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[Spoiler Alert] Oxygen And Warframe Suits. About Some Lore


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Hey everyone,


I don't know if somebody else already came up with this so excuse me if this has already been discussed. Also if you haven't finished the second dream quest you might not want to read further.


After finding out that Warframe suits are not more than a remotely controlled hull I wonder why lack of Oxygen causes damage to us players. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about the game being to hard bc honestly the damage is neglectible but I think this is a lore wise issue. To be more precise I mean the parts in open space that you encounter for example in hive missions shortly before extraction.


It's pretty much the same with survival missions where oxygen is even more important because that's what the whole mission is about. However this could be easily solved by the toxic spore idea DE already had for infested survival missions. Also if one wouldn't want to stick with the toxic spores for other factions this could just be replaced by a kind of acidic gas that slowly corrodes the suit you are wearing. And the Oxygen capsules could contain some chemical agent that neutralizes the gas. But since there is a steady flow of the gas those capsules can only be of limited help.


I never really cared about lore but to me the vurrent system is a paradoxon and it bugs me a little. But maybe i just didn't care enough and missed somethign that actually explains it.


What do you guys think about it?


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Warframes are not robots, they are hybrids of Infested flesh and technology, sentient to some degree. Thats why you need oxygen, thats why you can bleed etc.

But didn't Hunhow say to the stalker that they're just a piece of lifeless metal? I believe he said that shortly after the stalker attacked the players when bringing the operator back into the ship. I#ll try to find a video about the quest so I can quote him. Just to avoid misunderstandings

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Well I mean I often used to ask why we needed Oxygen, even before U.18. We have so much tech but we can't create some life-sustaining personal thingie? Or why don't we have a lot more LifeSupport capsules on standby? Why are you slowly letting us die, Lotus?

Another thing I used to think was…

How are the Infested shutting off the oxygen to the ship? Don't they also need oxygen to stay breathing? But more importantly, how did they learn to do that?

Why can't the Grineer have some kind of oxygen mask things for those missions? They know they need them. They just cut the oxygen to their ship. That's a double edged sword, as far as I can tell. It affects them too.

Corpus are mainly cool because they have those masks, and because they're mainly robots…

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But didn't Hunhow say to the stalker that they're just a piece of lifeless metal? I believe he said that shortly after the stalker attacked the players when bringing the operator back into the ship. I#ll try to find a video about the quest so I can quote him. Just to avoid misunderstandings


Then the Warframe came to life, Hunhow said "What is this?" and the Warframe broke the sword

Edited by KJRenz
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They are more than remotely controlled hull. I'm sure de will shed more light on their nature later, but they showed a bit of self-consciousness when tore the War in their chest apart.


P.S. Rule of cool, devs have absolutely no problem with all the inconsistencies in the game.

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Warframes are not robots, they are hybrids of Infested flesh and technology, sentient to some degree. Thats why you need oxygen, thats why you can bleed etc.

Citation needed.


Theres no mention of warframe having any organic components.


Then the Warframe came to life, Hunhow said "What is this?" and the Warframe broke the sword

Yes, machine reactivating itself is possible.


As for this theres more contradictions.

Apparently one of kids burned Kaleen face upon their discovery on zariman. But kids cant conjure elemental powers, they can at best throw nebulous beams of space magic which havent shown any possibility of minor burns.

"death" of warframe shouldnt be a big deal since replacements can be easily crafted. Yet we should be careful.

Whole idea of stalker hunting frames is silly at best since he knows that destroying frame wont stop tenno.


Also from rhino lore

I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door. I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves. A morgue? "Where are we, Davis?" "This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman."


Kids seem way too stable considering this kind of treatment, they doesnt even seem to hate orokin.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Life Support in general does not only mean oxygen support.

It also means to filter the air from spores and other germs or other poisionus or corroding substances. Also maintaining the temperature is part of lLife support systems

According to devs its oxygen.

Also archwing proves we dont need temperature.


Tbh it almost seems like nothing in this universe is actually affected by space and biggest problem is lack of oxygen as seen in mag prime lore


"The punch came - and our windows became blinding. When we could see again our ship was somewhere else, shattered and dead in an instant."

"It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings."

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Yeah, I know -.-

On the other hand in Infested survivals Lotus warns from infested spores flooding the map and not from oxygen beeing deactivated.

Not every survival is infested yet we use the same capsules every time.


But yeah, cold in this universe have adverse effects on shields and we lose shields first on contact wtih space and when life support goes down.

It would make more sense to die from temperature drop rather than lack of oxygen, but de went with this stupid explanation.

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Not every survival is infested yet we use the same capsules every time.


But yeah, cold in this universe have adverse effects on shields and we lose shields first on contact wtih space and when life support goes down.

It would make more sense to die from temperature drop rather than lack of oxygen, but de went with this stupid explanation.

The funny part is, that with no atmosphere the frame actually would slowly cook itself, because the body has no medium to where it could exchange it's body heat with to cool down.

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The warframes are also made of organic or metalloorganic parts. To make a "robot" like this, it would need at least rudimentary components of a multicellular animal (a collection of autonomous cells would not be sustainable or able to perform like a multicellular body).

Therefore, the warframe also needs rudimentary lungs and a circulation system. Hence, a need for oxygen and suffocation from lack of oxygen.

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Please point me in the direction of a car that has a combustion engine that will operate in a vacuum.

It wont, but when you send it out to space and bring it back it will work again.

Dead warframe according to lore wont anymore.


i will punctuate BREAK



The warframes are also made of organic or metalloorganic parts. To make a "robot" like this, it would need at least rudimentary components of a multicellular animal (a collection of autonomous cells would not be sustainable or able to perform like a multicellular body).

Therefore, the warframe also needs rudimentary lungs and a circulation system. Hence, a need for oxygen and suffocation from lack of oxygen.

Im yet to see any mention in lore of frames being made with organic material.

At best you have alad mentioning that he found something else when he cut warframe.


And no game mechanics arent proof. Moas can also bleed and be poisoned.

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It wont, but when you send it out to space and bring it back it will work again.

Dead warframe according to lore wont anymore.


i will punctuate BREAK



Im yet to see any mention in lore of frames being made with organic material.

At best you have alad mentioning that he found something else when he cut warframe.


And no game mechanics arent proof. Moas can also bleed and be poisoned.

Except dead warframes reappear on the lisette working fine so the analogy still seems valid.

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Wow i didn't think this would become so technical and complicated. I also doubt that a highly scientific explanation is neccessary since its still a (fantasy) game. But as promised here's the Hunhow quote from the cutscene where the Stalker attacks the players on their ship.


"No self, no sense, no death. Just a metal puppet, dangling on Tenno strings"


That doesn't sound very biological to me. But seeing that there is so much discussion maybe DE should add a little more lore about this to clarify. Or maybe they should just change a few little things that would solve the paradoxon. Corroding gas would be a very easy way to do so and its only a change in (spoken and written) text.

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Except dead warframes reappear on the lisette working fine so the analogy still seems valid.

Game mechanic. Its no rogue so no permadeath.


If i were to use that i would say "why does lotus even warn us about g3/alad killing us when we will just respawn on liset"



"No self, no sense, no death. Just a metal puppet, dangling on Tenno strings"

Tbh that could just be a metaphore but its actually best piece of evidence we have and nothing to contradict it.

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Most older Warframes require plastids for their systems. Plastids are organic material, and considering how they're placed in the systems, as in the thing that makes it work, and not the chassis, as in the skeleton, that should be sufficient evidence to prove WF are part organic.

It is a bit of a stretch considering how building requirements are slowly moving away from what they're actually made of to whatever is hardest to get so the devs can make things more difficult for the player.


I can try to use codex entries as evidence, but they would mostly be stretches as they're mostly vague in language.

For example, Rhino is known to have eaten the flesh of the people he killed. We know warframes are capable of feeding. If the codex entry included he also pooped, then we can safely assume there's organic matter because digestive system and science and biology, all of which I'm not explaining here.

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Warframes are not robots, they are hybrids of Infested flesh and technology, sentient to some degree. Thats why you need oxygen, thats why you can bleed etc.

They are not hybrids, they are anti-infested, remember Jordas?

  • "Tenno, it senses you are of like flesh, it is confused- WHY DO YOU DEFILE US?"
Infestation consumes all kinds of unitis but not the tenno, why? Cuz at some point the where send to clean the orokin mess
  • Infestation, an Orokin weapon... that backfired.
  • We are immune to the infestation but they still try to kill us.
  • Tenno are really precious to the  Origin System not becauze they are ultimate weapons but becauze they can make the diference in the balance of power in many ways and we will much more from them in the times to come.
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