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Can't Repeat Sorties


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I was planning on stealth soloing the last sortie with a covert lethality sheev for fun, when I go to start the mission, I find out that I can't do it a second time, why would you prevent us from repeating actually fun missions when you can only get the reward once?

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You get the reward from the mission itself, not afterwards. Too many problems would happen in allowing replays.

yes you do, however jut like Alerts you CAN re-run them if someone who hasn't run them yet chooses it as the mission, and it doesn't give you a second reward, while still giving the new player a different reward.

I've used this several times, solo-ing the final Sortie, than running it AGAIN pulling my friend through who's still rather new but can hold his own for the explicit reason so that way we get different rewards. because if we ran it together and say, got a Karak Wraith part (which I already have because Event) then he'd keep one and the other would sit gathering dust until the Sortie season ends and MAYBE I'll be able to sell it. the way I'm doing it, we're almost guaranteed 2 different rewards, and since he's not interested in the Dera Vandal (which I'm missing) I can claim any of those parts that drop from his missions.

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