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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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Played the new infested excavation mission on Hieracon - Pluto


after finished excavator it you sometimes get a t3 key but at the mission result screen it doesn't show the t3 key. Don't know if you still get it..


EDIT: Seems like it does not always happen

Edited by .-KG-..-Ragulab-.
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DESCRIPTION: Since U18, EVEN AFTER HOTFIX 18.0.2 I have been experiencing terrible frame stutters that get worse the longer I have my game running. The stuttering get so bad that my game stalls for 2-3 seconds at a time making this game virtually unplayable

Who Warframe client on my PC.

What Sleek

Where Everywhere.





1. Open the game

2. Wait 10 minutes

3. ???

4. Sleek.


I've submitted my EE.log to support. Please fix this yo!


Specs: Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM, GTX 970, Windows 10



Yeah ditto.


Intel Core2Duo @3.8Ghz, 8G RAM, GTX 760, Windows 10.  Have raised a ticket.

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DESCRIPTION: Bluetooth Sound Glitch


Who Any

What N/A

Where Void mostly




REPRODUCTION STEPS: Tried using a Bluetooth headset, and came upon this issue. Did not happen before U18.


 1. Sound is normal in Liset/Scimitar. Disappears in mission select. Returns if you exit Navigation.

 2. Upon starting a Void mission, there is no sound. Lotus is constantly staring on the left side of the screen, like so:






 3. Sounds is completely gone afterwards.


System specs:

Intel Core i5-4590 Processor

MSI ATX DDR3 2600 LGA 1150 Motherboard/Gaming 3

MSI NVidia GTX 760 OC Gaming

Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi PCI-e Expansion Card

Corsair Vengeance 16GB (8GBx2), 1600 MHz

Seagate 1TB SSHD

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DESCRIPTION: got the Login bonus twice

Who this account

What 3h Ressource boost

Where after first Mission ( Draco) after login





 1. login

 2. switch warframe

 3. joined draco

4. complete it
5. got the reward again

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DESCRIPTION:I got the login reward every time I finished any mission

Who: Login reward

What: General Bug


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG?: I'm not sure.I thought it was just a UI bug, so I don't pay too much attention.But then I found it wasn't. The second day , it appeared again. I'm not sure whether it will happen tomorrow

REPRODUCTION STEPS: Once I finished any mission, I will get the login reward.

Edited by AllinVain
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The new infested excavation has a discrepency betwen the reward shown when an excavator is down and the reward we actualy get at the end of mission sceen "progress & Reward".



Everyone in the squad


What: Reward - key drop


Where : Earth - Tikal / Pluto - Hieracon / Europa - Cholistan / Phobos - Zeugma




REPRODUCTION STEPS: Get a key when an exctractor is done and then check if the key you got is the same as the key at the end of the mission, into the "Progress & Reward" menu 

Edited by Steviik
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Description: Sentients on the Moon get teleported to a later room when Equinox's Rest is cast on them.

Who: Equinox, haven't tried many other frames there yet.

What: Rest/Rage (Rest) on Sentients - at least the Conculyst and Battalyst.

Where: Orokin moon


Can you reproduce it: Yes.




Description: One of the loot rooms on the Orokin Moon was filled with black objects randomly - It looked like this, usually looks like this (I think).

Where: Orokin moon

Can you reproduce it: I haven't seen it again so far, so no.



Description: Every so often, with no obvious given trigger, all symbols (elemental icons, polarities, etc) get replaced with random and generally weird other icons. Example.

Where: Everywhere, both in-mission and out.

Can you reproduce it: Yes, it keeps on happening every so often, but I don't know what triggers it.

Edited by Piranah1
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DESCRIPTION: Minor/Severe frame drop after short/extended periods of play. It begins slowly, with it being almost unnoticeable at first before becoming bad enough to make the game unplayable after roughly 20-30 minutes of mission gameplay.

Who: Affects all Warframes and appears to affect other teammates if afflicted happens to be host.

What: Any Warframe and cosmetics. Any Weapon Loadout. Any Sentinel/Kubrow companion.

Where: Any mission type and tileset appears to cause the frame drop.




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Launch Warframe

 2. Play any mission on any tileset with any warframe (including any cosmetics) and any loadout equipped.

 3. Observe as the "stutter" begins.


Sidenote: Changing Direct X from 11 to 10 and changing other settings (Multi-Threading) from the launcher doesn't help, and neither does changing any settings within the game.

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DESCRIPTION: Warframe crashes after multiplayer missions.

Who: Any more than one player.

What: Anything.

Where: Any mission when playing with others.





1. Play on public or invite a friend for friends/invite only.

2. Finish a mission.

3. Crash on the loading-screen.


This has been happening to both me and a friend every mission after 18.0.2

Luckily the game still saves all progress made.


Edit: Issue seems to be related to someone bringing the Scimitar ship.



^This. So many times this. Yet i seem to have kept the Affinity earned from the mission after logging back in.

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DESCRIPTION: UI doesn't show extractor durability

What UI

Where Liset





 1. Enter System map

 2. Press "deploy extractor"

 3. ...

 4. Profit.


Here is a screenshot of the issue:



Edit: It is also nice that the new UI tells me, that all my six extractors are unique since everyone of them shows "1 Owned" badge. I mean that is so much more useful than showing extractor durability.

Edited by groznez
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I had a rather strange bug a moment ago. I was checking my armory in the Liset when I noticed that my polarities were strangely messed up. Naramon was switched with an arrow symbol, Madurai was switched to credits, etc etc. I exited and entered my armory to see if it fixed it but the bug persisted. I've quit Warframe and am reporting the bug now, so I will need to see if it replicates. I'll keep you guys posted anyways. Image of the bug can be found here: http://i.imgur.com/3Y8Jioz.jpg Thanks.

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Focus bug, with Sonicor.


DESCRIPTION: Naramon passive stealth proc on Sonicor, making you disappear, and not able to shoot further then where you disappeared from.  

Who Valkyr (haven't testet it on other frames, possibly the same bug).

What Sonicor weapon, possibly other weapons as well, haven't testet.  

Where Ceres, Draco. 





 1. Join a mission on Draco, on Ceres, with Sonicor equipped and Naramon with Shadowstep passive on. 

 2. Only happens if your not the host! 

 3. Use the Focus ability. 

 4. Crit with Sonicor, disappear, and move outside 15m range from where you disappeared, shoot Sonicor at a target. Projectile comes from a place behind you, and do not hit.   

Edited by SUCG-Shadow
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I recently built the Landing craft foundry segment to finally use it, and it won't let me install it.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Built Landing Craft Foundry Segment

2. Attempt to install with the recent Liset update.

3.Will not receive the prompt to install it.

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