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Exterminate Mission Is Now Absolutely Ridiculous! Going Back-And-Forth To Find One Guy Repeatedly


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I want to say (again) that whoever decided to revise the spawn mechanic should play a solo exterminate mission, especially the void. The starting is normal with enemies in group but near the end, such as at 110/132 or 190/210 enemies, the spawn mechanic become completely absurd:

1. I have to run a few rooms ahead to find one little guy hiding behind a pillar, then backtrack a few more rooms to shoot another, continue by running ahead to new room to kill one more, then backtrack again to previous room just for another!

2. The enemy spawns one dude at a time!

What exactly is happening? I do not have video clip with me but just load up a void exterminate mission and you know what I am talking about. Is this intended? A bug?  

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i agree, it become even more annoying in invasion mission when you have to rince and repeat 3 times ^


I can't understand why they don't spawn all at the same time across the map at the beginning of the mission (for extermination)

Edited by Syln
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All I want them to do is make it so enemies can no longer forcibly spawn behind areas you've already cleared. The perfectionist in me love invasion/exterminate BECAUSE they don't infinitely respawn and I feel like I'm fighting through an area to an objective. When guys keep appearing behind me, without teams/support, because I guess they were late to the battle..it takes ya out of the fun of the moment.

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This is an OLD bug. This bug RETURNED when DE changed things to prevent EXPLOITING.


Blame the focus farmers for us not being able to have nice things, and have patience. DE will fix the bug again.


Frankly i'll blame DE here, to fix a player "abuse" (imo it was not an abuse and no i didn't think of it before it was "fixed") by implementing an awkward spawn mechanic was silly to say the least.

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Frankly i'll blame DE here, to fix a player "abuse" (imo it was not an abuse and no i didn't think of it before it was "fixed") by implementing an awkward spawn mechanic was silly to say the least.

Well if you spent over a year working on an end game system that was meant to occupy veteran players for a long time, and then those players started abusing something that let them pretty much clear the entire system in a matter of a week; I am pretty sure you'd knee-jerk too. In the end, if players didn't try so hard to exploit everything, this wouldn't have happened.

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I agree.


I was trying to do a void exterminate on solo mode, when I found myself with 20 missing enemies. I made sure every room on my mini-map was white before I moved onto the next room. 20 missing enemies...!


I eventually had to run back, and to my surprise, the room(s) near the spawn area mysteriously turned red, and there I saw all the remaining enemies left on the map.


Please DE, take a second look at the revised system.

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I want to say (again) that whoever decided to revise the spawn mechanic should play a solo exterminate mission, especially the void. The starting is normal with enemies in group but near the end, such as at 110/132 or 190/210 enemies, the spawn mechanic become completely absurd:

1. I have to run a few rooms ahead to find one little guy hiding behind a pillar, then backtrack a few more rooms to shoot another, continue by running ahead to new room to kill one more, then backtrack again to previous room just for another!

2. The enemy spawns one dude at a time!

What exactly is happening? I do not have video clip with me but just load up a void exterminate mission and you know what I am talking about. Is this intended? A bug?  


This is exactly why I quit playing any exterminate!!!! I'm not gonna get close to the extraction just to have to run back to the beginning to kill one enemy, especially when the room showed white on the map before i left it!!!

Exterminates, for me, is out...I won't play them til there's a confirmation that its' fixed..

And by the way, it's not a bug, a bug happens ever so often, not every single mission!!!


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Well if you spent over a year working on an end game system that was meant to occupy veteran players for a long time, and then those players started abusing something that let them pretty much clear the entire system in a matter of a week; I am pretty sure you'd knee-jerk too. In the end, if players didn't try so hard to exploit everything, this wouldn't have happened.


I would find it amusing first and then find a way to enhance it :/ this "exploit" was an easy way to reach the cap for some people but it's not the only one at all.


The cap is here to give a pace, the way people chose to reach it shouldn't be an issue.

Edited by Syln
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We are talking about the bug, not the self-explained fake justice exploit. They could just split all the spawn into all rooms and get rid of meaningless extra spawn from Drahks or Boilers. If this is hard to fix then it's much more absurd that DE put the AI fix in priority.

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I would find it amusing first and then find a way to enhance it :/ this "exploit" was an easy way to reach the cap for some people but it's not the only one at all.


The cap is here to give a pace, the way people chose to reach it shouldn't be an issue.

No. There's nothing amusing about seeing over a year of your work be ruined because of your own players. The cap is NOT MEANT to be reached.


The cap is not here to give a pace. The cap is here to keep people from keeling over grinding BECAUSE there is no limit- because if there isn't, they would. People are insane like that. The cap is not meant to be reached, it's meant to limit. You are not MEANT to grind all day to reach that cap. That is a choice people make for themselves. Too many people do it- so people start thinking it's supposed to be that way.


The way people choose to get focus isn't an issue. What IS an issue is when a SLOW PACED LONG TERM END GAME function is cleared in a week because one of the "ways" to get it is an exploit that should not exist.

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No. There's nothing amusing about seeing over a year of your work be ruined because of your own players. The cap is NOT MEANT to be reached.


The cap is not here to give a pace. The cap is here to keep people from keeling over grinding BECAUSE there is no limit- because if there isn't, they would. People are insane like that. The cap is not meant to be reached, it's meant to limit. You are not MEANT to grind all day to reach that cap. That is a choice people make for themselves. Too many people do it- so people start thinking it's supposed to be that way.


The way people choose to get focus isn't an issue. What IS an issue is when a SLOW PACED LONG TERM END GAME function is cleared in a week because one of the "ways" to get it is an exploit that should not exist.


Of course it is ! that's always entertaining to see how people try to find a way to bypass limitation if you don't, it's ok but i do find it interesting ^


I agree with you regarding the cap but still whatever its true purpose is, in the end it give focus farmer a pace that can't be bypass.


And concerning your last statement i'm torn : each week if you farm your daily cap you'll get 75k x 7 = 525k focus, we've got 5 differents "trees" i'll take madurai as an exemple since that's the one i have : it will approximately ask me the equivalent of one month of daily cap farm to complete.


I consider that's a long term goal since i'll never do my daily cap every day of every week thus it will take me a fairly good amount of time before.i'm done with just one focus tree^


For those who will actively farm this daily cap (whether or not it was intended) it will at least take them one month per tree so i'm ok with that.

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This was a game-breaking problem for me in yesterday's sortie 1. The one with bow-only sabotage on Phobos.


I destroy the reactor and suddenly it turns into an extermination while getting the "meltdown imminent" message.  I had 5 minutes to kill 50 enemies which spawned all across a very large map, including all the way back at spawn point. There was literally no way to complete this mission in time. 

On the 3rd try I did not get the meltdown message, making it a doable mission.

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