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[Spoilers] He Got Better Woooooooh


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Its funny how people would have him condemned to death rather than show mercy. Kind of makes you wonder who the real monster is.

He killed many of us and made them into glorified weaponized monsters to make money. I hardly doubt that we're the monsters.

Edited by Vaxillian
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Remember that the Lotus, and by extension us as Tenno, owe him a favor for his assistance in the Second Dream.

Whatever DE makes us do for him in the future, it's bound to be morally controversial.

Come to think of it, whatever he uses us for it is bound to be pretty close to monumental, considering his words "All the credits in the system don't compare to having a Tenno owe you a favor".

Edited by Xcedis
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Its funny how people would have him condemned to death rather than show mercy. Kind of makes you wonder who the real monster is.


He is still the monster. He is the one that cut up what he believed to be Tenno in the name of profit, spite, and power. He is the one that attempted to Infest the entire system because he was a failure. He realized he bit off more than he can chew with the Infested slowly dominating him. He is also only helping us because he wants to have a debt to hold over us. 

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I want to know what will happen to Alad V next

Well since the tennos are not in the suits, I guess that is not considered as Murdering 


But the Warframes could be their own Biological being. They Bleed. Take Toxin damage etc and at the end of the quest you see that it has flesh too.

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Well since the tennos are not in the suits, I guess that is not considered as Murdering

Alad didn't seem to know or care about that. If the Tenno were indeed wearing the warframes as suits of armor, he still wouldn't have hesitated to chop them up for Zanuka parts.

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Except as he said, he looked into the suits, and found them to be missing the human.

Also remember the Sentient said, Alad is an Orokin, we the operator are human.

That puts a high, very high chance Alad knew very well what is going on with us from the beginning, also explaining his sort of mastery with the technocyte.


Also, he probably x-rayed us first, sonograms, MRIs and so on first, finding there was no person inside.

Its not like the first thing he would do is carve us up with a messy knife.

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To be quite honest, I am not entirely sure we even owe him a favor.


If it wasn't for us, he would have become just another Infested to cut down with a tricked out toilet seat around his neck.


As he said, I scratch your metallic back, you scratch mine.


Owe him? Consider us even.

We cured him in exchange for destroying Regor's labs.

We were square then.

He also gave us the stuff for the Jordas Verdict, possibly.

In here, he was once again aware of the shenanigans on Uranus. And that is where we owe him a favor.

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I want to know what will happen to Alad V next

Well since the tennos are not in the suits, I guess that is not considered as Murdering 

Thing is.... nobody had known that yet. 

Not even him when he first cracked a warframe open while for all he might have known MIGHT have been a person in the first place.

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He killed many of us and made them into glorified weaponized monsters to make money. I hardly doubt that we're the monsters.

We're not monsters because we are able to forgive.


We have killed trillions more of them and they have never killed a single one of us, because the warframes were never really us. That's why none of us have truly died at all.

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But the Warframes could be their own Biological being. They Bleed. Take Toxin damage etc and at the end of the quest you see that it has flesh too.


Also it seems the Tenno believed he actually was the warframe up until waking up. So what happens when a warframe is destroyed/ dismembered while the Tenno is connected?

Maybe the feedback kills or damages the Tenno as well? Maybe he becomes brain dead or goes mad from the sensations. Can he/she "just disconnect or move to another frame" withour the equipment in the liset?

The Tenno that was the original Valkyr could have been tortured in this way, withour having the option to (or knowing that she could) disconnect from the frame.

We just don't know yet.

Edited by (PS4)OppneusKorsuss
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Alad didn't seem to know or care about that. If the Tenno were indeed wearing the warframes as suits of armor, he still wouldn't have hesitated to chop them up for Zanuka parts.

As much as i get from the story the Warframes serves as containers for the powers of the Tenno becouse they can't take it. What happens when that container gets dissected? I think the Tenno dies... but oh well let's defend Alad V...

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