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Limbo's Troll Rift


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To me, Limbo is pretty bad as far as powers go.   Three of his powers all do the exact same thing and it makes him incredibly boring.  I wasn't here for his release but from what I see now, I would have never thought he should be released in his current state.   He needs a lot of work before he becomes actually fun as most other frame.   I mean take away the fact that he can shift in and out of the rift at will and all he is then, is a gun toting frame with average health, below average shields and below average armor.    There is nothing else remotely interesting about him once you get past the rifting, which 90% of the time brings nothing to the table except partial invulnerability.



lile ppl playing mag useing nothing but pull on draco...


That's a bad example.   Anyone using pull on an interception mission is actually playing the mission correct.  Whether you think it's helping the reason you are there is not their problem, it's yours.   If you want to go to draco and kill stuff as fast as possible like it's an exterminate mission, then do it with pre-made teams where everyone on the team understands what powers to use or not use.   But in a public co-op mission, nobody should be complaining about what another player does, you did choose to group randomly with a bunch of strangers after all.  And yes if you were in a Pug with me and ran around killing stuff, I wouldn't complain.  I wouldn't like it but I wouldn't say a word to you.  I'd just play my game and try to make the team as successful as possible because at the end of the day, that is the only goal that really matters.

Edited by Krymanol
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Limbo is just as useful as Valkyr when it comes to the one thing most people enjoy having a Valkyr on their team for...


Guaranteed uninterrupted revives.


It's been a while since I've played Limbo, so I'm not sure if DE's fixed all those little things that still hurt Limbo in the Rift; but if those things have been fixed, then he'll always have a place in Trials where he can revive reliably... If he's trolling, idk why he's in your privately organized Trial anyways.

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