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What Do You Want Next Frame Themes To Be?


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im fairly certain fromsoft said Ds3 would be the last souls game because they wanted to make other things

Noooo :( i love my death simulator games


edit: imagine an armored core game with DS/DkSI+II/BB styled gameplay O.o or actually, just anything with that sort or amazing gameplay/level design/everything.

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Doctor frame


Surgeon frame


Lava frame


Exploding frame


Exploding combustion frame


Exploding combustion pringling lemons frame


Civil service frame


Catering frame


Bakery frame


Customer service frame


Teacher frame


Artist frame


Lawyer frame


Plumber frame


Teenage mutant ninja turtle frame


The list is endless

Edited by Jaruis
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Oberon Frame.

1. Spawns an Oberon specter.

2. Lays down shag carpet. Anyone who steps on it is turned into a friendly Oberon for as long as they stand in it.

3. Instantly revives fallen allies and turns them into Oberon for 60 seconds.

4. Turns all nearby enemies into friendly Oberons.

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Summoner frame would be cool: with permanent summons and maybe an army of minions scaling of melee weapon with all skills summoning different minions or buffing/commanding them.


Shapeshifting frame with several forms: standard stance with all weapons usable, melee beast form kinda like Valkyrs hysteria when frame drops on all fours, gets boost to health, armor and melee damage, agile form with less health, more movement speed and greatly increased ability to stick to walls, but no melee and 4th ability as form-specific.


Grenadier frame with several types of grenades ( like corrosive, freezing, incinerating), mines and proximity explosives for area control with as many explosions as possible. Doesn't have to be gadget based, could be void energy explosives, doesn't really matter as long as i get to explode all things.

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Definitely an atom-based frame:



An offensive Warframe able to control the atoms around her. 


Hold - Binds the atoms within nearby enemies, holding them in place whilst causing damage over time. Duration/Range/Str mods


Shatter - rips nearby enemies to shreds at an atomic level. Casting Shatter whilst a target is Held deals double damage and creates a blast zone when enemies die. Range/Str mods


Shield - brings atoms together to form a small, but mobile defensive bubble around Nucleah. Bubble remains until destroyed. Range/Str mods


Ion Cannon - Nucleah creates a storm of deadly ionized atomic beams that pierce enemies in range from above. Range/Str mods 

Edited by Kenboushou
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Supply/Hacking frame. A pure support frame. No nuking powers.


Something that can drop supply crates to replenish ammo/armor/shields/health/energy. Like Ivaras #1

Instant hack terminals. Or the ability to link with all frames in the match and act like a cypher and instantly hack

Hack robots and rollers and the like to have them shut down or attack their friendly's.

The ability to remotely hack all friendly weapons and over charge them. Primary/2ndary/melee/Like Ivaras #1 also.



I know this kinda sounds dull. But in all honesty we are kinda running out of ideas. We are recycling thing like stealth and fire walking now. To many frames where not "specialized" and multiple frames have the same ability's just called something else with different animations. I for one would love to see less nuke everything and more how can I help you help us.


Call HIM Haxorz

Edited by FunkadelicMayhem
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