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Syndicates Expansions!


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Syndicates are a wonderful addition to Warframe, My clan mates and I recently had a few interesting ideas that DE may wish to take a look at. Hopefully they inspire something.

     1) Syndicates chat tab: Basically, this is another chat tab, but for your syndicate only (you will be prompted to specify, may only have 1 chosen at a time, or multiple, whatever DE chooses.


     2) Tenno Hunter Squad: Basically, syndicates send their eximus hunter squads after you. To be honest, they aren't really all that frightening. So I had an idea!, what if instead of spawning a hunter squad, volunteer warframe (Actual players) are prompted if they would like to go on the assassination mission instead. It would work like this


     example: Exalted Assassin (placeholder name) is in his liset, and he goes to > Syndicates >Marked For Death. This displays current hit orders. It doesn't show your name simply because a syndicate hates you, but rather when a person enters a mission, there is a chance he will be hunted, say 2.5% so assuming the person enters a mission, and that chance is triggered, he appears on the list. If he is negative rank 1, only one Tenno and a squad of that syndicate's Eximus spawn in to kill. if the person is negative rank 2: then four tenno.


How to balance this a bit: The hunter squad can not revive each other, they spawn with normal 100 energy, if the targeted person dies then they automatically become invulnerable and begin their exit animation. Upon dying perhaps they can drop something cool or rare?

Maybe allow players to use a custom message when hunting etc.


This is just an initial idea to hopefully inspire something new. Thanks for reading! Please spread its popularity, so we can have a larger discussion and involve more warframe players in improving the idea. Thanks!


Also, address concerns about it being op, if everything is op, then it is fair/equal?

Edited by Nyraxx
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Syndicates are a wonderful addition to Warframe, My clan mates and I recently had a few interesting ideas that DE may wish to take a look at. Hopefully they inspire something.

     1) Syndicates chat tab: Basically, this is another chat tab, but for your syndicate only (you will be prompted to specify, may only have 1 chosen at a time, or multiple, whatever DE chooses.


     2) Tenno Hunter Squad: Basically, syndicates send their eximus hunter squads after you. To be honest, they aren't really all that frightening. So I had an idea!, what if instead of spawning a hunter squad, volunteer warframe (Actual players) are prompted if they would like to go on the assassination mission instead. It would work like this


     example: Exalted Assassin (placeholder name) is in his liset, and he goes to > Syndicates >Marked For Death. This displays current hit orders. It doesn't show your name simply because a syndicate hates you, but rather when a person enters a mission, there is a chance he will be hunted, say 2.5% so assuming the person enters a mission, and that chance is triggered, he appears on the list. If he is negative rank 1, only one Tenno and a squad of that syndicate's Eximus spawn in to kill. if the person is negative rank 2: then four tenno.


How to balance this a bit: The hunter squad can not revive each other, they spawn with normal 100 energy, if the targeted person dies then they automatically become invulnerable and begin their exit animation. Upon dying perhaps they can drop something cool or rare?


This is just an initial idea to hopefully inspire something new. Thanks for reading! Please spread its popularity, so we can have a larger discussion and involve more warframe players in improving the idea. Thanks!

Eh, I dont like the idea of forced PvP


Can we like stop trying to make warframe dark souls please?


We dont want to curb stomp every nub


Also they may only have 100 energy but that doesnt stop them all from going rhino and all spamming rhino stomp

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Syndicate chat tab I can get behind, but I don't want a knock-off Bloodborne styled hunter's guild. A group of 4 tenno can easily get rid of one player if they are soloing, or the hunter can easily get ganked by a team of 4 tenno. The PvE weapons are definitely not balanced for this, since the guns can do literally thousands in one shot. PvP and PvE shouldn't mix like that, the Souls series is notorious for how unbalanced it is.

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What if... instead... players could take a mission that would allow you to take control of a syndicate operative that matches the level of the mission they target was in? You don't get to choose your weapons, and you have a standard set of abilities (if any at all). you go in with a premade character, and attack the Tenno. You're most likely going to die... the same way it's likely the hitsquads will be destroyed, but you would still get syndicate rep if you die, and more if you manage to kill the player you've been sent in to hunt. If you DO kill the tenno, they have to use one of their respawns, and your mission is over.


There was a mode like this in a N64 game called Perfect Dark. One player would play a normal mission, and another would randomly spawn as enemies in the level. They'd die easily, but it was more about the fun of messing with the other player... and less about dying.

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it's a decent idea but i'm not sure how immediately switching to conclave mod in the middle of a regular match would go. you obviously couldn't have all parties do normal damage, because one tonkor or penta grenade from either side will immediately wipe out the opposition.

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How to balance this a bit: The hunter squad can not revive each other, they spawn with normal 100 energy, if the targeted person dies then they automatically become invulnerable and begin their exit animation. Upon dying perhaps they can drop something cool or rare?

Maybe allow players to use a custom message when hunting etc.


Also, address concerns about it being op, if everything is op, then it is fair/equal?

That's not nearly enough to balance a sudden PVP mode. Warframe's PVE and PVP(Conclave) mode has massive differences(mods, weapon stats, Warframe stats, abilities, etc), which will make it incredibly unbalanced. It'll just be like pre-U18 Stalker. Either you one shot him, or he one shots you.

Edited by Knightmare047
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I would like to see some syndicate PVP in general... As in the ability to group up and do your standard PVP as syndicate missions for syndicate reputation as well as conclave rep. Catch would obviously be that opposing syndicates would be going to war with eachother... so your friends that play that decided to choose cephalon Suda where as you chose New loka... you'll be fighting them :)


This would also be good for those players that really love the PVP in Warframe... they'd be able to rank up in their syndicate without only having the option to do syndicate missions.

Edited by Flibbertigibbety
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I would like to see some syndicate PVP in general... As in the ability to group up and do your standard PVP as syndicate missions for syndicate reputation as well as conclave rep. Catch would obviously be that opposing syndicates would be going to war with each other... so your friends that play that decided to choose cephalon Suda where as you chose New loka... you'll be fighting them :)


This would also be good for those players that really love the PVP in Warframe... they'd be able to rank up in their syndicate without only having the option to do syndicate missions.

No. Not everyone loves PvP in this game. Would like to see some solar rail syndicate conflict going on but not this. It's too much to bear for choosing a syndicate, leading to a certain amount of players to choose not to play syndicate at all as they've weighted the odds. This is a nerf you're talking about, not a buff. Killing off your audience does not earn you their respect.

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No. Not everyone loves PvP in this game. Would like to see some solar rail syndicate conflict going on but not this. It's too much to bear for choosing a syndicate, leading to a certain amount of players to choose not to play syndicate at all as they've weighted the odds. This is a nerf you're talking about, not a buff. Killing off your audience does not earn you their respect.

You seem to think that I was implying that this should be in missions. I was suggesting actual PVP matches... exactly like what already exist, but being able to pin syndicates against eachother... I'm not talking about missions at all. Possibly some new PVP game modes that revolve around syndicate wars would also be interesting... but they'd be syndicate wars in the conclave. That might also make syndicate alliance more meaningful.


They could even do some PVP levels that based on the specific syndicate conflicts.... and you could even queue up to join whichever syndicates you or allied with... or a specific syndicate.


Sure, there COULD be possibilities of syndicate reinforcements being added... especially if the game objective was to control a series of points or something (interception, anyone?). Once you control it, it could spawn your syndicate's NPCs to try and protect it. Still, though... would be totally PVP focused using the PVP 2.0.


Not PVP in PVE. I did not say that in the above post.

Edited by Flibbertigibbety
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I was thinking all 8 tenno would keep their normal loadout, not conclave loadout. I also like the idea of the taking control of the operatives. Maybe even replace eximus hunter squads all together with a squad of the syndicate's operatives.

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I got a good idea for a syndicate expansion, syndicate specific melee weapons! I have been waiting for these for some time now, and I would like to have my rakta kittag or a telos boltace in the near future.

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Syndicate tab why?  Why in the world would people in the same syndicate ever want to talk?


"Hey fellow Suda"

"Hey.  What's up."

"Not much"

"Anything happening?"



<insert 12 hours of no chatting>

Um.. for one, some people want to go on syndicate mission runs, and get into a group that works together to find the medallions instead of just rushing through to the end. A syndicate chat tab would be very useful for organizing such groups.

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Yeah. No. Never.


I hope for the sake of this game that this shoehorned, terrible (for this game) form of pvp NEVER gets implemented.


1) It would require gutting out and stripping apart the core game mechanics just to make PvE stats balanced with PvP. It's just too radical, too huge a change and it will alienate most likely all of the player base except for the most harcore PvPers and Dark Souls addicts (heck, I'm sure even some Dark Souls players would call BS on this move).

2) It violates the central lore that Tenno are ultimately loyal to each other and the Lotus above all other affiliations, and it ruins the concept of Tenno being balance-maintainers. How can we be called that when a huge rift/civil war/internal strife forms in our ranks due to this terrible idea?

3) See replies above as well as point 1), especially concerning when non-conclave pvp essentially boils down to who can 1shot the other first.


Again, I hope DE never gives this idea any time of the day except to shoot it down for being terrible.

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