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Unconventional Primary Weapon


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Just a nifty idea I've had.


We've got two unconventional weapons, the Glaive and the Kunai.


A thrown melee weapon? Weird.


A thrown secondary weapon? Odd.


So, why not add a thrown primary weapon?


I was thinking, what about the Javelin from Cali's Radial javelin? 


I know they're just two Skana's on end, but the idea is kinda neat, especially with the flaired ends, if you've ever looked at them closely.


Ever play Fallout New vegas? What if the mechanics worked in that way? A small wind up to aim it, then a throw, then a draw from the cache of javelins.


I think it'd be pretty sweet.





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For start, the Radial Javelin`s projectiles are Skanas and i dont think a Primary throwable weapon would meet a decent DPS to realy catch player`s intrests.

Unless it becomes a sniper. You know how much damage per throw a sniper would be able to do. And coupled with the slow wind-up speed and reload after every throw... wait, was I talking about throwing javs or bows?

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Throwing axes would be pretty tight.


Remember, they'd have to be a bit different from the glaive and kunai, while maintaining some kind of throwable feeling.


I'd be down for some kind of sniper throwable. Either that, or a faster version of it, which throwing axes would fit nicely.

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As long as we're on the broad subject of "unconventional primary weapons," I'll chuck an idea out there.  Although I do really like the idea of a thrown primary.  Why not go full ninja trope and BOOMERANG?


But seriously, on the less throwy side of things, I keep wanting an unobtrusive primary weapon, so that when I sheathe it I don't have this big thing hanging off my back.  So, as much as it's totally ripping off Ironman, why not a pair of handblasters for a primary?  They'd be kept on the palm so it wouldn't interfere with fist weapons like Furax, and they'd be basically invisible when not in full use.  You could fire rapid or charge up, it might be pretty cool.

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Unconventional? How about a pump-cocking crossbow? Slightly slower to reload than the bows(both need to pump and put a new quarrel on), no charge mechanic.

Not a bad idea, I think it'd be pretty sweet, although, it's not really unconventional. Still, solid Idea. +1


As long as we're on the broad subject of "unconventional primary weapons," I'll chuck an idea out there.  Although I do really like the idea of a thrown primary.  Why not go full ninja trope and BOOMERANG?


But seriously, on the less throwy side of things, I keep wanting an unobtrusive primary weapon, so that when I sheathe it I don't have this big thing hanging off my back.  So, as much as it's totally ripping off Ironman, why not a pair of handblasters for a primary?  They'd be kept on the palm so it wouldn't interfere with fist weapons like Furax, and they'd be basically invisible when not in full use.  You could fire rapid or charge up, it might be pretty cool.

Looks like you got your wish with the boomerang eh? Also, handblasters sounds a fuckin' wick idea. I'd be all for that

+1 indeed


Javelins would pretty much be secondary weapons really, also, we have bows.

Bows aren't really onconventional though, they've been used as strong weapons throughout history.

Think of something that is or could be a weapon that you normally wouldn't use as a "primary" weapon. Javelins...Throwing Axes...Handblasters... ect.

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I would like a javelin with a rope so I can throw it and it impales any enemies hit. I can then either pull them all to me or swing them around into nearby enemies turning their corpse into a weapon of mass destruction!

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i want a hookshot which lets me grapple enemys to meelerange and stuns. pudge ftw. scorpion ftw (to go with the theme). and when hitting he should scream "COME OVER HERE" every.single.time. man i would pay for this.

Edited by Ryaneko
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Want an unconventional weapon? I want to see a weapon that takes up all three slots. Like this:


  The Force Lance from the horribly adapted musing of the great Gene Roddenberry. 


As a secondary it could have a fast rate of fire with a hit on accuracy; extended as a primary it could fire slower but have pinpoint accuracy and higher damage. And then it could function similar to the bo as a melee weapon. 

Talk about unconventional!


[yeah, I know this will never happen]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lot of ideas floating about here involving grappling hooks and such for a primary. So how about we just "gunify" it and ask for say a

double-barrel harpoon gun? Could give it a long reload time and if you nail an enemy with it you yank it into melee range or pull

the corpse to you then all the mods and other goodies fall out of it.

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I was thinking spear-thrower http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spear_thrower or something like an above water speargun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speargun.


Silent, armor piercing and nasty!


I would SO get on the bandwagon for EITHER of those. :) Or a stabbing spear/ javelin primary weapon!


Then again, I LIKE spears and other polearms since I practice with them in real life.

Edited by Kalenath
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How about energy spears that regenerate in your hand after being thrown? It could become the Primary equivalent of the Kunai.


it would be even better if you could dual wield said spears.


Spears have almost always been a two handed weapon. From the dawn of time, people used two handed spears to hunt and kill. Some, like the Zulu Iklwa ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impi#Weapons_and_shields ) were shorter but generally it was intended as a two handed stabbing weapon.


I can see an energy spear of some kind, but not one in each hand. Too long and unwieldy for fast ninja types. Usually a warrior had a shield and a spear, like the Amazon from Diablo II or the Spartans from 300.

Edited by Kalenath
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Spears have almost always been a two handed weapon. From the dawn of time, people used two handed spears to hunt and kill. Some, like the Zulu Iklwa ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impi#Weapons_and_shields ) were shorter but generally it was intended as a two handed stabbing weapon.


I can see an energy spear of some kind, but not one in each hand. Too long and unwieldy for fast ninja types. Usually a warrior had a shield and a spear, like the Amazon from Diablo II or the Spartans from 300.

You seen the E3 Ryse press conference demo? I was thinking more like that (I typed in dual-wield because, hey why not? It's awesome isn't it?)


A whole battalion simultaneously launching javelins at enemy archers, now that's what I'm talking about!

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How about energy spears that regenerate in your hand after being thrown? It could become the Primary equivalent of the Kunai.


it would be even better if you could dual wield said spears.

Good god


Have you played Darksouls?


That totally reminds me of Sunlight Spear.




Would be fuckin' COOL

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Good god


Have you played Darksouls?


That totally reminds me of Sunlight Spear.




Would be fuckin' COOL

I did play Dark Souls... for half an hour. The PC port was HORRIBLE. At least my brother enjoyed it. Don't know anything about the 'Sunlight Spear' though.


Anyway, throwing spears can be very awesome if done right.

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I did play Dark Souls... for half an hour. The PC port was HORRIBLE. At least my brother enjoyed it. Don't know anything about the 'Sunlight Spear' though.


Anyway, throwing spears can be very awesome if done right.


I would LOVE a 'pilum/javelin' sort of primary weapon. Or a spear thrower. Even a speargun would work. But I would prefer a javelin. Even if it is made of energy!

Edited by Kalenath
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