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[Spoilers] Toward An Fuller Warframe: Open Worlds, Npcs And Campaigns


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While the Lotus-led Tenno wouldn't release the Infestation, the Red Veil would, so it stands to reason that Red Veil-allied Tenno would release them.

Yes, that is the point, Tenno have minds of their own, so they make their choices, I see no problem in releasing infested spores in Grineer galleons, bases, Corpus outposts and ships. Is it messy? Yes, it may have collateral damage, but Red Veil appears to completely ignore this risk.

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Just found this post, and I'd just like to say this is the best thing I've ever seen suggested. If this post weren't by you and were instead by DE telling us this was to be an update, I'd be hyped like I've never been before.


DE, do this. There can't possibly be a negative that outweighs the positives for how amazing this would make the game become.

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Yeah, I was somewhat disappointed by the general comments toward Syndicate stuff. It definitely sounds like they are taking a big break from all things Syndicate. It's a bummer, because Syndicates could be a perfect vehicle for events, quests, and worldbuilding.


It's not that they are taking a big break from all things syndicate, they have a limited amount of hands, and need to prioritize what's coming and whats not.


when they end up working on some stuff that ties in easily with the syndicate system don't have a doubt it will come out. As i said on a previous post, Warframe is a tree, first comes the branches and then the twigs are born, but those branches need to grow balanced or else the weight will be too great and the tree will bend towards one side. DE knows that, that's why the expansion on the game is upwards and radial, to keep it balanced and fresh with new content, I have no doubt that the warframe tomorrow will be completely different of the warframe today, so it is not a question if they will deliver that specific content or not, it's a certainty that sooner or later that content will be delivered.As Steve said on the last devstream each time you mention something is a vote for that thing getting prioritized. But we also need to understand that they have stuff at work that is needed for the game overall balance and expansion. A lot of systems were implemented in 3 years,many more to come, it's normal some stuff gets a little backtracked, but it's not forgotten.

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It's not that they are taking a big break from all things syndicate, they have a limited amount of hands, and need to prioritize what's coming and whats not.


when they end up working on some stuff that ties in easily with the syndicate system don't have a doubt it will come out. As i said on a previous post, Warframe is a tree, first comes the branches and then the twigs are born, but those branches need to grow balanced or else the weight will be too great and the tree will bend towards one side. DE knows that, that's why the expansion on the game is upwards and radial, to keep it balanced and fresh with new content, I have no doubt that the warframe tomorrow will be completely different of the warframe today, so it is not a question if they will deliver that specific content or not, it's a certainty that sooner or later that content will be delivered.As Steve said on the last devstream each time you mention something is a vote for that thing getting prioritized. But we also need to understand that they have stuff at work that is needed for the game overall balance and expansion. A lot of systems were implemented in 3 years,many more to come, it's normal some stuff gets a little backtracked, but it's not forgotten.


Like Dark Sectors weren't forgotten? Like Dojos weren't forgotten? When you don't have a pre-established holistic vision of what your game's going to be and the things that it's going to present, and you don't build that foundation, then you'll get what DE's done, which is essentially to make it up as you go. And with making things up as you go, as opposed to having a plan starting out (a plan based upon that holistic vision), you inevitably end up throwing some stuff off to the side, because the only thing you can use to draw people in is new stuff, especially monetized stuff. And if the new stuff is bugged, or not well received, you tweak it a little until you're bored of it, and you move on to the next new thing.


I could be wrong, but it does not appear that DE has a holistic vision of what Warframe is meant to be and what it's meant to offer. That assessment is based on the make-it-up-as-we-go kind of development this game's been through. I think it's even been expressed as such. And, based on that, it just seems that the devs had an idea for what kind of game they wanted to make, but no vision (followed by a plan) for all that the game would offer; that offering includes gameplay features/systems, mission types, visual and mechanical design choices, music, and the lore that ties it all together - a holistic vision for the game. It's ok to make it up as they go, to add more content, to monetize the game, but after the game is complete.


As is the case with many Early Alpha titles, monetizing the game before it was complete removed the incentive to produce a complete game. By a complete game, I mean a game that is release-ready. Right now, Warframe isn't even beta. It's an alpha - a perpetual alpha - just like other early alpha games. I want to refer you to this Wikipedia page to help you understand why there is such a problem with the way Warframe's development (in my opinion, of course): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Stages_of_development


In particular, I want to highlight what signifies a beta, at least according to Centercode, Inc.'s Beta Test Management Glossary:



Beta, named after the second letter of the Greek alphabet, is the software development phase following alpha. Software in the beta stage is also known as betaware.[3] Beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs.


Some software is kept in perpetual beta, where new features and functionality are continually added to the software without establishing a firm "final" release.



The problem with Warframe's development, imo, is that Warframe, by the time it's Open Beta began, could hardly be called "feature complete". It was a bare-bones game. While the game is much closer to completion now, the foundation isn't there. As a result, features that offer the most potential for expansion are left behind as DE becomes fascinated with a new idea, replacing the old.


My issue (and why I don't agree with your post) is that it seems that DE doesn't know what they what the game to ultimately look like. Instead of looking at the game as a tree, imo it should be looked at as a house. The foundation of that house hasn't been built up. If it were, then it'd give focus to what new systems complement and build up that foundation. For example, one of the biggest problems with Warframe right now is that it is a very lore-heavy game (in that lore is integral to the premise of the game) that has a lack of lore. And the lore that is in the game is in many places contradictory and ignores previously-established lore. If the lore were fully established (whether that lore was revealed to players or not), then you wouldn't have an issue of having a Stalker that is supposedly a pro-Orokin Guardian and yet now is a pro-Sentient Tenno. That lore would've also helped define what the dojos are for the Tenno, what their significance is, and would've helped indicate what kinds of rooms are found in the dojos. Consequently, you wouldn't have a situation where the devs create the Observatory and the Hall of Honor, two rooms that, to this day, have not been further developed. You'd also have a space combat mode that makes sense for the scale and scope of the Tenno's enemies. Syndicates would've made sense, would've reflected and responded to the existing lore in a meaningful way, and would've been fleshed out before DE moved on to something else. Bottom line, every feature and system in the game would've had some meaning to the game and would've been fully developed because it would've either been planned or would extend some existing functionality or system. And, tying it back to Arktourus' post (the one that you responded to), if such a foundation - a plan - was established, then Syndicates most certainly would've served as a medium through which to expand upon various features of the game.


So all that is why I think certain things have been forgotten and why I, at least, think it's a problem.

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You've clearly thought through a lot of these ideas :D


I've personally wanted some kind of large open environment in Warframe for ages. I love the idea of escaping with a capture target through a densely populated area, while running from some kind of resistance. And the badlands idea would provide an awesome new playground for the more experienced players along with rewards worthy of the effort to acquire them :P


The only question I have left is: Why are we not funding this?! :3

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This is a fantastic concept.

Having ArchWing missions be constrained to absurdly tight corridors made me cringe.  An entire beautiful open-space area to blast enemies and tear apart ships and instead we get something worse than StarFox 64 for the N64 system over two decades ago.


I would love to know if their game engine can handle this, but more 'open' environments in general wouldn't be a bad idea.  I'm so sick of nothing but tiny corridors on almost every tileset and the same few recycled tilesets with barely any additions since release (other than 'DA MOON').

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This is a fantastic concept.

Having ArchWing missions be constrained to absurdly tight corridors made me cringe.  An entire beautiful open-space area to blast enemies and tear apart ships and instead we get something worse than StarFox 64 for the N64 system over two decades ago.


I would love to know if their game engine can handle this, but more 'open' environments in general wouldn't be a bad idea.  I'm so sick of nothing but tiny corridors on almost every tileset and the same few recycled tilesets with barely any additions since release (other than 'DA MOON').


I think their engine can handle it just fine. Consider just how big tilesets can get, and yeah, you figure out real quick that their maps are actually big enough.

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This is a fantastic concept.

Having ArchWing missions be constrained to absurdly tight corridors made me cringe.  An entire beautiful open-space area to blast enemies and tear apart ships and instead we get something worse than StarFox 64 for the N64 system over two decades ago.


I would love to know if their game engine can handle this, but more 'open' environments in general wouldn't be a bad idea.  I'm so sick of nothing but tiny corridors on almost every tileset and the same few recycled tilesets with barely any additions since release (other than 'DA MOON').



I think their engine can handle it just fine. Consider just how big tilesets can get, and yeah, you figure out real quick that their maps are actually big enough.


Yeah, the size of tilesets wouldn't really be the issues would really be the number of civilian NPCs, especially in the open-air markets (changed the name) and Syndicate-mission colonies.

Edited by Arktourus
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I love this idea, and lots of this, though lots of work is required, isnt in the realm of impossibility. We have some massive environments in some of the tilesets, connected by corridors. Perhaps just up the size of the "rooms", and diminish the amount of corridors. Presto, bigger feeling maps.

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I love this idea, and lots of this, though lots of work is required, isnt in the realm of impossibility. We have some massive environments in some of the tilesets, connected by corridors. Perhaps just up the size of the "rooms", and diminish the amount of corridors. Presto, bigger feeling maps.


Fewer but larger rooms. Definitely could work.

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