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A Plea For Help


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Oh boy. *clears throat* *wipes "manly" tears*.


I don't know how I found Warframe as a game, but I do not regret it. People on the forums, in-game chat are very friendly. The whole Warframe experience for me feels almost like having one of the best jobs on Earth, where the game rewards you for your effort.

DE also interacts with its community more than a lot of other games i've seen.


Regarding the issue with your friend and her disease, all I can do right now from the computer I'm sitting in front of and keyboard I'm typing these words on is this: 

. A link. To something sad, and happy. A song. One that I listen to from time to time and reminds me all bad things in life fade away in comparison with how much good things await for us beyond that. T^T.


I'm not a guy that really prays too much, almost never. I do believe that Jesus would have punished me already for my sins when i was little and almost started a fire in my house because i wanted to see what happens when a lit match and an old broom interact >_> ( I wasn't the brightest) . 

But I will admit that I still pray from time to time, when I need something besides my own strength.


I'm not a normal person myself, I can be weird at times. I might get slightly depressed at times, but friends keep me positive. But thinking more carefully at the issue, a lot of normal people mask their faults through materialism or fake ideas that they don't uphold.


Seeing as this is already a long post, one i actually enjoyed writing, I want to ask this of the people who will post after me: share a link to something funny, sad, w.e it may be, it can be holiday related (Christmass is coming damnit, be cheerful with your choice >.< !! ). Beeing so distant from one another on the Internet as we are, the least we could do for a fellow human being who deserves it is make him/her feel like he has a place on this planet and that LIFE. IS. WORTH. FIGHTING FOR !!!!! 


Thank you to those who read through my weird ramblings, I hope it helped. Hugs and good wishes from Romania from SnipingSheep \( ^_^ )/ !!

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I hope she gets better, and i know she will. Be strong, be patient. Sometimes i feel like my life is harsh, and then i remember that i am a childish guy that has been given everything in life, and still complaints. I really admire people like you that go through so much suffering and pain but still live happily. Cheers friend, hope you get better. <3

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Dont give up ViciousRaven, i know its hard and will cause alot of trouble but u have ur friends with u. they're always there for u and if u ever need someone to talk to or just play a round WF to get distracted, feel free to hit me up.


i send u my love and strength over the ether, may it help u fight this trought <3 stay strong and awesome <3

Edited by Naomy1701
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I'm not so great at being positive myself, but I sympathize with people going through stuff like this, especially when it's undeserved. So to you, ViciousRaven, I send my good feelings and my hope that things will get better. Know that we're wishing you well and keeping our fingers crossed that the tide will turn for you.

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I hate watching others suffer as much as the next guy, but you have people here begging for you Viciousraven, we have people everywhere that recognize what youve done and all the happiness youve brought about thats a lot of people rooting for you, i know some things are out of your control including this, just know that according to what im getting out of this if you were to pass you made a lot of people happy and left a good example just know that when you go if it be now or later you didnt die for nothing. Youve done a lot. Bringing even one smile means more than most people understand and youve done it countless times. Take pride in what you did do. And fait she doesnt deserve this no human does but people are taken without warning everyday please just dont dwell on her being sick instead be there for her make her last momment not alone be what she was for you a true friend

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As such...here's a quote to lighten her path ahead and (maybe) will be her new Motto for the future onward...


"Anccentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative!"


Always fight for what's right, for courage, for honor, for glory! For your team, and your friends! FOR US BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL AROUND!


Even if that disease clings to a person's life...there's always a chance to redeem what you have lost...! No matter the circumstances...the matter the risk...NO MATTER THE IMPOSSIBILITY!


Sorry, I was a little latch onto such a thing, either way, I hope her path will lighten up once more...a Tenno's soul should never be forgotten, even if so in vain...

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My family's been split after suffering of the same kind has taken its toll. I wish no one should suffer the same way.

I hope Raven will endure and overcome this. She sounds like a wonderful person and truly one of a kind. Just hearing there's still great people like her out there is very motivational. I've never gotten to know you personally but I can tell you're an amazing person.

Viciousraven, I hope you'll recover quickly. *hugs*


Sincerely, Hwyl.

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But i was never a quitter and i never will be. I had some hard times in my life and those times i overcame. They made me stronger. They made me who i am. So i see this as just another obstacle i have to overcome. And i will get past it.

That's the spirit! We might not know each other but you surely have my full support. Stay strong and never give up!

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I think you've got the right perspective, Raven. People say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", but it's not quite that simple. It's about the perspective you bring into the battle with you and the lessons you learn when it's behind you. You don't get stronger by being knocked down, you get stronger by facing your challenge for what it is, head-on with all you've got, and taking the battle scars with you as a proud indication of your growth. I think battle scars are an amazing blessing because they don't let you forget how strong you really are. You're facing this new challenge with the wisdom and blessings you took from everything up to this. Not just that, but the support of people who cheer for you from across the world without needing to know you.


Keep doing what you're doing. The medicine is already in hands you trust, they're relying on your attitude and your outlook to carry the rest of the weight. The resonance your mental/emotional health has on your physical health is a very real thing. As cheap as rhetoric is, sometimes it's repeated ad nauseum because it actually has truth to it. Keep your chin up. Take a little time to forget about everything and just do something that makes you happy every so often. Your Tenno family is all right there with you. I hope you'll keep us updated as Lymphoma's &amp;#&#33; is progressively kicked to the curb. <hugs>

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