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Spaceninja Vets: Top 3 Frames & Why?

(XBOX)Jak Riddle

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Well, obviously there can't be any general "tier list" because the quality of any frame is mission dependant. but if considering this versatility is the actual decisive factor i'd say Volt, Frost and... dunno, probably Nova.


Edit: I see how people pick Loki, Valk and other survivalists but i don't see them soloing excavation, defensen and the like...

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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Really all frames are good.


Top frames depend heavily on the mission and how far you want to take things. There is a distinct moment in the game, very late in the game for endless missions only (stuff like Defense, Survival, Excavation), where the regular builds completely fall off damage wise and where weapons become grossly ineffective. But don't mistake that reality for 'the metagame' or 'how you should play frames' because there is no regular content that touches that difficulty level except perhaps for the now new Sortie missions (and even then, only Sortie 3).  For regular content, any maxed frame and weapon combination basically steamrolls it, giving lots of wiggle room to do whatever you like.


Honestly I haven't found a single game in existence that has so many different use cases and so many different pieces of equipment that go well with them. You can really be creative, even though the specific frames that players request sometimes make you think otherwise. Ignore those fools and create your own synergies, it is part of the fun. Warframe is all about experimenting and finding cool tricks to kill stuff.


If you want my two plat, my personal top 3;


1. Mirage (She is Armageddon itself)

2. Ivara (she may well be on the nr 1 spot, because every day I discover new tricks with her, so much fun!)

3. Ash (for that true ninja vibe)

Edited by V4YR4
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Trinity, Loki and Chroma can take on the galaxy by their lonesomes. More situational Wukong, Frost, Nova and Mag can too but the other three are better and more versatile at it.


There is a case to say theyre ALL good though... even if Hydroid and Limbo are needing a rework.

Edited by (XB1)Skode
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Nova Prime: one of the best looking frames to me + she has excellent mobility, killing power, and CC even up past lvl 80. 


Trinity Prime: tied with Nova P for my favorite looking frame. She is also unmatched in healing and support. Of the 3k+ hours played, my reg trin is still most played at a whopping 42%. I love healing?


Loki Prime: best solo frame for most missions imo.


Runners up: Frost Prime for easy peasy defense type missions and Valk which is pretty much god mode with insane dps on top of that.

Edited by fizbit
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#1 Loki - IMO the most versatile frame out there. Loki is able to solo most mission styles and can chose when he wants to be seen. With a squad, Loki can be counted on to perform as a medic, a life support trigger and when all else fails and the rest of the team is down on those marathon survival missions, Loki can slip to the extraction point and save the win for the team.


#2 Nova - Supper support frame who still gets a major piece of the damage action. Slow NOVA for those overrunning One-shot mobs that throw out so much damage that no one survives (except maybe Limbo & Valkyr) outside Frost's Snow globe or Volts shield's. And even then?  Speed NOVA for all those wave missions. Without her we would all die of boredom.


#3 Trinity - At first I was going to say that the third slot was up for grabs because so many frames are good, but not excelling more than the next (i.e., Valkyr, Frost, Excal, Volt, Ash, Ember, etc.) but then I remembered EV Trinity and how she supports the team with a constant flow of energy. She is a beloved member of any team and keeps us from spamming energy pads and running dry at the most inopportune times.


Now don't get me wrong, I like some other frames more than my top 3 picks, but if Warframe were going to lay-off all but the top 3 most useful, here is my picks.

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#1: Nova


Has three really solid uses. Positive strength Molecular Prime is very good CC, with a damage bonus as gravy.


Negative Strength is great for speeding up defense missions, as well as getting mobs to you quicker in survival. Combine the damage bonus with an AoE damage frame for the beginning of a solid farming squad.


Antimatter Drop, an ability that is criminally underappreciated, is a solid AoE damage skill. Synergizes well with Molecular Prime and makes a great damage panic button.


#2: Ember


She doesn't have the best range, but I think WoF is the best AoE damage skill currently in the game. Energy efficiency is amazing, easily enough to be self sufficient for 99% of purposes, soft CC to keep things that don't instantly die in check, and damage sufficient enough for most practical purposes. Her only real shortcoming is range, but I don't think this is anything that can't be worked around.


#3: Frost


The king of Defense missions. Easily the best defensive ability in the game, but his usefulness falls off without an objective to protect. While Snow Globe is his go to skill, his other three skills also provide copious amounts of CC for when staying inside a globe isn't viable.

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My top 3 are high skill cap frames, in that they aren't particularly survivable in their base stats, but make basic skills better and at very versatile.

Personally, banshee volt and ivara

Banshee is a catalyst, anping damage output and is a mobile cc machine.

Volt is versatile with a good stun, a melee/movement speed steroid and a mobile shield that increases damage output.

Ivara is incredibly versatile, with alot of potential. She just managed to bump ember off of this list, it was a hard decision.

My top 3 are high skill cap frames, in that they aren't particularly survivable in their base stats, but make basic skills better and at very versatile.

Personally, banshee volt and ivara

Banshee is a catalyst, anping damage output and is a mobile cc machine.

Volt is versatile with a good stun, a melee/movement speed steroid and a mobile shield that increases damage output.

Ivara is incredibly versatile, with alot of potential. She just managed to bump ember off of this list, it was a hard decision.

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1- Nyx     Why waste the effort to kill enemies when you can make them kill each other. She also has a great panic button with her 4th ability absorb.

2- Saryn     She is a blast to play and puts out pretty good DPS if used correctly. Basicly a press 4 to win but without being boring and requiring some stratagey.

3- Basicly every other frame in the game they are all good and fun in their own ways. It is hard to pick just one Nyx/Saryn stand out to me the rest are equal after them.

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Depends on what you want to do but in general (note: I don't play solo):


1. Trinity is NEVER the wrong choice for a mission. There is absolutely nothing in the game that cannot be made better by having a Trinity in the squad. She's so good at her job it's hard to imagine another healer frame ever being viable in this game (Equinox is a damage frame). On top of that she can either be nearly invincible or provide infinite energy and one shot anything that isn't outright immune to her combo. 4x CP Trinity + Equinox is an absolutely brutal combo.


2. Go farm a Frost Prime while you can. The undisputed God-Emperor of endless defense, accept no substitute. It is theoretically possible to run defense without Frost but why would you do that? Frost has the most reliable and easiest method of protecting the cryopod. If you don't have Frost you're running around frantically trying to CC everything before they one shot the objective. Speaking of CC, Frost has amazing CC. Not only is his avalanche a long duration aoe stun it also strips armor, which is nice since 4x CP is rare in pubs. Avalanche is a serviceable nuke in low level content too.


3. I had a tough time deciding between Nova or Loki but I'm going to go with Nova because I like playing her more. Molecular prime is a fantastic ability for both damage and CC. Anti-matter drop is one of the only nukes in the game that scale into late game by virtue of working off of weapon damage. Wormhole is like decoy -> switch teleport but easier and for you entire team.

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1. VAUBAN. I can't believe there is almost no mention of this wonderful frame! You don't need damage skills at all if you actually use this frame right, it's deadlier even without those. Supercharged weapons + Vauban's insane utility and every mission would be a cake walk. That Bastille skill and Vortex could be used in almost every situation. And don't even forget the troll capabilities with that Bounce!


2. MAG (PRIME). Again, although not the strongest frame in terms of damage when it comes to its abilities, Mag is also an amazing utility kind of frame. With the abilities, it's really easy to just CC mobs of enemies to give your team time during crucial moments. And the frame itself have such a sleek and cute design, what's not to like?


3. EMBER (PRIME). Basically just go around the entire mission and set fire to everyone. Awesome frame especially during those times when you just can't be bothered to waste time killing enemies all around you.

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As a Tenno for 2 years... This is what I loved (not favoritized) and what I think is the best Warframe for me:


- He is the epitome of VERSATILITY. Pretty much, he can do CC, DPS and Support (Disabler). You can build him for EB (4th skill [DPS]), RJ (3rd Skill [CC]), Solo/Endurance or Balanced. Just as his description say, "Whatever your playstyle is Tenno, Excalibur will be your choice."


- Though few players use him, He is a good Warframe. Just like Excalibur, he is versatile (Need to change energy color to switch elements and stats) and good for defense missions. The element I use on him is Cold, for it gives huge buff on armor. Even if you stand in front of a void laser for a min (If you modded him right), it will only take few amount of DMG! And if your health took damage, your DMG increases.


- The Queen of Support for me :) Gives energy and health as her skills, she increases the squad's survival rate drastically. She can made her squad invincible for a period of time and she can reflect back DMG she took from her enemies.


1. Nova

- Great CC (Which slows down enemies)

2. Rhino

- DMG buffer and CC (Stuns the enemies)

3. Loki

- Great in utility CC (Disarms the enemies) and high survival rate (Long duration invisibilty)

4. Mirage

- Huge range CC and disabler (Blinds the enemies) and inflicts high DPS.

5. Nekros

- Gives health, resources and LS (in Survival). Summon dead enemies to fight for you and CC (Scares the enemies away)

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Trinity/Prime : All endurance/top level crews run one of these because heals and energy.


Loki/Prime : Disarm, radiation, invis, switch teleport. Loki masterrace for a reason.


Since Mag's insane dump nerf, most likely Excalibur.

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Don't let my post count fool you. I've been here since almost the beginning.




1. Ember - With the right set up she annihilates everything other than Corpus up until level 30 simply by running past them, and can keep up the hurt for an extremely long amount of time even without a large energy pool (mine is only 225 and yet I can keep WoF up in Draco for 4 rounds WHILE using Accelerant and Fireball just for lulz) Past maybe 50 you'll want to use her specifically for CC. Pop on Firequake and mod for high duration/range and you'll have enemies constantly falling around you.


2. Valkyr/Wukong - I put them both together because they both share something other frames can only partially do well: Survive and Revive. These are what I call my arch angel Warframes, because they can save a wipe from happening simply out of sheer will. Both Valkyr and Wukong are fun to play as well (though I think Wukong is a bit more fun since his combos don't lock his movement and his survivability isn't as simple...however Valkyr is more group oriented thanks to warcry) They're awesome from early to endgame.


3. I absolutely hate to say it but... Loki - While Ivara is far more fun and versatile, Loki is admittedly the best at speedrunning. If that's your thing, then he's your guy. However - if you wanna actually enjoy the damn game even while being sneaky, I'd go for Ivara.


4. Eh I gotta add Trinity. I don't use her alot myself, but it's hard to not have her on a "top warframe" list due to the amount of benefits she brings to a group.

Edited by Cidolfus
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