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Stealth Got Stealth Nerfed


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Hit up your Ivara. Any time one of those enemies becomes sort of alerted to an ally's death right near them, fire off a sleep arrow at them and skip over them. Kill some other people to keep your multiplier going, then turn around to the guy(s) you put to sleep. When they wake up from their slumber they will no longer be alerted. Ta Daaaaa!


Shhh! Don't speak of such things on the forum, Haxwell!  They will fix that too.

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That alertness resets after about 10 seconds regardless of if you put them to sleep or not. The bigger problems at this point are the random enemies that are alerted by default and you have no way of knowing that (I feel like it's a bug), and the broken spawns in exterminate that send you all the way back to the start.

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It would be nice if they:

1. Fixed spawning in exterminate

2. Added an alerted symbol to enemies like a ! Above their heads with a timer

3. Made enemies spread out more often instead of patrolling in a group of 10

4. Freshened up maps with passageways that move over, under and around enemies so invis isn't mandatory

5. Implemented light and dark mechanics to make escaping detection easier

6. Not allow certain weapons like tonkor to stealth

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It would be nice if they:

1. Fixed spawning in exterminate

2. Added an alerted symbol to enemies like a ! Above their heads with a timer

3. Made enemies spread out more often instead of patrolling in a group of 10

4. Freshened up maps with passageways that move over, under and around enemies so invis isn't mandatory

5. Implemented light and dark mechanics to make escaping detection easier

6. Not allow certain weapons like tonkor to stealth

7. Give a big Stealth overhaul (not as big as the Parkour 2.0, but still)

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