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Coming Soon: Devstream #67!


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Will you ever make the frames viable for top tier missions. I.E No frame can fight against level 80 and above with any reasonable effect. Look at the shield and health on these frames. In a word it is pathetic. One exception to the rule and it is not much is Rhino with his ferrite armour. But even 5k is blitzed by the scorchers who appear everywhere. So imagine a frame which has no armor. It is insta death and no fun playing weedy lack luster frames. I fail to see why you limit our frames on sortie mission. We are given the skills so let us use them. It is bad enough the frames are so poor in longevity that we have to turn up against OP goons and fight them with just a spoon. I have stopped going on sortie missions. it feels like the DEVS are laughing at us just to see how much butt kicking we can take. Oh and please reduce those ridiculous bubbles that are the size of the O2 arena taking 30-50k damage before we nullify them.  Whinge over :D

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Who: Scott and Steve.


Are we ever getting end game content. And let me expand on that. We have the system ALREADY in place, some of us just want to be able to face enemies level 300 right from the start of the mission, not after 1 1/2hours(one and a half hours in a mission to taste end game!), and real bosses(crowd control and debuf immunity, armor not affected by CP and ludicrous HP) in all missions as well. Like Jordas raid was almost perfect, but I can't stand that ludicrous puzzle(x3).*The concept of a ginormous boss with OP attacks was really raid-like though, thumbs up*


Long story short: we are getting burned out of feeling like Saitama killing everything in one fell swoop.


As for the rewards for such missions I leave it to you, if in doubt just put credits there, the farm for cores and creds never ends.


PS: The game is already open enough for new players, even raids!, which is cool, having a little thing that requires more from players isn't bad.

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1) After the Sniper rifle changes, are you happy where they are or are you still aiming to tweak them? What about making maps more sniper friendly?


2) Are you looking at the most and least used setups in sorties, with the aim to make the least used frames and weapons more viable at higher levels? (especially without having to resort to things like perma hysteria/invis/defy to survive in the 80-100 level bracket)


3) Are there any intentions to add more syndicate weapon mods?

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Yes, What others have said, triggerable syndicate effects would be awesome then I could bring my Silent Vaykor Marelok build without worrying about breaking stealth in spy missions.


On the topic of spy missions; Archwing Spy missions would probably be awesome, if could be made somehow. We have a 'stealthy' archwing, why not spy missions for archwing?

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Hi guys I just got a few questions that your probably sick of already but please hear me out XD


alright first question: What is the progress on the new star map? 


second question: RNG yeah I am sorry this is the question that is gonna hurt the most for I am wondering has there been any progress into improving RNG since I have been noticing a lot lately that we keep getting the same loot when we play a second mission for instance a sabo and you get the rewards you earned from the first key (happened pretty recently 2 me so wounds are still fresh) when you use  the second key if that makes sense if not you get the same reward from the previous mission after you run a second.


third question: the distribution of void loot throughout the origin system how will it affect the drop table how will it affect the game for I am worried it might have a negative impact since RNG is well RNG making farming impossible though I hope it improves how RNG generates loot but I am still concerned.


fourth question: quest replay, man I wish to replay the quest like second dream cause it was so good so wondering how that is coming along.


now last question: How is Volt's ultimate rework coming along for I remember something you guys said in a previous dev stream if I remember correctly it was a while ago and I might be confusing another frames rework.


Anyway cya guys and good luck with future updates :)

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I just missed the, Prime Vault.

Will this be an event, placed on a regular basis? I'm working up to the warframe, Loki, and would love to get my hands on his prime form.

A scrub can dream, right? ;D

Edited by Wardstar
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When are we getting Umbra?

What's the ETA on Saryn Prime?

Has the next Warframe been confirmed?

Has Typhus been officially greenlit or dropped in anyway?


Will we get updates on current stances with only one combo or new combos?


When can we expect reworks on Limbo and Hydroid?

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Awesome updates with the lighting, guys. You might not immediately notice the little things sometimes, but they're the glue that holds the aesthetic together!



On to my question!


I am a long time screenshotter of video games, and for the longest time, I've wanted to take screenshots of Warframe! The Sticky Cam is cool and all, but that leaves only selfies and such to be explored. Is there a possibility that you will implement a system similar to games like Last of Us, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, or Infamous?  It seems like a lot to ask, but limiting it to Solo-only, where one can already pause the game, seems like a possibility.



Thanks for everything, and I can't wait for the lighting and FX updates! FX 2.0!!!

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1- any plans on Reworking / Revamping Arcane enhancements?

I would love to see them as mods or something, with the syandana/helmet requirement we have almost the same problem we had with the first Arcanes, I hate to decide which arcane put on my favorite syandana since I'll use it on every frame :/

2- can we get more customization options? Like different colors combinations for different things.

For example, I have red and black on my Naberus and yellow and black on my Pyra Syandana.

3- can we expect to be able to upload custom emblems to Steam workshop in a future? These can be clan-free and everyone could use it.


Can't wait for the stream!

1- The beauty is you can put it on a syandana and use that syandana on every frame. I use arcane strike on my syandana and arcane grace for rhino helm. Every warframe I have benefits from strike, while other is unique to said warframe.

2- There is already color customization in the Arsenal. Maybe you can elaborate more.

3- Custom emblems seem to be used mainly for clan and alliance affiliations. Also a recruiting perk. You take the unique identifier away by watering down with other non-affiliated emblems and gives less incentive for Tenno to join fellow Tenno in clans and alliances.

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I think there needs to be a system where we can for say 5 plat reset your frame or weapon to "Foundry Default" where all forma and potatoes are taken off and and the frame is set to Unranked. The potatoes and and forma are not lost and returned to the player. This is for players like myself that after using forma for something then having that changed would like to "fix" it without putting in MORE forma. ex. i had forma'd my Frost Prime to function with only snowglobe when abilities still had mod cards(this was 5 forma) but now that this has changed and frost's abilities have changed(not by much) i would like to have the option to change his polarities without adding More forma. Now i'm not saying reset then be allowed to put all those forma back on right away, no i'm saying RESET the frame so i have to rank it to 30 for every forma again and i believe this would balance it out. Thank you for your time and consideration and if you could address this in the next live stream i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again this is SoulHunter2008 and have a nice day.

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1. will we ever see a tenno 2 color picker seeing as warframes are still being added to the roster?

2. i would love to see some sort of custom personal emblem feature. kinda how both clans and alliances have them.. why not have personal ones too.?

3.will there ever be a truly random coloring option.. one that utilizes all color pallettes. rather than one pallette at a time

i love my customization options if you couldnt tell lol

Emblems are mainly used to associate you with a group or element such as clan, alliance or founder. Would not make sense to have one associating to yourself. Also adds incentive to join other Tenno in clans and alliances promoting co-play.

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1- whatever happened to warframe companion app?

Would like to have one similar to COD AW app. Displaying your achievements, warframe, kubrow, weapons ect.

2- will umbra be similar to prime diluting primes prestige? How will they be acquired?

3- more decorations for dojo

4- any updates on "cat-brows"

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Any chance of enhancing/expanding Archwing into void/derelict missions? What about making an 'archwing' specific ability native to each warframe (read: an ability themed for the warframe usable only during archwing missions. This way, your warframe you enjoy so much isn't just something dangling from the archwing that's doing all the work with its own stats and abilities).

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It seems like the current tile set has a lot of "edges" where your Frame gets hung-up or stuck. It seems like this started during the last couple of updates. An example is when you are standing in front of your Kubrow in the Liset and you try to walk to the Arsenal...you have to turn around or hard right just to get by. The game used to have much smoother game play. Is this something that can be addressed or corrected?




Keep up the great work though, I love this game!

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1.  Why are there still so many stances that are still incomplete, especially from Polearms, weapons that have gotten a fair bit of attention lately? 


2.  What kind of new Tenno customization can we expect in the future?  Also, to voice a concern, is it even possible to add new voices with new actors as options?  It seems to me like you'd not only have to re-record every single line for the new voice, but grandfather them in if you're planning on making quests like the second dream available to replay, not to mention have their lines voiced for future content with the operator. 


3. ... You are featuring our operator in future events, right?

Edited by Shinigami_Greed
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Im sure I am not the only one with this wish but what about making melee stances also unique while just wielding the weapon: e.g. vengeful revenants first strike uses a reverse grip just like starkiller so why not having a reverse grip while standing still or walking without attacking? Would make stances feel more differntent to each other.

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