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[Spoiler Alert] Oxygen And Warframe Suits. About Some Lore


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Your Operator Can say something along the lines of "the transference makes this hurt"

so that's probably exactly why


side note when you say "transference still holding" probably means your HP is the Pain threshold you can take before transference breaks and you pass out

That quote is what I thought explained it.


technically we don't die, but things that "kill" the frame 

1. make the Tenno feel the pain of dying

2. sever transference between Tenno and Frame


and I don't know about you guys, but IRL, most of my dreams end when I die in them.

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Most older Warframes require plastids for their systems. Plastids are organic material, and considering how they're placed in the systems, as in the thing that makes it work, and not the chassis, as in the skeleton, that should be sufficient evidence to prove WF are part organic.

It is a bit of a stretch considering how building requirements are slowly moving away from what they're actually made of to whatever is hardest to get so the devs can make things more difficult for the player.


I can try to use codex entries as evidence, but they would mostly be stretches as they're mostly vague in language.

For example, Rhino is known to have eaten the flesh of the people he killed. We know warframes are capable of feeding. If the codex entry included he also pooped, then we can safely assume there's organic matter because digestive system and science and biology, all of which I'm not explaining here.

Crafting is gameplay mechanic, many things use ridiculous materials.


Rhino codex entry??

"I have seen this monster before. I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it."

"The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth. It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done. It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness. I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead."


Thats what it says, no mention of organics.

Its piece of metal with bloodthirst.


And mention of ancestral memory would actually point out to transference transfering pain.



Also comment by jordas still provves nothing. Its vague, jordas aint sane and he interprets infested thoughts, again not a sane specimen. 

Edited by Davoodoo
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1) Warframes are organic

2) Proper compact (small enough for a skin tight metal suit) life support for the warframes would be too advanced, posing a treat to the frame while fighting the Sentients.



Citation needed.


Theres no mention of warframe having any organic components.

Uh, Rhino Prime entry. Warframes are void touched guys, like the tenno. The metal was Iron Skin.
All of the current warframes are clones of the original ones, modified for transference.


EDIT: Actually, reading what you've been saying, not sure if explaining it would work. If you're just going to ignore facts (in fact, a majority of the facts) about the game, there's no room for discussion.

Edited by Snowbluff
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I hope this wont get too far off topic but if I see it does I'm gonna have to open a new thread for this: Who is the person who has written this kind of journal entry for Rhino Prime and from which time does he come from? From the style of writing I get the feeling that it's present time or near future (maybe lab?) but i have no clue whether this is right or wrong.


But back on topic: Do you really think that crafting components can explain if a craftable thing in warframe is a living being that needs air to breathe? Stuff like the Soma or the Tonbo also consists of plastids and they're just a ballistic firearm or a polearm respectively.


Also IRL coal is a nice example for organic material but it doesnt require air to breathe because it has no metabolism.

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I hope this wont get too far off topic but if I see it does I'm gonna have to open a new thread for this: Who is the person who has written this kind of journal entry for Rhino Prime and from which time does he come from? From the style of writing I get the feeling that it's present time or near future (maybe lab?) but i have no clue whether this is right or wrong.

Both scientists mentioned zariman so it must have been orokin era.

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I hope this wont get too far off topic but if I see it does I'm gonna have to open a new thread for this: Who is the person who has written this kind of journal entry for Rhino Prime and from which time does he come from? From the style of writing I get the feeling that it's present time or near future (maybe lab?) but i have no clue whether this is right or wrong.


But back on topic: Do you really think that crafting components can explain if a craftable thing in warframe is a living being that needs air to breathe? Stuff like the Soma or the Tonbo also consists of plastids and they're just a ballistic firearm or a polearm respectively.


Also IRL coal is a nice example for organic material but it doesnt require air to breathe because it has no metabolism.

It's hard to say, like what I said in my post, it is a stretch because building requirements are being irrelevant to the item itself.

Who's to say plastids can't be used for oil or tissue to reinforce something. What if plastids have a porperty that can be used to add that sheen finish on the tonbo.

Irl, fat was used for bullet casings at one point.

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It's hard to say, like what I said in my post, it is a stretch because building requirements are being irrelevant to the item itself.

Who's to say plastids can't be used for oil or tissue to reinforce something. What if plastids have a porperty that can be used to add that sheen finish on the tonbo.

Irl, fat was used for bullet casings at one point.

I guess the question comes down to, are the organic components cellular or not. If they are, we can immediately conclude that warframes are living and the complexity of a multicellular body would need to mimic the physiology and anatomy of animals.

There can also be an alternative, that the warframes are composed of a living metal (space magic), or, that the warframes are entirely metal like but rely on a battery/power system that utilizes oxygen (mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation irl).

In the end, it is all speculation until DE provides lore concerning the origin of warframes. So far we only have a couple sentences to go on.

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Game mechanic. Its no rogue so no permadeath.


If i were to use that i would say "why does lotus even warn us about g3/alad killing us when we will just respawn on liset"



Tbh that could just be a metaphore but its actually best piece of evidence we have and nothing to contradict it.

Second dream says otherwise. Warframes can't be permanently killed unless the operator is killed.

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I guess the question comes down to, are the organic components cellular or not. If they are, we can immediately conclude that warframes are living and the complexity of a multicellular body would need to mimic the physiology and anatomy of animals.

There can also be an alternative, that the warframes are composed of a living metal (space magic), or, that the warframes are entirely metal like but rely on a battery/power system that utilizes oxygen (mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation irl).

In the end, it is all speculation until DE provides lore concerning the origin of warframes. So far we only have a couple sentences to go on.


Yeah i also think that atm there is too much speculation involved. Imo it's up to DE to clarify this and I doubt that it's top priority for them because most people (at least the ones i know) don't care for lore at all. To be honest this is also mostly the case with me. This changed a little with the second dream quest because it made the story more interesting. Also as I said earlier the oxygen need of warframes is a paradoxon to me which bugged me a little.


Also I think this discussion is gonna lead nowhere unless the devs tell a story that doesnt leave too much room for interpretation

Edited by Mand0
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Yeah i also think that atm there is too much speculation involved. Imo it's up to DE to clarify this and I doubt that it's top priority for them because most people (at least the ones i know) don't care for lore at all. To be honest this is also mostly the case with me. This changed a little with the second dream quest because it made the story more interesting. Also as I said earlier the oxygen need of warframes is a paradoxon to me which bugged me a little.

Also I think this discussion is gonna lead nowhere unless the devs tell a story that doesnt leave too much room for interpretation

They said in a recent Dev stream that quests are coming on the level of second dream (super stoked for that). If second dream is an indication of the lore bombs DE is prepared to drop, I think we will find out the nature of warframes very soon.

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Uh, Rhino Prime entry. Warframes are void touched guys, like the tenno. The metal was Iron Skin.

All of the current warframes are clones of the original ones, modified for transference.


EDIT: Actually, reading what you've been saying, not sure if explaining it would work. If you're just going to ignore facts (in fact, a majority of the facts) about the game, there's no room for discussion.

Red lights flashing on stark, white walls. Davis is running ahead of me, dropping his notes. We're running for our lives. The fear gives me a strange perspective - I'm out of my body. I've forgotten how I got here. I don't recognize this place. 
Davis and I slam pinned against a cell door and he shouts at me. I give him a dumb look. I can't hear him, the sirens, anything, only the muffled throb of terror in my head. I turn away from Davis down the hall and I see it. The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood. Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes. They do no good. The beast surges forward and the security men become crimson mist and gore. 
I'm a statue, a cornered animal. A gate opens inside me and recognition floods in. I have seen this monster before. I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it. But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints. I have never seen it... free. 
I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance. The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth. It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done. It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness. I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead. I close my eyes and stand ready to pay. 
I feel the pull on my arm and realize Davis got the cell open. He tugs me into the cell beyond and I fall on my back. I see Davis standing at the open door, waiting, as the monster tears towards us. 
Suddenly I could live through this I shout, "Davis, close the goddamn door!" - But he shakes his head eyes wide as moons. He shouts, "Watch!" over the roaring and rending of metal. 
Then silence. Davis is panting, laughing? The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence. It stands there, looking at its hands. Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me." 
I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door. I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves. A morgue? "Where are we, Davis?" 
"This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman." I'm thrown, what was the Zariman? The ship that never returned? "Davis, what's going on?" 
Davis turns to me, a smile forming - "What's going on is..." he turns back to the beast now silent and calm. 
"...big, fat promotions."
Entirety of this codex entry.
Show me where it tells you that rhino is organic or that warframes are clones of original ones...
"The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood. Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes. They do no good."
This is a literal description of iron skin ability rhino posseses. 
"This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman." I'm thrown, what was the Zariman? The ship that never returned? "Davis, what's going on?" 
This bit clearly shows us that this is after tenno ship was found.
"I have crafted then rejected countless like it."
This bit shows clearly that they artificial creations.
When you put pieces together, its a description of r&d division working on frames.
"I'm thrown, what was the Zariman? The ship that never returned? "Davis, what's going on?" "
This bit again clearly shows us that narrator didnt knew about zariman discovery and tenno(children)
"a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. "
This part we can disregard because narrator lacked knowledge about transference which can explain "ancestral knowledge".
Edited by Davoodoo
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Show me where it tells you that rhino is organic or that warframes are clones of original ones...

"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."

The Tenno got corrupted and required the initial Warframe as (presumably) a form of life support similar to Darth Vader.

The effects of being "twisted" can be seen when customizing your Operator. When picking the face marks, there are options to include different scarrings with metal embeddings, reminiscent of the corruption that occurs to unwelcomed entities in the void.


Through Mirage's quest we learn that these blueprints are in order to replicate the original.

Edited by PerryTPlaty
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"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."

The Tenno got corrupted and required the initial Warframe as (presumably) a form of life support similar to Darth Vader.

The effects of being "twisted" can be seen when customizing your Operator. When picking the face marks, there are options to include different scarrings with metal embeddings, reminiscent of the corruption that occurs to unwelcomed entities in the void.


Through Mirage's quest we learn that these blueprints are in order to replicate the original.

valkyrs bonds also mention they are from the original valkyr...


either wayi just think you guys are reading too much into this

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"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."

The Tenno got corrupted and required the initial Warframe as (presumably) a form of life support similar to Darth Vader.

The effects of being "twisted" can be seen when customizing your Operator. When picking the face marks, there are options to include different scarrings with metal embeddings, reminiscent of the corruption that occurs to unwelcomed entities in the void.


Through Mirage's quest we learn that these blueprints are in order to replicate the original.

Grasp concept of rhetorical figures and compare that with rest of evidence we have.


This piece is a metaphore which accurately describes zariman kids.


Ember codex

'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on military ship?' 'We didn't. That would violate procedure.''Why would you do that? Why did you put children on military ship?' 'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'

Yep fits a reject,


Second dream showed how everyone except margulis treated tenno, so "twisted" fits perfectly.

New code?? focus and kids dialogue with lotus at end of second dream.

Conduit of their affliction?? frame powered by transference

Frame around them?? transference pod.


Yes, doesnt prove they are clones.

If something it actually points out that they are not clones if they are crafted from blueprints.


Also "...I know we are desperate, executor, but these arent dax soldiers. These are golems possesed by devils minds". Curious choice of words.


"...what they need is to be destroyed, margulis, theyre devils from that hell, not human anymore". So there wouldnt be any doubt that zariman kids were the devils.

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