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"anti-Matter Themed New Warframe"


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Please; Someone explain to me how this will work.


In my opinion, this is a really stupid idea. Especially if it involves the use of using antimatter as some form of weapon/projectile.


Or, what if you accidentally touch it yourself, OOPS JUST ANNIHILATED MYSELF.


I may be coming off aggressive and hostile, but I just really don't know how they can really implement this and bring it off as being truly 'Anti-matter'

Or are they going down the route of, "Oh you turn, a few sub-atomic particles within their body, causing part of their body to spontaneously annihilate."


I really have no idea.

TLDR; How will an antimatter warfame work, without going against the laws of physics?

I think its cool, but I feel like the Anit-matter theme is kinda already accomplished, disintegration is happens to almost all enemies by most Ultimate moves, so its not like we haven't seen things Vaporize enemies especially with the addition of Dethcube. The Necro, Hawk, and Beserker sound way more unique but those will probably be in the future.

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How does Saryn's poison not melt through the ship when it melts everything else?


Miasma     100px-Miasma2.png Through noxious exhalation, SARYN polutes the atmosphere with a lethally poisonous mist that corrodes all enemies in range, effectively disintegrating organic and synthetic matter instantly.



Not everything needs to make sense. Sometimes powers are just there for fun.




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Yea and watch it be put into the alert system like Vauban. " it will be as common as artifacts". We all know how that turned, better start upgrading your founders or save some plat.

Nooooo. I think it will be worse than that.

Think of what they just introduced with insane amount of resource gathering.

This suit will be tossed into a Dojo research tree, guaranty it.

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Yeah everyone's saying science fiction, blah blah blah, but if you're going to use a scientific principle, then you have to find a way to make it work, even on a base level.

And if they're going to implement something called anti-matter which turns out to be something completely different and unrelated, then I'd still have beef, but I wouldn't mind AS MUCH.

If they do implement something like I've said above, then they should at least rename it something more appropriate


-->Antimatter can be used to improve shields.

-->Antimatter can be used to create confined explosions and implosions

-->Antimatter can use other particles as a catalyst causing an increase in speed/detection.

-->Antimatter can be used to create gamma rays, which can cause damage over time.



The possibilities are endless once you start thinking out of the box instead of staying in one little insignificant mindset.


How can antimatter improve shields? If the shields are in anyway particulate, the shields would annihilate.

Antimatter can create explosions yeah, but it depends in what way you'd be using it. If it's a weapon with anti-matter munitions, or a antimatter blade or something, that'd cause such an insane explosion on contact, it'd destroy the entire ship. And probably hit the planet. Even if you missed.

In what way can Antimatter be used IN CONJUNCTION with particles? That causes annihilation>Energy release>explosion
Antimatter DOES create gamma rays. But only in Annihilation. So, that's just more incredibly unstable explosions.

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-->Antimatter can be used to improve shields.

-->Antimatter can be used to create confined explosions and implosions

-->Antimatter can use other particles as a catalyst causing an increase in speed/detection.

-->Antimatter can be used to create gamma rays, which can cause damage over time.



The possibilities are endless once you start thinking out of the box instead of staying in one little insignificant mindset.

The main concern is how to make unique skills.

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Please; Someone explain to me how this will work.


In my opinion, this is a really stupid idea. Especially if it involves the use of using antimatter as some form of weapon/projectile.


Or, what if you accidentally touch it yourself, OOPS JUST ANNIHILATED MYSELF.


I may be coming off aggressive and hostile, but I just really don't know how they can really implement this and bring it off as being truly 'Anti-matter'

Or are they going down the route of, "Oh you turn, a few sub-atomic particles within their body, causing part of their body to spontaneously annihilate."


I really have no idea.

TLDR; How will an antimatter warfame work, without going against the laws of physics?


Antimatter man is obviously going to be able to control antimatter.


I'm not divulging secrets, right?

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Last time I checked physics, antimatter isn't some magical black hole particle with an even horizon thousands of times larger than normal black holes.


1 proton + 1 antiproton -> annihilation -> 2 proton masses worth of energy


Yes, I know this. The point is, if you're using something as a weapon, made of antimatter, or for example a clump, of antimatter, if you could even find a way to contain it, then thats an extreme number of antiparticles colliding with an equal number of normal particles.

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I think its cool, but I feel like the Anit-matter theme is kinda already accomplished, disintegration is happens to almost all enemies by most Ultimate moves, so its not like we haven't seen things Vaporize enemies especially with the addition of Dethcube. The Necro, Hawk, and Beserker sound way more unique but those will probably be in the future.


Antimatter isn't just disintergation, antimatter would imply antimatter somehow interacting with normal matter, which creates annihilation. On a large scale, for example, a bullet made of antimatter, impacting upon a person, this would create a large amount of energy from the annihilation.

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Antimatter isn't just disintergation, antimatter would imply antimatter somehow interacting with normal matter, which creates annihilation. On a large scale, for example, a bullet made of antimatter, impacting upon a person, this would create a large amount of energy from the annihilation.

Air is matter...

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There is a lot of talk about antimatter in this thread. And almost no one actually knows anything about it.


There is a lot of anger about not having this that or the other frame win out, relax a bit for all you know this could be your new favorite frame.


There is a lot of 'this doesnt logically make sense', yet again most of these people dont even know what antimatter is so of course it doesn't make since. But further than that, this is a game and honestly if its fitting thematically I dont see a problem. I mean, ember is a walking nuke, but still takes damage from flame throwers? Frost can create a force field of cold air (one ha ha at that stopping a rail gun) that is perpetually sustained how? Vauban creates a singularity to pull people into.... Like do you know what a black hole the size of a penny would do TO THE PLANET EARTH?


Why is there so much qq on these forums, and so little logic. I know you guys can do better than the 4 pages of crap I just read.

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Yes, I know this. The point is, if you're using something as a weapon, made of antimatter, or for example a clump, of antimatter, if you could even find a way to contain it, then thats an extreme number of antiparticles colliding with an equal number of normal particles.

It's only around 20 times more powerful than a nuclear weapon with the same mass of plutonium (because antimatter would be 100% efficient at it and turn as much matter into energy as well).


But the point is that there's no reason it would "destroy the ship" since you can just control the mass used.


Other than that, what in the world can we use antimatter for other than annihilating stuff and making a lot of very bright light? Actually, it could be used for creating some rather exotic particles... I wonder...


Scientific discussion on a game about space ninjas. Yeah.

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Yeah everyone's saying science fiction, blah blah blah, but if you're going to use a scientific principle, then you have to find a way to make it work, even on a base level.

And if they're going to implement something called anti-matter which turns out to be something completely different and unrelated, then I'd still have beef, but I wouldn't mind AS MUCH.

If they do implement something like I've said above, then they should at least rename it something more appropriate



How can antimatter improve shields? If the shields are in anyway particulate, the shields would annihilate.

Antimatter can create explosions yeah, but it depends in what way you'd be using it. If it's a weapon with anti-matter munitions, or a antimatter blade or something, that'd cause such an insane explosion on contact, it'd destroy the entire ship. And probably hit the planet. Even if you missed.

In what way can Antimatter be used IN CONJUNCTION with particles? That causes annihilation>Energy release>explosion

Antimatter DOES create gamma rays. But only in Annihilation. So, that's just more incredibly unstable explosions.

Call me crazy but isn't the frame...

MATTER / Anti-matter? as in... it can also create matter?

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