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"anti-Matter Themed New Warframe"


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I didn't say logical, I said plausible. You could reanimate dead soliders, or something, to fight for you,

Or when you die, assuming you have the energy, you instantly return to full health, but its a high energy cost.

Or something along those descriptions.

However I cannot think for the life of me how an antimatter suit would work, and what benefits it'd have.


It also seems we're no closer to an answer of how the antimatter suit is going to work, even with all the arguing about the science of antimatter, which I was apart of admittedly, but what I really would like is an answer, of how it's going to work.

Oh you didnt read some of the suggestions. 


I believe the one i liked was he has 2 positive ability's and 2 negative ability's. Taging an enemy with one and than another creates a rather spectacular effect. Depending on the combination you get different effects.


Sounds cooler than Grineer zombies to me.

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It all depends on the amount of energy released, being the point.

And acids and bases are not antimatter and matter. We already know what happens when they mix. They annihilate. A reaction where both bodies masses are turned into energy. Even if this is just theory, it's the most plausible theory. Hence why it's accepted.

Can you source 'most plausible' for me? Because thats not what my understanding of current research is.


I guess the question is, everyone is stuck on its a PET scan, or some kind of cosmic explosion. ..... See the problem? There has to be middle ground.

Edited by Judopunch
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I wonder if DE is now looking at all the responses and thinking "Uuuuhhhyeeaah. Probably... probably going to go with the... the other one instead. Yep. That's what we'll do."

Or call it something else. Which.... wouldn't solve a thing, haha

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I think something that is really completely ignored in this discussion is that there has been no research done that included creating anything other than an antimatter Hydrogen molecule. This means we have no clue how larger antimatter molecules would react with one another; if they would annihilate each other or if they would annihilate only certain types of molecules. While the anti-Hydrogen researches have created so far did only last a few microseconds before annihilating itself with another normal matter Hydrogen atom, we have no idea whether larger macromolecules would exhibit this same activity (i.e. annihilation) because there is no research to support it.


Also the amount of energy released from matter-antimatter annihilation between subatomic particles is very small. According to an article in ARStechnica, "The reality is that if you gathered all of the antimatter CERN has ever created, you wouldn't garner enough energy to power your laptop through reading this article." That being said, again we have not idea how large antimatter macromolecules would interact with one another because no research has been done. So unless someone wants to bring a theoretical physicists perspective to my attention, the game developers can essentially do whatever they like. It can be neither proven or disproven.


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Edited by Kuzushi
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Oh you didnt read some of the suggestions. 


I believe the one i liked was he has 2 positive ability's and 2 negative ability's. Taging an enemy with one and than another creates a rather spectacular effect. Depending on the combination you get different effects.


Sounds cooler than Grineer zombies to me.

That actually sounds good and would take the meaning of "antimatter" in a slightly different turn.

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This whole thread is dumb. Suits of armor that let you make fire, ice, electricity out of your hands, teleport, turn invisible, half robot beings, clones, horrible disease ridden monsters. That's all SO REALISTIC.

Edited by Smashly
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Then really he's not antimatter, he's just explosives. And explosives would've been a much better idea.

But if you're using small amounts of antimatter, it wouldn't even create an explosion, if it's low energy, it'd just create photons.

He's anti-matter because one of his abilities is probably going to be a high damaging AOE explosion, with the idea being that a small (relatively) amount of anti-matter is causing the explosion. It's like saying that Vauban isn't an engineer frame, he's a space-time frame because singularity. It's bogus logic.

Also, that's not how anti-matter works. There's no "low energy" anti-matter explosion that produces only light, they all produce light, heat, and gamma rays, again dependent on how much anti-matter you use.

Honestly, I don't really see a need for it to use antimatter at all rather than conventional particle physics.

It was sold to the council based on zen mysticism and philosophy - the yin and the yang, equals and opposites, that sort of thing.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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When Excalibur Slahs 'n' Dashes into a wall, why does he not go through it and just slide along ?


Why can you still hear gunfire when you shoot out the windows ?


Why in outer space do we have windows that shatter and not trip a security alarm when they do ? Requiring a manual reset which you can't do beforehand any way ?


Why can we slide Upstairs ?


Why can I freeze someone with a flamethrower ?


Why does a non electric stalker effect the lighting ?


Why does a Solar Military have members who run up to you with a food preparation instrument ?


How does a Sentinel fly ?


Why when we smash windows do we stand right where we are without any care in the world ?


Why do the bullets fired not curve towards the window ?


Why can't we just have fun ?


Why does the rifle with the longest barrel shoot the least accurate ? (Gorgon)


Why can I roll without all of my Dread/Paris Arrows scattering all over the floor embarrassingly ? 


Why does a Shockwave Moa not fall over before it stomps ?


Why Rollers ? (I'm not buying that there's space hamsters inside, fool me once...)


How does an organic dog monster without pockets carry crafting materials ?


Why do we only ever climb out of roof tiles when entering a Mission ?


Why do the same rounds that fit into my Vulkar Sniper rifle also somehow turn into Arrows ?


Why are there perfect Tenno holes in ships where we leave ?


Just don't question things. Works for various other people in and out of game.





Why do pickups not fly out the Space Windows when they break ?

Edited by Karetchi
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Antimatter is possible. As long as you have it in a plasma (or antiplasma) form you can control it's general shape with magnets. The only problem is air and other gasses touching it before it's intended use. It's not an unlimited energy reaction it's just a 100% efficient mass to energy reaction. I think it will be fine.

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Because Brain Scan is so useful in combat.


Hadron: I'm so sorry, Hek. It's cancer.

Hek: :(

My point in posting the PET was that we already use matter-antimatter reactions in scientific machines since 2000.  The tenno etceteros are many centuries beyond us and could plausibly have a better grasp on matter-antimatter reactions than we do.

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You can do a lot of funky stuff with antimatter, and considering the only safe way to 'handle' it is to manipulate it within a localized vacuum and powerful electromagnets, it's probably safe to say the warframe uses EMF to control it.... Or maybe he even has the ability to cause atomic polarities/charges to shift? Basically inverting the protons to (negatons?) and electrons to positrons. From a theory standpoint, all you'd have to do is change the way the subatomic quarks rotate or interact.


Also, when I say you can do funky stuff with antimatter...


Anti-matter ammunition skill? could give a buff to ammunition/melee weapon, similar to Ember's overheat or Saryn's contagion.


Anti-matter shield skill? could be similar to Volt's electric shield, but capable of dealing damage to enemies if they pass through the shield... or maybe even a small stationary protective 'bubble' that the frame can drop, possibly to protect a downed/reviving teammate.


Anti-Matter is funky stuff. Like super funky. Since annihilation reactions produce a metric ****-ton of light and force, it could be used like a radial blind + knockdown shockwave.


I can see a lot of potential for the frame.


(also, if it has to deal with matter, it could so something funky with the neutron 'stew' left over following annihilation reactions)

Edited by Letter13
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 Basically inverting the protons to (negatons?) and electrons to positrons. From a theory standpoint, all you'd have to do is change the way the subatomic quarks rotate or interact.


Hehe...I was just thinking how "interesting" it would be if they named this new Warframe with "antimatter" capabilities of some sort the Quark.  ./facepalm  Entertaining to say the least eh?

Edited by Erelas
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Hehe...I was just thinking how "interesting" it would be if they named this new Warframe with "antimatter" capabilities of some sort the Quark.  ./facepalm  Entertaining to say the least eh?


Garbage .. the final frontier ..

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