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Nezha And His Disappointing Scaling...


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So, Yesterday when Nezha came out, me and some friends decided to pick him up. Ever since then we've been getting super excited then let down by his viability. He's got a great kit and concept but he's lacking the strength for mid to late game. All I'm simply proposing is that his abilities get touched up. For instance, his spears should deal DOT. I say this because for one....they just got impaled, they should be bleeding out after that. Also, if you look at the spears, there's fire spouting from beneath the enemies propped up on them. Even a simple health or shield buff might help out a lot. But keep in mind, these are just suggestions but, considering that I've already forma'ed him trying to achieve his highest potential, I think you should give him another look. Again, I'm not looking for him to become broken or anything along those line but please do for him which you have don for Atlas. Atlas experienced the same thing when he came out and after you guys gave him another look, he was fine. That's all I'm trying to say, either way its all up to you decide whether or not he deserves a buff of any sort.

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Another thing is that his second ability does the blast of the first if Fire Walker is active at the time of tp. The second ability should deal that damage without the help of the first even if it's a weaker blast. The first ability should just increase radius and damage. He's feels sort of incomplete tbh. That's why I posted this and maybe its just me. Btw, I play him as a cc as well but he does need something done to him.

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But the spears do damage on cast and on deactivation, keep the enemies completely immobile AND opens them up for ground finishers. It's like Rhino's Stomp but a tad more geared towards offense.


Its scaling is fine because it's pure CC.

They do, but why activate and deactivate with his horribly annoying second cast animation and opening yourself back up for reprisal. If he was a little bit more tankier I'd support that point but he's too squishy, even with the Warding Halo on.

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They do, but why activate and deactivate with his horribly annoying second cast animation and opening yourself back up for reprisal. If he was a little bit more tankier I'd support that point but he's too squishy, even with the Warding Halo on.

I was able to pull off a 65 minute survival with him and only stopped because of life support running out... his mobility makes him a tank.

Edited by Firefly0037
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His #2 should get the Landslide treatment. It should scale off mods, do high damage. Make it so you want to throw it all the time. Right now its only good for occasional heal and cc.

Agree 100%

I was able to pull off a 65 minute survival with him and only stopped because of life support running out... his mobility makes him a tank.

I'd be interested in seeing your build, PM me it?

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His dmg is pants. Needs to be buffed to Ridiculous amounts or to scale with melee/weapon mods.


His 1 is actually pretty fun and the speed boost is welcome. CC is good DMG is abhorrent.


His 2 can easily be made obsolete by Life Strike and normal parkour. Pointless skill.


His 3 is weak. Just generally. Even iron Skin is better. The stun is nice in melee range however.


His 4 is good for CC and nothing else. Which is quite nice and quite long all things considered.


He needs DRASTIC changes if he's to challenge lvl 100s, without weapons doing the brunt of the dmg.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Nezha seems to be the "jack of all trades, master of none" frame, with his niche being mobility. Buffing him is very dangerous, since it won't take much for him to over-take other frames in their roles.

If you don't like how he's able to do everything, but does it mediocre, he's not the frame for you.

He's good fun, and obviously has potential (since his kit is overloaded), but that's exactly the reason why he should not be buffed.

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I'll have to run some higher end content... but stuff in the 30's didn't really seem challenging at all with him but I don't see him as an offensive frame so much as a mobile CC'er.

Kinda like a little vauban and bolt with a splash of excal and ember and just the tiniest hint of loki.

His 4 is also way more potent than people seem to give him credit for... like people expect to use it as a spam 4 to kill when it's best used to serve people up to some severe melee pain and then a pop at the end for increased kd.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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Nezha is only disappointing in scaling if you rely on your 3 to mitigate incoming damage and you mostly stand still.  If you remain mobile, use his 2 to heal and teleport, 1 when you're on the go for the Heat procc, and 4 to get some baddies of your back, he's pretty solid.


He certainly isn't the best for Defense missions, and you do need some heavy hitting weapons (Kulstar, for example, to take down your heal targets and Impaled enemies (remember to port away to avoid ouchies)), but his 'scaling' is not really an issue unless you expected to 3 and forget.

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His dmg is pants. Needs to be buffed to Ridiculous amounts or to scale with melee/weapon mods.


His 1 is actually pretty fun and the speed boost is welcome. CC is good DMG is abhorrent.


His 2 can easily be made obsolete by Life Strike and normal parkour. Pointless skill.


His 3 is weak. Just generally. Even iron Skin is better. The stun is nice in melee range however.


His 4 is good for CC and nothing else. Which is quite nice and quite long all things considered.


He needs DRASTIC changes if he's to challenge lvl 100s, without weapons doing the brunt of the dmg.

His 1 is for speed and heat procs not damage

His 2 is more flexible than parkour and allows a higher skill cap i use it to drop in behind enemies so i can pick of heavies from the back

3 i fought sentient and all 3 sortues with him last night your point is invalid

4 meh i wouldnt complain about it gaining a dot to discourage cast and decast spamming but frankely its fine

By your standard about frames requiring damage outside of weapons vaub is absolutely worthless huh?

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There's always this crazy idea that a frame's abilities need to do all the damage and that they do all the way up to level 100.  Sorry delusions, but its all about the guns.


The only abilities with solid damage at that point are EB, Hysteria, WoF + Accelerant, AM Drop, maim, artemis bow, peacemaker, spore, primal fury, maybe landslide? I don't have atlas yet.  Guns make up the majority of damage in WF whenever you're facing equally leveled/challenging enemies. Very, very few frames do all the damage themselves outside of their guns, and the ones that have abilities boosting weapon damage such as Banshee, Mirage, Ember, Nova to a weak extent, trin with 100% abating link, Ivara with navigator, equinox, and chroma are probably doing more damage overall.


Nezha is CN's Rhino, basically. I don't know how they acquire him, or if he's super cheap or free or something, but basically, he's a generalist frame just like Rhino is, only trading damage boosting for mobility.  Nezha doesn't have the damage on his own, well if you ignore using finishers on his 4, but put him in the hands of a non-frost player and you'll see him do some pretty amazing things.  Not saying that he doesn't need a damage buff (Although that's what I'm for if he's in the party with me, and things manage to survive longer than a second or so from my guns and wof/accel guns), but he's a mobile generalist.

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There's always this crazy idea that a frame's abilities need to do all the damage and that they do all the way up to level 100.  Sorry delusions, but its all about the guns.


The only abilities with solid damage at that point are EB, Hysteria, WoF + Accelerant, AM Drop, maim, artemis bow, peacemaker, spore, primal fury, maybe landslide? I don't have atlas yet.  Guns make up the majority of damage in WF whenever you're facing equally leveled/challenging enemies. Very, very few frames do all the damage themselves outside of their guns, and the ones that have abilities boosting weapon damage such as Banshee, Mirage, Ember, Nova to a weak extent, trin with 100% abating link, Ivara with navigator, equinox, and chroma are probably doing more damage overall.


Nezha is CN's Rhino, basically. I don't know how they acquire him, or if he's super cheap or free or something, but basically, he's a generalist frame just like Rhino is, only trading damage boosting for mobility.  Nezha doesn't have the damage on his own, well if you ignore using finishers on his 4, but put him in the hands of a non-frost player and you'll see him do some pretty amazing things.  Not saying that he doesn't need a damage buff (Although that's what I'm for if he's in the party with me, and things manage to survive longer than a second or so from my guns and wof/accel guns), but he's a mobile generalist.

I completely understand what you mean but let's forget about guns for a minute. When you compare him to other frame with kits with damn near the same utility, then you notice the issue. He can easily be fixed with some super small scaling changes. Also, I'm not saying that he needs a 300% power strength scaling buff or anything along those lines. I'm simply proposing any changes/ buffs that will boost his S-potential. Even if that means they just boost him health by 100 or whatever. Either way, he just isnt up to par for current WF and its disappointing. This is just a note, but I started this game solo, came up solo, did almost everything solo. The I started playing with other. Before that point, I would use frames that were "weak" and they honestly had higher S-potential. He just needs some work done on him, that is literally all I'm trying to say.

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His #2 has great CC if you mildly cast it into several separate groups--great when enemies are near friends.


It knocks down all enemies it hits and pretty much eliminates the need for Life Strike due to health boost upon killing the enemy. Plus it causes DOT fire damage.


You can knock enemies down from a distance and then instantly teleport to them to finish them off and gain the health. Or kill them from a distance to give health to allies.


He's tricky. But easily viable in late game. Stick and run..up close CC but you have to know when to run and play defense.

Edited by RawGritz
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