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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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I think you should add a sort of token system for us hardcore players who have over a hundred hours put into this game, i have been farming for thunderbolt and split chamber for past month with no luck, everyone that goes to the void with me either gets split chamber or one of the new mods and all i get is some random common melee mod

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1. RNG:
Well, I can understand that some people are grumpy and have no patience left, regarding RNG and changes in general.
Most of those who write down their thoughts, especially criticsm or fear, love your game and wish to see improvements/changes very fast - even though you guys are still human, which is often forgotten in the process, additionally humans tend to complain constantly, no matter how you do something. That might be one of the reasons why developers stop listening, it is probably frustrating and hurtful at times.
I have a lot of suggestions regarding the game myself, however there is no real need to write everything down, it would take forever and you might never even see this post to begin with, even if - 99% has been said already and is written down on that famous "developer-to-do-list". The only thing left to say is that the RNG was broken like hell, now players get mods like Thunderbolt, in relatively high frequency, from Wave 5 as a reward? Yeah, it's not great - before that last update people were paying 45€ or farming for weeks and months in order to get Thunderbolt, they most likely feel cheated now. Same goes for the keys, before those were hard to obtain and players paid for a rather bad drop rate in the void. The drop rate in the Void got fixed and even the keys are dropping now like it is going out of style - again, those affected by it (might) feel cheated. I know, DE is new to the whole concept of F2P - the point is : Please think about how fair you want to be to us, and try to stick with it - otherwise it might backfire.  
2. End Game and Diverse Content!
Yep, grinding and farming isn't a real issue to me, it is one of those things that might convince players to support the game in the future - even though the prices for weapons and frames seem too high.
The point I am trying to make is that the amount of time which is needed to farm those things is strikingly different from your desired amounts. Grinding gives us something to do in between big updates. More complexity, difficulty and especially an environment that really supports jumping around, would be appreciated from me - the whole mechanic of moving and jumping around, especially in boss fights is rather impractical and stiff at the moment, which is a shame for a ninja game. Even the levels need almost no ninja skill. I am looking forward to possible changes and all those great ideas that might find their way into this game.
3. PlayStation 4
Congratulations! That is a very big and important step - I hope that it won't blow up in our faces (PC Players), haha!
4. Viper Sounds (& Sound Update in General)!
It is certainly nice to make people happy, while fixing old details ~ 
5. E3! + 6. New Trailer!
Watched pretty much every livestream which included Warframe, Steve did a great job in front of the cameras - lovely trailer, watched it a bunch of times - expecting much from you guys!

Thank you Rebecca, for reading and responding to our opinions, ideas, crys, love, rage and endless saltiness!


Edit :
The Snipetron would be a very interesting/important point for me too, would appreciate additonal information by the developers regarding that sniper.
Edited by Mr.Smof
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I know that it was in the last hot topic and not this one, but I didn't get to post there and don't feel like people really gave out any of my thoughts on the matter.


Clan size. Everyone I read in the hot topic seemed to be the non-socials of the game that had at max 30 people in their clan. I can understand their issues from dealing with "walmart clans" like warbros *cringe*. Yet at the same time, Ragefright and I are the Warlords of a clan of around 80-90 Tenno. Even though our more active range is around 50 people, it is hard enough with even our clan size to compete with the mindless hordes in the faceless Massclans Forcing us to drop down to anything under 50 would cripple a socially tight and happy clan just because other tiny clans aren't putting in the effort to grow even a little. People say that the massclans take everyone and they do have a point, but they don't take everyone. We're still growing every day in spite of the massclans, so I know that it's not a problem of getting people. Small clans that complain about 50 member clans are being unrealistic. This game is huge and is only getting bigger. Limiting the clans to 10 or even 30 would mean a lot of my friends couldn't be in my clan.


I don't want all of my friends to be forced to scatter just because some people can't manage a small clan size like 50. Honestly, clans of even 100, 200, even a little more are *not* difficult to manage. People argue that it should be a very small limit since in-game is only 4 Tenno. So what they are saying is that a clan should only have enough people to go on one mission at a time?? The reasons we get more than 4 people in any clan are numerous. My clan usually has quite a few missions going at a time and we all enjoy the ability to run with one group, then switch to another team in the clan to accomplish a different task. farming for Dojo mats is hard as it is, but with my clan size we can organize multiple groups, each one running for different mats that will help get pieces of our dojo completed faster, rather than one team having to go through everything a million times, we can direct multiple teams to get it done together. I hope you don't make the cap smaller than at least 50. The super-tiny clans can whine all they want, but it's not the game that's limiting their ability, it's them. Don't punish the decently sized clans that work as a team because there are tiny clans that can't manage themselves.

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Actually it's not them but you who's limiting the game with those suggestions. It's not really fair to use your perception of the problem as the main problem, I'm in a small clan and I have the opposite perception when it comes to clan sizes, neither one of us should be right or both of us. And DE has different caps so everything will be fine.

Edited by TheFlyingKnight
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So will you guys be talking about possible solutions to RNG and grinding problems in the next live-stream? Would be nice to hear what are your thoughts about those things and how to possibly change them for the better. Doing this would also probably create positive and negative feedback as to be expected always but those discussions would give you a better clue where you are going now and what things you might want to consider.

EDIT: I for one love the current loot table. It feels rewarding and fun and yet still not too easy to obtain the rarest of the rarest. I would not change it to any direction. You guys did awesome job on that! Give the office thanks from me.

Other features are awesome too but I would love if you would take a look on Plastid requirements to Mutagen Mass, Detonite injector and Feildron. They take a bit too much, or they do not but the amount you need to have plastids to build a weapon in total and then looking at the combined total cost feels a bit too high in my opinion, just mine.

The problem might be fixed with several ways, you could also increase the chances of it dropping, the amount in a single drop buffed up drastically or then make it appear reliably on more places. I counted that on average for me it takes 27h to farm Callisto on Saturn to obtain enough Plastids for all Dojo weapons and when it is the same map, grinding the same map for 107 times eats the fun out of the game. This, like I stated is tied to grinding problem. However I know you have more work to do than you have time so I will not be demanding anything, this is just a mere suggestion.

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