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The Synoid Simulor Appears To Really Need A Rebalance


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This is coming from someone who has NEVER brought up a nerf discussion in my entire gaming career, I don't even know how to go about it. The synoid simulor, this gun is seriously OP (and that's not a word I use lightly on a forum), This gun is capable of just...Man. With NOTHING but a catalyst or trash mods this gun clears whole rooms instantly, in trouble? Detonate for garunteed stun proc, place vortex's that have an actually really decent range for the weapon archetype... I've personally went through endless missions where the enemies level didnt even really matter by the end.. The stack damage is so insane paired with a great mag size that it just becomes OP, 100x more when it's max modded. Overall, this gun's stack damage needs a nerf, I don't even know if that'd fix it... I've literally put down every weapon for this, until it's nerfed, I dont think i'll ever use ANY weapon that isnt fodder, again. JS. No point. #SynoidGammacorIssuesRiseAgain ... The thing is like a weaponized saryn, you should fix.

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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This is coming from someone who has NEVER brought up a nerf discussion in my entire gaming career, I don't even know how to go about it. The synoid simulor, this gun is seriously OP (and that's not a word I use lightly on a forum), This gun is capable of just...Man. With NOTHING but a catalyst or trash mods this gun clears whole rooms instantly, in trouble? Detonate for garunteed stun proc, place vortex's that have an actually really decent range for the weapon archetype... I've personally went through endless missions where the enemies level didnt even really matter by the end.. The stack damage is so insane paired with a great mag size that it just becomes OP, 100x more when it's max modded. Overall, this gun's stack damage needs a nerf, I don't even know if that'd fix it... I've literally put down every weapon for this, until it's nerfed, I dont think i'll ever ANY weapon that isnt fodder, again. JS. #SynoidGammacorIssuesRiseAgain ... The thing is like a weaponized saryn, you should fix.

It take some effort to get this weapon. And you also have to be MR12 to use :/

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but you need to shoot 2 balls at least until it does some dmg, if enemies come from different directions you need to create another stack what can be hard if it's too close to 1st stack. and it doesn't do that much dmg with only catalyst and trash mods... and it still does less dmg than tonkor what you can get from market at rank 5.

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It take some effort to get this weapon. And you also have to be MR12 to use :/

With all the kids nowadays farming Draco for MR? And it selling for 30P? It's actually really easy to get your hands on, you seem knowledgeable, don't lie and say you haven't seen people running around with it getting 900+ kills, yet can't get 100 with a normal weapon that takes more than mindless matching bubbles up to cause room wipes...It's a fun weapon, just, imo, it's OP

but you need to shoot 2 balls at least until it does some dmg, if enemies come from different directions you need to create another stack what can be hard if it's too close to 1st stack. and it doesn't do that much dmg with only catalyst and trash mods... and it still does less dmg than tonkor what you can get from market at rank 5.

No you don't, the stun proc from 1 ball can wipe most trash mobs out, and if not, stun them. Also, its fire rate is so fast that it takes no effort to shoot 2 balls, lol, let alone the whole clip

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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So you complain about S.Simular, a weapon with the hardest cap in the game, and with unusual playstyle for doing its job according to all other requirements? And yet there are weapons like Tonkor, performing even better, with a straid forwards playstyle and available for every MR4 and you don't demand nerf on those weapons?

Double standarts are strong in this one.

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So you complain about S.Simular, a weapon with the hardest cap in the game, and with unusual playstyle for doing its job according to all other requirements? And yet there are weapons like Tonkor, performing even better, with a straid forwards playstyle and available for every MR4 and you don't demand nerf on those weapons?

Double standarts are strong in this one.

Are we talking about MR? Buddy, caps mean nothing when platinum and draco exist in tandem. Lol, plenty of noob MR12s running around with it. Hell, If you feel like the Tonkor needs nerf state your opinion then. This topic is about the synoid.

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i use that gun quite a lot, and i'd just like to point out that i often reach a point where it doesn't do enough damage to be worthwhile. it's a good weapon, but i wouldn't call it OP

You reach a point? Unless you are talking 70+ minutes in Survival, I can't agree. At 60, I wasn't complaining still. Bottom line is for the MOST played activities in the game, the gun wipes through most of them, i.e raid, draco, regular planet missions, anyways I've said my share, 1st poster knew it was OP and plenty have said it in the past, i'm going to leave the topic alone :]

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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Are we talking about MR? Buddy, caps mean nothing when platinum and draco exist in tandem. Lol, plenty of noob MR12s running around with it. Hell, If you feel like the Tonkor needs nerf state your opinion then. This topic is about the synoid.

I just mentioned another crowdkiller with easy mod requirements in everything for camparison. I can only advise you to get Simulor and try playing with it before making such harsh statements.


For me it sounds like you got salty because someone killed more stuff than you in a game and you needed another run for Focus.

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It take some effort to get this weapon. And you also have to be MR12 to use :/


Mastery requirement should be a requirement in mastery, not a power gate.

To put it more clearly, MR restrictions should apply to weapons that are harder to use correctly, rather than ones that are stronger outright.


Compare Braton, Dera, and Boltor:

-Braton is a hitscan AR with a steady, low firing rate and recoil.

-Dera fires projectiles with a flight time, but has no recoil, no spread and a decent firing rate.

-Boltor fires faster projectiles than Dera, but also has recoil and spread.


Braton is easier to use than Dera, which is easier to use than Boltor.

Ideally, those weapons would be spaced apart by mastery rank requirement, but each remained the top choice within certain conditions.

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Both Simulors have too short an effective range for my liking.


Yes its a powerful AoE weapon, and the Synoid version will restore energy every so often, but even shotguns have a longer effective range now.


noob MR12s

Theres no such thing. 'Noob' means the player is new to the game, and the average player will take more than a month to reach MR12.


Scrub is the word you want there.

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This is coming from someone who has NEVER brought up a nerf discussion in my entire gaming career, I don't even know how to go about it. The synoid simulor, this gun is seriously OP (and that's not a word I use lightly on a forum), This gun is capable of just...Man. With NOTHING but a catalyst or trash mods this gun clears whole rooms instantly, in trouble? Detonate for garunteed stun proc, place vortex's that have an actually really decent range for the weapon archetype... I've personally went through endless missions where the enemies level didnt even really matter by the end.. The stack damage is so insane paired with a great mag size that it just becomes OP, 100x more when it's max modded. Overall, this gun's stack damage needs a nerf, I don't even know if that'd fix it... I've literally put down every weapon for this, until it's nerfed, I dont think i'll ever use ANY weapon that isnt fodder, again. JS. No point. #SynoidGammacorIssuesRiseAgain ... The thing is like a weaponized saryn, you should fix.

This is disgusting.


When the normal simulor came out, everyone hated it (including me) because it was just so awful to use and didn't deal enough damage to compensate.


Now Synoid Simulor came out with awesome QoL enhancements, making it actually useful and good. Now you complain about it? It's MR12, a good gun but nowhere OP. Just because fodder weapons like prisma tetra, gorgons or even the boltor can't keep up with the overal usefulness of the synoid simulor? It offers good crowd control in cost of DPS and Range. It doesn't deal that much single target DPS. You may consider Sancti Tigris or Tonkor for that. 


"Omg, something got good again, i want to have it nerfed immediately!".

Getting some serious stomach ache now. People seriously need to learn when something is in need of a nerf before they come up with trash ideas.

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I just mentioned another crowdkiller with easy mod requirements in everything for camparison. I can only advise you to get Simulor and try playing with it before making such harsh statements.


For me it sounds like you got salty because someone killed more stuff than you in a game and you needed another run for Focus.

Um, i have the simulor?? You musta TL;DR'd, I don't use anything BUT that lol and I refuse to. If only I could send some screenshots :] I've dumped my sancti tig, vayk hek, all of it. Not worth using. I'd never be mad about it?! I usually carry teams with it, I'm just saying. It needs a nerf. PS, if anyone is on PS4 and needs convincing, i'm happy to prove.

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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...so, wait, you're not crying nerf but... are asking for a nerf? Alrighty then. 

Also, just a side note, just because a bunch of people ground the hell out of Draco to use the fancy high-level toys doesn't mean we should nerf the high-level toys. 

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Cause a dude with a Simulor that trivializes the content ruins my fun.

Don't bring fun in this kind of thread, because fun is purely subjective. It might not be fun for you, but it's fun for me to see some guy "trivialize" content, so I could support him with ease.

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What are you talking about? Either I'm missing something or need to try the similor series of weapons again because when I tried the regular similor it was the most painful weapon I have ever used. Its range was terrible, its explosion radius is average, it takes time before you can even do significant dmg.


About the only thing going for it was its looks, other then that it was just gimmiky.

I can't imagine the synoid similor is that different, save maybe it actually does worthwhile dmg now, which still in no way justifies its god awful mechanics and its complete impracticality.


I'd pick just about any weapon - no scratch that- any "fodder" weapon over either similor. I have no issues making even weapons considered "useless" at least viable for for high level play, but I couldn't work with that monstrosity. It does one thing well and one thing only: Holding choke points and maybe infested defence. Honestly, I'd take the tiberon over a synoid similor, and thats not the best in terms of dmg. As far as weapons that are of a similr type to the similor series, basically every other explosive weapon we have is more reliable IMO. Hek, just give me a tigrus and I'll easily compete with a synoid similor for kills.


Maybe I'm missing something but if anything I'd say the similor series needs a total rework, mechanics and all.

There are far worse offenders out there.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Well, the real problem with weapons like S. Simulor and Tonkor, is they are way better than other top weapons, because they clear the entire crowds of enemies in a second or two. Then there's a question about end-game content and how to make end-game content challenging. So far if you balance around regular top tier weapons (like Soma P, Boltor P, P Grakata, Paris/Dread, Opticor, etc) if you take Tonkor or Simulor it becomes really easy. If you going to balance for those two weapons, it would be basically impossible or really-really hard to take anything other than those weapons. That's why we actually need to balance weapons, otherwise we'll always have people who complain that end-game is too easy. It's not about spoiling people's fun, it's about having a game with actually challenging content.

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Well, the real problem with weapons like S. Simulor and Tonkor, is they are way better than other top weapons, because they clear the entire crowds of enemies in a second or two. Then there's a question about end-game content and how to make end-game content challenging. So far if you balance around regular top tier weapons (like Soma P, Boltor P, P Grakata, Paris/Dread, Opticor, etc) if you take Tonkor or Simulor it becomes really easy. If you going to balance for those two weapons, it would be basically impossible or really-really hard to take anything other than those weapons. That's why we actually need to balance weapons, otherwise we'll always have people who complain that end-game is too easy. It's not about spoiling people's fun, it's about having a game with actually challenging content.

Thank you. If I could copy post what you JUST said and add it to the OP without it becoming a wall, I WOULD!

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There are a good amount of guns that are just as powerful, this gun is fine.


Sancti Tigris with the right mods + punchthrough + spread will easily clear crowds / hordes of enemies just as well as synoid, but quicker because i don't have to line up a few balls to get a proc first.


Vay Hek exactly the same as above with the right mod setup.


Ignis with 5-6 forma in it, just like any top gun, does just as good with a much bigger range (i outdps synoids every time using ignis. Less bursty, more range, more radius...gets them before synoid can even think about it)


Regular Hek, same with the other shotties above.


Tonkor already covered here!


Torid! Yup, massive damage and with the right mods you setup little traps that melt / perma cc anything that touches it.


Penta variants things go boom in big groups, modded correctly even more things go boom!


Ogris see above, can be modded for tons of dmg / radius / charge time!


Synoid hits very hard, yes, but its range plus clunkyness to get it to work very effectively hinders it. There are plenty of other weapons that aren't as restrictive as synoids mechanics that function just as well. I don't feel synoid is OP at all, except in mirages hands where you remove the restriction. But this could be said about ALOT of guns out there in mirages hands.

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This is coming from someone who has NEVER brought up a nerf discussion in my entire gaming career, I don't even know how to go about it. The synoid simulor, this gun is seriously OP (and that's not a word I use lightly on a forum), This gun is capable of just...Man. With NOTHING but a catalyst or trash mods this gun clears whole rooms instantly, in trouble? Detonate for garunteed stun proc, place vortex's that have an actually really decent range for the weapon archetype... I've personally went through endless missions where the enemies level didnt even really matter by the end.. The stack damage is so insane paired with a great mag size that it just becomes OP, 100x more when it's max modded. Overall, this gun's stack damage needs a nerf, I don't even know if that'd fix it... I've literally put down every weapon for this, until it's nerfed, I dont think i'll ever use ANY weapon that isnt fodder, again. JS. No point. #SynoidGammacorIssuesRiseAgain ... The thing is like a weaponized saryn, you should fix.

lol, calm dafuw down.... i've the gun but i rather play with vectis prime because at high lvl i've noticed.... if you dont have a mirage it takes TOO long to kill an enemy, I'd rather 1 shot enemies with my vectis then waste time on 1 enemy with the synoid simulor.

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I have 4 formas in mine and I love it. Yes, until very late game it is very OP. But thats what I built it for. If you have a game that scales like this, then you need weapons that seem OP until the game scales up. otherwise endgame is impossible. If you think it makes regular missions easy or not fun, dont use it. If it annoys you because someone else is using it, well, try to play with friends or clan mates that respect your gameplay preferences. Perhaps there is another solution, I think thats what the MR lock is supposed to be for, but I dont know it. I know there have been sorties I played that everyone in the squad was happy I had it, If it had been nerfed It may not have made the difference. 

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You used a hashtag...  one which brought up the unmentionable...and yes you are crying for a nerf.

Anyways, onto my response.


Yeah it is powerful, what of it? It has an awkward mechanic which limits its usability in every offensive mission type with any frame other than Mirage. It needs its range, and its stacking damage is how it does damage (magnetic damage at that, the worse damage type), no one cares about the detonation, because no one uses it unless you don't have a nexus going and need to stun the couple of enemies in front of you. Also, its magazine size is balanced by the fact that it has a 3 or so second reload time... Plus it is a syndicate weapon, which are usually more powerful than most weapons.

Quit whining, yes it is powerful, but few people use it (at least when and where I'm online) but it is a niche weapon, and one with a weird mechanic as well. Also, no one cares about your hunger strike.

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its really strong aoe for the entirety of the starchart and void.  with so many weapons that can wipe >lv80 enemies quickly, the Synoid simulor is probably one of the highest dps weapons on the basis of its super ease of use, gigantic aoe, huge magsize, strong damage.

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Tonkor is way more of an issue, Tonkor is a launcher who out classes every other launchers and grenade launchers, in terms of damage, ammo capacity and on top of it all it does reduce damage to the operator. It could be nerfed again, such is the circle of life of launchers (Ogris, Penta, etc)


Tonkor is the only weapon that ever worried me, its just so much better compared to anything else even rifles 

Edited by Sherman32
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