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[Sortie Suggestion] Process Of Elimination Drop Tables


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First and foremost, probably the rewards for sorties should be moved to being personal, and not squad-based.

This might need some back-end changes which can be tricky.


However, the reason it needs to be done is:

Nobody likes getting the same thing two times from a reward table you only have 15 shots at.

I, so far, have not been a subject to this - but i know people who were.


Thus, my suggestion is:

After a sortie is complete, the reward should be green'd out. And it should stay this way on the next sortie.

The said marked reward then can no longer drop.


Even if it is a legendary core, if you got it once you know that

you are not getting a second one, limiting a potential influx of legendary cores.


Some might argue that some items are not good enough to be on that list, but i say it is fine - if the system suggested above is implemented.

 Atleast you are guaranteed to get something good, one day.

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The problem is, there's 15 rewards, and if not mistaken, each season last for 15 days, therefore, every season you would rotate the table.



Which imo, won't work.



Just imagine, every 15 days you get literally a free Legendary Core.


Now, for this to be like you stated, Legendary Core MUST be out of the table. Then it is a viable option, otherwise, it's plain broken.

Edited by Endrance
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The problem is, there's 15 rewards, and if not mistaken, each season last for 15 days, therefore, every season you would rotate the table.

There are 21 rewards actually !

Edited by Rivy
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Rather than a process of elimination, drop tables should just be weighted for certain things so you don't get duplicates one right after another. If you receive a Karak Wraith Barrel, you should be less likely to receive the same thing on the next day. There does have to be some "trash" drops in the tables, and there needs to be randomness, but receiving the same reward multiple times in a row is just frustrating, especially on something that can only be done once a day. It's basically the same problem that the old login reward system had, getting sentinel XP 4 days in a row.


Alternatively we could be presented with a choice two items upon completion, though this would probably require a complete rework of how mission rewards are awarded.

Edited by Synitare
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I wouldn't mind this system nearly as much if it weren't literally the ONLY method in the game -- aside from the end of The Second Dream -- via which we are able to acquire focus lenses. I get that they're supposed to be end-game content, but it makes it a lot more difficult to actually want to put in the kind of effort required to unlock more focus stuff if I'm limited to only one lens possible per day, which, out of a pool of 5 potential types of lenses, may or may not match my current lens, and those 5 potential lenses are themselves only dropped from an RNG-based table of 21 separate items, which are only available for 15 days, and which have no limit on receiving the same reward multiple times.


So, basically, my chance of getting a lens on any given day -- assuming a flat drop rate for all items (HIGHLY doubtful) -- is only 23.8%. And my chance of receiving the exact type of lens I already have is a mere 4.76%.

Edited by cittran
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The problem is, there's 15 rewards, and if not mistaken, each season last for 15 days, therefore, every season you would rotate the table.



Which imo, won't work.



Just imagine, every 15 days you get literally a free Legendary Core.


Now, for this to be like you stated, Legendary Core MUST be out of the table. Then it is a viable option, otherwise, it's plain broken.

there are currently 20+ rewards but i feel like a legendary core every 15 days would not hurt :D

Edited by Wawazat
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Got dera vandal barrel , 25 rare3 core, dera vandal blueprint, dera vandal barrel, karak wraith receiver. I want the dera but already have the karak so out of these, i only got 2 good reward. And since the trade chat is eye cancer I can't reliably trade to get what I need. The actual system is flawed, add that to the focus system...

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