thought it differs in performance before I.knew that DE are doing a great job to maintain both. So now I can't download it to my PC because my internet broke and even if its working then i'll still lost my progress xD

Moral of the story, PC and Console are the same except that you might have to upgrade your PC almost yearly to keep up the high graphics and framerate SO Stop with the master race and PC vs console nonsense in the community already!

(Once again I turned a comment into an essay... underestimated myself again)


I don't think game developers and publishers selling unoptimized crap is something exclusive to PC anymore, because as you say, the overall quality in games (performance and image quality for example) has really plummeted. Some publishers simply have unrealistic goals for their product and with nobody to tell them that it is not going to work, they have a AC: Unity on their hands.


Well, the real moral of the story is that YOU should play the games YOU enjoy on whatever platform YOU enjoy playing games on. But as for having to upgrade your PC on almost yearly basis, it is a load of bunk. It is a myth that has been debunked, proven to be wrong, destroyed, crushed, vaporized and disintegrated.


edit: derp

Edited by DigitalMist
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I don't think game developers and publishers selling unoptimized crap is something exclusive to PC anymore, because as you say, the overall quality in games (performance and image quality for example) has really plummeted. Some publishers simply have unrealistic goals for their product and with nobody to tell them that it is not going to work, they have a AC: Unity on their hands.

Well, the real moral of the story is that YOU should play the games YOU enjoy on whatever platform YOU enjoy playing games on. But as for having to upgrade your PC on almost yearly basis is a load of bunk. It is a myth that has been debunked, proven to be wrong, destroyed, crushed, vaporized and disintegrated.

edit: derp

You wouldn't believe that I have GTX 970 GPU (or maybe forgot its number, was the best GPU in 2014) and when I played Arkham Knight and Unity and such with bad FPS, people told me to either Overclock the parts or buy Titan GPU...
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You wouldn't believe that I have GTX 970 GPU (or maybe forgot its number, was the best GPU in 2014) and when I played Arkham Knight and Unity and such with bad FPS, people told me to either Overclock the parts or buy Titan GPU...


Oh, I believe you alright. It is almost criminal how bad both titles titles performed on the PC (no idea how either is performing today), the PC port of Batman: Arkham Knight was outsourced to Iron Galaxy, I believe, a small studio who had never worked on porting games to PC and what happened next everbody knows.


As for AC: Unity, well, no words needed. It performed poorly on all platforms and not only PC.


I want you to instead think about the games that look, sound and perform great on PC instead, even on your 970. That list is getting longer and longer each year. :)


If you are uncertain about a title, check out http://pcgamingwiki.com for a port report or simply wait until one is available.

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