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Exalted Blade Is Way Too Powerful (Press 4 To Win)


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Now you're just lying, De did not state they were nerfing Ember and Ash, they stated they would rework Ash's ult visually to make it more pleasing, they never mentioned nerfing ember considering she was bottom tier until they reworked her, unless you consider reworks nerfs, then I guess excal when he got "reworked" is a nerf too then by your logic? Please don't try to lie and put words into anyone's mouth, including DE's, because that just discredits all reputable statements you've made now and in the past in this thread. Ggnore.


Anyone can say they play x frame to disprove y results.


I can say I play trinity and am not bias and think trinity's 99% blessing reduction is not op. /sarcasm 


You're very gullible if you think stating playing x frames devoid of any suspicions afterwards, I guess you believe everything you see on the news too amirite?


 Also the irony of saying I'm going ad-hominem when your whole latter post describes exactly what you're accusing others, good job projecting yourselves on to others. Totally not an open book. Next you're going to tell me OP isn't bias either and is thinking logically with a level head and that I'm a loser excalibur fanboy despite my most used frame being Ash ./sarcasm


Are you NaCl or Gelatin? Do you need a tissue? Or do you want me to continue ripping into your posts.

I'm sorry for not writing perfectly correct that DE wanted to take power away from Ember's World on Fire and give Ash a reason to not just spam his 4, I figured, since you had 1300+ posts and what seems to be a special mark of being here for a while next to his avatar,  it wouldn't be required to micro-manage a quick written post so close for a person who has obviously sunken in hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into this game (which is obvious from the first glimpse) to be able to understand the meaning of what was stated.

EDIT: But seeing how you were un-able to comprehend the part(s) where the person who started this topic stated multiple times that he plays a lot of Excal, and you making a statement of him most likely being upset about getting out-damaged by the frame in question, should've provided me with enough knowledge that there was no realistic ground of discussion with a vivid fan-boy as yourself.


Lot's of sarcasm that doesn't really prove any point, and then some more personal attacks.


Quite the keyboard warrior you are sir.

Edited by Khatulu
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I'm sorry for not writing perfectly correct that DE wanted to take power away from Ember's World on Fire and give Ash a reason to not just spam his 4, I figured, since you had 1300+ posts and what seems to be a special mark of being here for a while next to his avatar,  it wouldn't be required to micro-manage a quick written post so close for a person who has obviously sunken in hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into this game (which is obvious from the first glimpse) to be able to understand the meaning of what was stated.

EDIT: But seeing how you were un-able to comprehend the part(s) where the person who started this topic stated multiple times that he plays a lot of Excal, and you making a statement of him most likely being upset about getting out-damaged by the frame in question, should've provided me with enough knowledge that there was no realistic ground of discussion with a vivid fan-boy as yourself.


Lot's of sarcasm that doesn't really prove any point, and then some more personal attacks.


Quite the keyboard warrior you are sir.


Damn is that all you have to say? I guess you'll take anyone's word of them being a avid excal player as long as it fits your argument huh and then say I didn't read anything but I'm sure you know I already did read everything and at this point you're just grasping at straws by throwing snide remarks such as fanboy or keyboard warrior to throw off the attention of your non-existent argument and mistakes about what DE said or didnt say. But this is apparent as you continue to piggy back on your sole excuse that OP "proclaims" he is an avid excal player. (<<<<Laughing hard irl you rly took this part srsly huh) I guess I'm a limbo main then. believe me?


I'm going to address your next post as well btw.


Let's see.. Ember & Ash getting nerfed (DE stated in stream).

Valkyr literally has nothing going for her aside from her 4 (unlike Excal who has other good abilities).


Valkyr 2's is useful for any melee wep with the speed buff especially on slow melee weps and also buffs her armor value even higher, her 3 works the same as excal's radial blind that stuns enemies and opens them up for finisher dmg, if you consider the rest of excal's kit useful than valkyr's kit is useful too as some of their skills are near equivalents to each other. Do you even play valkyr? Do you know what you're even talking about?


Do you need me to buy you big boy pants or do you want me to explain things more slowly next time so you can comprehend?

Edited by --Sensei--
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- didn't read, most likely more rage -


Valkyr 2's is useful for any melee wep with the speed buff especially on slow melee weps and also buffs her armor value even higher, her 3 works the same as excal's radial blind that stuns enemies and opens them up for finisher dmg, if you consider the rest of excal's kit useful than valkyr's kit is useful too as some of their skills are near equivalents to each other. Do you even play valkyr? Do you know what you're even talking about?


Because normal* melee weapons really are viable against level 100+ mobs, yes?

Right back at you: Do you even play the hard content of this game? Do you even know what you're talking about?


* Just giving a few examples of what normal melee weapons are, before you interpretend this wrongly:

War, Dual Ichors, Bo Prime, Scindo Prime, Nikana.

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Because normal* melee weapons really are viable against level 100+ mobs, yes?

Right back at you: Do you even play the hard content of this game? Do you even know what you're talking about?


* Just giving a few examples of what normal melee weapons are, before you interpretend this wrongly:

War, Dual Ichors, Bo Prime, Scindo Prime, Nikana.


2 words, eternal war.



Enjoy smashing lv 100 enemies with a scindo prime with her 2 on and using 3 to open all enemies in the area for finisher dmg like excal's radial blind ie one shots for days even with a shoddy dagger her 3 works exactly like radial blind.


Again do you even hard content bro?


I mean it's funny how you try to say lv 100 enemies as hard content, when all you need is valk's 3 to literally one shot with ANY melee wep well into lv 200s+.


Smh, I guess I can't blame you for at least trying to make some sort of argument.

Edited by --Sensei--
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Excalibur can't gain energy already when EB is active. If you want this to happen with EB it should also happen with Hysteria and Exalted Bow not being able to pick up Energy Orbs as well as that's the only way to maintain energy upkeep while EB is active.


If EB gets nerfed to hell to Effigy Drain levels people wouldn't use Excalibur if at all anymore. Exalted Blade isn't OP. Try fighting Hordes of Nullifiers,Ancient Disruptors,Bombards. Once those guys appear you'll usually have your energy drained away or EB just flat out dispelled. Also you can't use EB when fighting Stalker (Shadow Stalker you can though)

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Which is exactly the point. EB is too strong, which is why people are building Excal for only that single ability, which is no-fun for other frames in comparison. Rinse and repeat the circle.


Also I love how all the "excalibroes" get upvoted, pretending they're victims and assuming people are hating on "their warframe".

News flash: All warframes are available to everyone, excaliber is a STARTER frame, everyone can pick him up at any time they want more or less - it is not "your" frame.

Also, as OP wrote, he uses excaliber a lot, and he thinks EB is too strong, if you honestly think this is not the case you're either blatantly lying or totally ignorant.


EB itself is "too strong" against low-level enemies, just as many abilities of other frames are. But for the high-level content you have to use Radial Blind. If you don't, you: 1) not gonna make acceptable damage; 2) die quickly because you have no cc. So building only around EB is a bad idea.

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Wow. You actually looked at a post, skimmed it, completely missed the constructive criticism and then wrote it off as someone mindlessly hating on the frame.


Oh really sunshine?! Let's look at that again, shall we...


Look, I gotta be honest, if the waves were limited to about 5 meters in front of Excalibur except as specific combo-enders or as released from charge attacks, I'd be fine as writing it off as cool, powerful, thematically appropriate and moving on.


''Waves limited to 5 meters'' only hmm? Thast like a DNikana with PReach, maybe not even a maxed PReach... Ok what next... ''As specific combo enders'', basically meaning that you have to make contact with the enemy, literally kissing eachother for several attacks, and only if you do the combo chain properly you will send out a wave that will travel 5 meters from excalibur(keeping in mind its a frontal wave). Whats next... ''Released from charge attacks'', he said ''Or'', which suggests that its not going to include the specific combo-enders, which means waves will only be made explicitly from only charge attacks and will travel 5 meters infront of Excal...


How f***ing fascinating!!! So, you activate your ultimate ability, which is EB, and you either have to: go melee an enemy, pull off a combo and send out a wave that will travel 5 fokin meters, OR you activate EB, and ONLY your charge attacks will now send out a 5 meter wave, infront of excalibur... And thats it, thats all there will be to his ''Ultimate'', supposedly his best ability... What will be the incentive to activate such an ability?! It wont even pay off for the energy drain!

Deereemee... if that is not going to be the death of the Excalibur warframe, idk what the f**k is! People will literally stop playing the frame from disgust of this one particullar ability, because it happens to be his ''ultimate'''ability!


Wow. You actually looked at a post, skimmed it, completely missed the constructive criticism and then wrote it off as someone mindlessly hating on the frame.


So you see, his proposed ''Fix'' for EB underlines his intensions for the frame as a whole! I did not ''skimm'' anything, nor did i miss any constructive criticism... There is no constructive criticism, his entire post is just summerizing, how EB has the capability of killing enemies in 40 meters, in a small fan, infront of excalibur, along with his other abilities that you NEED to use in high lvl content if you want to survive. I already explained that: EB builds cripple the potential of RB, which is essential for his survival!

He is mindlessly hating on the frame, as it's obvious from his proposed ''Fix''. He probably does not even play the frame, since if he did, he would know that EB is really nothing special, its like a shotgun with alot of punchtrough, 40 meter range and slow - fast(depending on weapon mods) fire rate... I already explained this!

I would bet you that a deck'd Chroma with a well moded Kohm will put Excalibur's EB to shame in all possible situations!


Congrats, man. You are officially what's wrong with the internet.


If you say so... You are entitled to your own personal opinion...

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Which is exactly the point. EB is too strong, which is why people are building Excal for only that single ability


Tell me something, if you can one-hit-kill an enemy without too much effort, why would you waste your time to CC them, or pick them off, one by one etc?

Its a matter of how you want to spend your time... If you are in a hurry, or just want the mission done fast(reward farming), obviously you are going to use the fastest way to dispose of the enemy, which is one-shotting them...


which is no-fun for other frames in comparison.


Hmm, no fun you say... I wonder which frames you are talking about... maybe Loki with his invis and RB, or Nova with her MP, or maybe Rhino and Mirage with their whole map lockdown... or maybe Chroma with his vex armor? Please, do say...


Also I love how all the "excalibroes" get upvoted, pretending they're victims and assuming people are hating on "their warframe".

News flash: All warframes are available to everyone, excaliber is a STARTER frame, everyone can pick him up at any time they want more or less - it is not "your" frame.


When a deed is unjust... It's UNJUST! Its not about Excalibur being his, or my frame... It's about unwarranted ''Nerfing'' of something that is not even OP... EB is nothing more than a hard hitting sparkly shotgun in the form of a blade, which happens to be an ultimate ability, which is probably the reason for all this hate... The ''Ranged'' melee, is it?!


Also, as OP wrote, he uses excaliber a lot, and he thinks EB is too strong, if you honestly think this is not the case you're either blatantly lying or totally ignorant.


So, since he supposedly(im supposed to take his word on that??) played the frame, I have to agree with what he proposes as a ''Fix''. Im pretty sure the notion for the ''Fix'' is inspired solely by high numbers on screen, OR Excalibur players stealling his kills in wave 1 in Draco... but alas no, I'm just lying and ignorant... Gotcha!


Valkyr literally has nothing going for her aside from her 4 (unlike Excal who has other good abilities).


Literally all of Valk's abilities can be modded for, as all of her abilities as of now are absolutely useful! Its just that, you need augments for her WarCry and Paralysis, but that does NOT mean her #2 and #3 abilities are useless!


Also, defending EB by listing "other OP abilities" in the game, doesn't mean EB isn't OP aswell.


For the sake of sanity you need to compare the Ultimate ability of one frame to that of another!

With that in mind, just put EB next to Ultimate abilities like: (Irradiating) Radial Disarm; Molecular Prime; World on Fire; Bladestorm; Prism etc. Let me give you a hint... EB does not even come close! Why?! Because in lower lvls it is outclassed by the real ''Nuke'' ultimates, whereas in higher lvl content it is outclassed by the CC abilities!


And how does OP's post sound like an irritated child that got ruined by an other excal, when he stated himself he plays excal as if it was his religion.

If anything, he has one of the most mature posts I've read in a while on this forum, but it seems fan-boys like yourself (atleast that's how you make yourself seem) are not capable of comprehending what they're reading.


To avoid pointles arguments, I just like to inform you that, despite my profile icon being Excalibur's, he is not my main. I can however see when something is unjust, and i am inclined to argue about it being unjust based on so many other OP ultimates present in the game. So there's that...


Have a nice day, and enjoy your EB spam


Now why do you have to go ahead and say that?! Thats like saying: ''Go ahead and enjoy your gun and sword weapon spam'''. I guess we should just remove gunplay and swordplay at this point too, Mmm?!


But seeing how you were un-able to comprehend the part(s) where the person who started this topic stated multiple times that he plays a lot of Excal, and you making a statement of him most likely being upset about getting out-damaged by the frame in question, should've provided me with enough knowledge that there was no realistic ground of discussion with a vivid fan-boy as yourself.


You can't be certain of THAT! Its just arbitary confessions... And even if that is true, it does not mean the frame's ability should be ''Nerfed'', considering the other REAL OP ultimates in the game, AND the fact that: just because he is not having fun, and thinks the ability should be changed, does not mean it is the same for everyone.

Someone sees alot of numbers on screen and oooop, we are in the warframe forums making a thread about it being OP... Even though we discarded the FACT that focusing on just EB is making his survivability a not as good as is supposed to/ necessary, aswell as the core function of said ultimate being no diffrent than a gun, just a more powerfull one that simply happens to be in the shape of a sword... but nah...

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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Again, how is EB overpowered? It's ranged melee without combos, without stance multipliers and absolutely NOTHING without RB, which needs to be recasted CONSTANTLY to give results, or even protection for him...

I'd agree with anyone here if RB would've been spared by DE but he is in a good place since his bread and butter ability is a nerfed mess.

Yall need to stop playing frames that are in a desperate need for a buff before judging frames that actually work out somehow...

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Noobcalibur label relates to a playstyle not any specific individual like I said you can be a good player and still use the noobcalibur playstyle it is not an insult to anyone. It describes the ease of use not the skill of the individual who plays it, so it cannot be an insult to "excalibur players".


Again you choose not to see the logic in what I said there is a clear difference between spamming EB and shooting your gun. Guns are the bread and butter of first person/third person shooters, things like grenades, C4, powers like EB etc are usually supplied in very limited quantity or with cooldowns in the majority of games to avoid spamming as it is a cheap way to play the game. The correct comparison would be to say if a player was spamming their grenades for the whole match even though they have guns. So in that sense there is a fundamental difference between the usage of guns/swords and powers. In addition to that there is actual skill needed to shoot your gun accurately for example head shotting moving targets at a distance, hitting targets with bows etc. So there is significantly more skill involved in the use of a gun which would qualify it as being more than just pressing one button.


As for the noobcalibur playstyle showcasing skill anyone using any frame that doesn't have invulnerability and high levels of durability/survivability, who doesn't go down in those circumstances would be considered skilled in warframe.


Addressing the diversity point it may be true that higher level force players to diversify their playstyle/strategy but the chances are that the majority of games played in warframe don't actually go into the high level content that would force that adaptation. So whilst you may have a point in saying that using EB alone will not get you through the high level content the amount of people actually even bothered about getting to the high level content is likely to be smaller than the people who do. Most standard games are 20 min survivals/ 20 wave defenses and not 60+min/60+waves etc. So my point still stands


As for the rework I will say that the impact may vary it would obviously have to be tested before the implementation and the flaws ironed out properly. The main point would be to prevent spamming without a significant cost or without micromanagement whilst still making it an effective "ultimate power" and allowing excalibur to still be beginner friendly.

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Working my way through this topic, cleaning out many rude and off topic posts, I had noticed that this thread has run around into the same circle. 

-This needs a nerf.

-Nerfs are bad.

-No nerfs are good and you're bad.

-No, you're bad and this needs a nerf.

-Nerfs are bad.



You get my point. This is not breeding a constructive environment, and just amounts to a bunch of verbal abuse. With that said, locking thread to preserve feedback and the quality of the forums. 

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