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Do People Know How To Draco Properly?


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Exactly what he said above, for me I go there whenever I want to rank a weapon or Warframe up, not to get syndicate stuff. In fact I think your behind in your thinking, you can taker anything and go from 0-30 in four rounds even if you do all four nodes:)

Not without a booster, and even then it's iffy.  100/2 4 rounds in a row gets you to like 28.  Maybe if you leave two weapons behind it might eke it out.


OP, go to the recruiting channel if you want your 4 rounds of 100/99.  Otherwise you will run into the following types of people


People who don't know anything about the game at all because their vet buddy unlocked the node for them and told them to xp there

People who just legitimately don't know because they never put that much thought into it

People who want as many T4 keys as possible while levelling

People who just really don't care one way or the other and want to just relax and kill stuff

The "Do you even Draco brah?" crowd you're part of aka fun stealers

People who enjoy ruining the fun stealers day


Personally, I'm in the T4 keys crowd or the relax and kill stuff crowd, until someone makes a comment in chat screaming about how to play the node properly.  You can probably guess where my vindictive mind goes immediately after that.

Efficient draco is something the vast majority isn't capable of doing, sub par strategies, lack of effort and non maxed perfect builds are among the issues.

It is true that you can still do the farming as usual, but the more effort you do, the more effort you do in the game in general.


The basics begin with the entire concept of draco, then you move on with maximizing what you have by knowing how to permanently neutralize areas and understanding interception mechanics, then you think of ways of killing with more efficiency, that means speed, damage and range, then you move to buffs, more effiecient energy deliveries.

Seriously, how many frosts do actually buff? how many trinities can keep up with a top notch excall? do trinies have the augment? as a exp leecher, how many of you try at all costs to bring abilites that can buff? do you bring energy pads just incase?


Then after all that you can move to the stealth kills that provide more exp.


Yes, some ppl are still thinking that efficient draco means rank 5 blind range, a non maxed range ev, oberons that don't make an effort to buff and capturing all 4 areas.

Player effort plays a role, like i mentioned, the effort you do in draco represents the effort you do in the game.


This sounds like you're implying that an optimized xp farm in Draco requires a specific setup.  My rank 11 Ember with Firequake in a PUG would like a word with you.

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Eh, I don't see what all of the noise is about. I usually max weapons in three to four Draco runs, depending on whether the PUGs I play with stay for four waves or less. Frankly, playing PUGs, you can't expect people to do what you think is right; most of them are there for their own reasons, after all.

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 afaik you don't lvl any faster time wise if you drag the mission out. Only reason I can see to make the waves take longer is because you lke camp near afk farming for grineer mods, cells or some other drops at the expense of wave rewards. The actual affinity should be about the same for the time invested irrespective of play method.

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I don't really like Draco. But fact is, it is a FAST way to level things up.



You know how else is a fast way to level up? Spy missions.  Don't need a specific build, don't need a specific group of frames, gives keys, lots of exp, can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and drops mods like Scattering Inferno, Rime Rounds, Frostbite, etc..... which can be sold for easy plat.

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I don't think there is a wrong way to play Draco. I mean as long as you don't die you can pretty much do whatever you want on Draco and gain affinity. You can have yourself a song and dance and gain affinity lol.

That being said, I still don't get why there's so much Draco hate. You can easily gain affinity from multiple other areas in this game. I always tell people go do 1 T1 Def run and you're basically there.


Not sure why people still think this is just a Draco thing.

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You know how else is a fast way to level up? Spy missions.  Don't need a specific build, don't need a specific group of frames, gives keys, lots of exp, can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and drops mods like Scattering Inferno, Rime Rounds, Frostbite, etc..... which can be sold for easy plat.


Sorry, but you're wrong. Spy missions - even endgame Spy missions on Ceres/Pluto don't give the 200k affinity a four-wave Draco run does. It's a damn shame, really, because Spy is so much more fun than Draco.

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You know how else is a fast way to level up? Spy missions.  Don't need a specific build, don't need a specific group of frames, gives keys, lots of exp, can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and drops mods like Scattering Inferno, Rime Rounds, Frostbite, etc..... which can be sold for easy plat.

Spies are great for just before Draco so the carried gear isn't worthless. They drop off dramatically when stealth speed run past 15.

Sure stealth kills are nice, but not the whole 5 minute thing.

I can easily get in excess of 100k xp on draco in 20 minutes, but not so easy in the same 20 doing spies.


The Draco issue is, and eternally will be, that there is no reason not to speed farm.

This is the same in all games, just as in real life. You optimize to the goal in as an efficient and consistent manner as possible.

Smelling roses and gentle slow things are not the goal when trying to be efficient.

Exactly the same we came up with closed can planes, trains, and cars rather than taking slow horse rides over scenic country side or walking.


The outrage here is that there is no horseback riding to fall back to after the farm. Once you thirty a thing, its done.

You stay at lower planets for resources and keys, then go void hopping for primes. If none of that, you rarely are playing warframe in this serious manner.

PVP was added to counter this, and far too many of the antidraco crowd now whine of how dare, how dare they have to get gud and play pvp for content.

Meanwhile, the rest of us play, have fun, or are stuck in eternal lobby, learning quickly that there is a very narrow spot to get in still.

Really, give us a selection menu to jump into matches for pvp already instead of the current auto search.

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You know how else is a fast way to level up? Spy missions.  Don't need a specific build, don't need a specific group of frames, gives keys, lots of exp, can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and drops mods like Scattering Inferno, Rime Rounds, Frostbite, etc..... which can be sold for easy plat.


This is true, but I prefer playing with others than solo and spies are much easier solo. And let's face it, if you can't stand how people Draco, how would you react to someone who isn't proficient at spy missions?!?! LOL Setting off alarms, losing data, the potential for loss of mission and xp are much greater in a random spy mission group than on Draco any day.

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After doing many Draco runs today I've started to wonder, Do people actually know how to Draco Properly? By this I mean the best way to affinity farm, where you only capture two point and keep the third neutral. Nearly every time I Draco'ed today everyone started capturing all points and not even letting the enemy capture a point, and they were there to max affinity farm! Sorry this might sound a bit wingey and complain-y but it kinda annoys me when people say they know how to, but they don't. I'm happy to help someone learn how to do it on XB1

This really depends man. If you go to the recruiting channel and ask for specific warframes to "properly" do it. You need Frost, Trinity, Saryn, and a Speed nova. The synergy between all these frames is amazing. 


But yah, like if you recruit yourself and are not pugging then that method should be explained to the people you recruit. If you pug, then anything goes bruh.

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For all that say to recruit my own squad, I do from recruiting. They say they know how to max affinity farm properly but they don't. I never go into Draco random

Oh.  Well that's totally different.  Um... how's your clan?  Because I know from experience that trying to tell most randoms what to do is less beneficial than banging your head against a wall.

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This is true, but I prefer playing with others than solo and spies are much easier solo. And let's face it, if you can't stand how people Draco, how would you react to someone who isn't proficient at spy missions?!?! LOL Setting off alarms, losing data, the potential for loss of mission and xp are much greater in a random spy mission group than on Draco any day.

Hence why you solo them.

Spies are better solo just for that reason.

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For all that say to recruit my own squad, I do from recruiting. They say they know how to max affinity farm properly but they don't. I never go into Draco random

Yeah, even if they say they "know" you should still do a quick explanation. Cap 2 Neut 1. Just say that at the beginning of the mission. Or maybe XB1 players are just...idk just get a PC and come play with us. WOO

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Lol a game mode that is meant to control all points and win the rounds. That's how it's meant to be played. People made their own rules in draco meaning not everyone has to follow them. 


Also the higher the enemies are, the better the XP. Pretty great to not cap em all. It's way easier to gain affinity at higher rounds.


Edit* I actually commented earlier since I didn't read it fully. 

Edited by Killersguns
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in my experience its usually new players or kill hogs who spoil it


 i get a decent weapon setup and hold D


other players should in THEORY hold the other towers...


nope...... some wont even cap towers, and majority of time i get them blocking my shots or getting underfoot when im trying to keep D from getting taken ...sadly i still come out with most dmg and kills ...


the normal amount of time though most do play normally and keep with the basic logic of how to play draco

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