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You tripled it? What the bleeping bleep

Considering how utterly terrible it was, tripling its damage seems like a good thing. Now it's comfortably competitive with the Braton. Having decent damage, ROF, and accuracy, but with the downside of its shots having travel time.

At least, that's what it sounds like on paper. My clan hopes to start pumping out deras in the next week.

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Considering how utterly terrible it was, tripling its damage seems like a good thing. Now it's comfortably competitive with the Braton. Having decent damage, ROF, and accuracy, but with the downside of its shots having travel time.

At least, that's what it sounds like on paper. My clan hopes to start pumping out deras in the next week.

It has zero recoil and as far as I can see perfect accuracy. With that fire rate and damage, it's going to rule the world.


Granted it still misses a lot vs anything that flinches (like the Grineer) or isn't coming straight at you so I'm not going to call it OP.




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You tripled it? What the bleeping bleep




Welp, I was trying to convince myself that it's ugly. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder from now on.


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I dunno mate, it always/still work for me ..

Some guy on the previous update thread, said that you had to hold shift all the time ( which i did as i thought it was the way of doing it since the beginning ;) ).


I dunno if what you mean is doing it in the air because i have to touch the ground between each slide-flip sequence, but i only started like 3 days ago so ... my .2 cents ;)


Edit: Ah and thanks DE, for being so reactive and listening to the community !!


I've just tested that: confirmed. So it is still possible but you have to hold shift with your pinky while continually moving your thumb between ctrl and space.


EDIT: Actually, it does work without continuous shift hold sometimes. Rather inconsistent.

Edited by Nova2000
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Not sure what the problem is but I've never been able to join one of my friends games, it always says Session unavailable. They can join me and I can join all my other friends but I can never join them. Some what annoying as they have a bunch of void keys :P 

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Oh, great. Glaive still doesn't do elemental damage client sided.


Thanks, DE. Just what I wanted out of the weapon. Oh, and Despairs still don't puncture innately client sided.

 despair and kunai dont puncture targets nor should they because we aren't throwing arrows here.


Cool how about the defense map its full of bugs like double waves of enemys in 1 wave also like the enemys get lost the last round and there inpossible to find-.-

how do you not find the enemy with the marker on ur map? and they usually get stuck in the same few spots so they aren't hard to find
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Well then if you're going to Nerf Loki's effectiveness in that you can use ONE skill, and only one to be viable to any infested defense group You need to change radial disarm in that it makes infest unable to attack for 10 seconds or so. Something needs to be given back, that or buff the health of the decoy, as it is now, maxed out, two chargers can take it out in less than 3 seconds. With a 400 energy pool and streamline maxed you can pretty much just keep creating decoys infinity, making the enemies chase it. I'm not mad, because energy vampire + Vauban = insta win in infested defense. Nothing else is needed. ever.


Also, my point is, loki's decoy is still exploitable, it just requires more busy work now.

Edited by Sirabot
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  • Fixed issues with Decoy’s ability to distract enemies. The current design is that the AI will give up trying to kill a decoy they cannot reach or damage.


Well, there goes Decoy's effectiveness against the Infested.  



Also everything else, since it seems to pretty much roll a die to decide whether enemies decide to care about it or not.

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You can no longer slide in mid-air after this hotfix? It used to be you could slide, frontflip, slide, frontflip indefinitely with no interruptions. But now after you frontflip or jump from a high place you cant slide mid-air anymore =(

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You can no longer slide in mid-air after this hotfix? It used to be you could slide, frontflip, slide, frontflip indefinitely with no interruptions. But now after you frontflip or jump from a high place you cant slide mid-air anymore =(


You can, it's just that you have to keep holding sprint while you do it.

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So for those of you who already built the Lanka, did you get 5 fieldron refunded? Curious as to whether or not they're going to take care of that or just give a massive middle finger to those who already dropped the resources on it/

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